Record of Events Database - Results

Please cite results as coming from: Record of Events Database, Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil War, Virginia Center for Digital History, University of Virginia (/q=db:mapdata AND commander:"col. j.e.b. stuart"&rows=50&start=0).

6 Results Found


Showing records 1 to 6 (6 total)

Battle: Falling Waters
Regiment: 1st Va. Cav.
Commander: Col. J.E.B. Stuart
Brigade: Cavalry
Division: Johnson's
Corps: Second
Regiment Strength: n.a.
Number Killed: n.a.
Number Wounded: n.a.
Number Missing: n.a.

Summary of Events: As Federal troops crossed the Potomac River at Falling Waters and were moving towards Hainesville, Col. J.E.B. Stuart led the 1st Va. Cav. in an attack on the Federal right flank. The attempted turning movement was prevented by Federal infantry. Afterwards, the 1st Va. Cav. captured 49 members of the 15th Pa. Inf. who mistook Stuart for one of their own officers. When members of the 15th Pa. Inf. realized their mistake, three resisted capture and were shot. The only casualty of the day was Pvt. Martin V. Palmer of Co. E (The Valley Rangers). Later a contingent of Co. E under Lt. William B. Gallaher destroyed the B and O Railroad Bridge spanning Cherry Run, which is to the north and west of Martinsburg.

Georgetown Weather Station Report: date, temperature (time) 7-2-1861, 64 (0700), 75 (1400), 66 (2100)

Local Weather Conditions: from soldiers' diaries and letters n.a..

Battle: Little River Turnpike, Lewinsville
Regiment: 1st Va. Cav.
Commander: Col. J.E.B. Stuart
Brigade: Cavalry
Division: Johnson's
Corps: Second
Regiment Strength: n.a.
Number Killed:
Number Wounded: 1
Number Missing:

Summary of Events: A large contingent of the 79th N.Y. Inf. surprised a small number of the Howard Dragoons (2nd Co. K) of the 1st Va. Cav. in the woods of the Falls Church-Lewinsville Rd. Although six of this company, composed of Maryland natives, were almost captured, the Dragoons managed to return fire. Still, they were compelled to retreat, with Pvt. Townsend R. Hobbs wounded and captured by the Federals. One horse was killed and two more were captured as well.

Georgetown Weather Station Report: date, temperature (time) 9-10-1861, 68.5 (0700), 84 (1400), 72 (2100), saw fire-flies in evening.

Local Weather Conditions: from soldiers' diaries and letters n.a..

Battle: Lewinsville
Regiment: 1st Va. Cav.
Commander: Col. J.E.B. Stuart
Brigade: Cavalry
Division: Johnson's
Corps: Second
Regiment Strength: n.a.
Number Killed: n.a.
Number Wounded: n.a.
Number Missing: n.a.

Summary of Events: Members of the 1st Va. Cav., including the Valley Rangers (Co. E), were on picket duty and warned Col. J.E.B. Stuart of an advance by Federal forces towards Lewinsville. Stuart took the Rangers, under Capt. William Patrick, along with contingents of the 13th Va. Inf., Rosser's Battery, and Washington Arty. of New Orleans to stop the Federal advance. Stuart's force arrived after the Federals were already withdrawing, the purpose of their reconnaissance into the town being complete. Stuart opened up his artillery on the Federal troops and the Valley Rangers were put into action, capturing a small number of prisoners. The 1st. Va. Cav. suffered no casualties to either man or animal.

Georgetown Weather Station Report: date, temperature (time) 9-11-1861, 72 (0700), 82 (1400), 78 (2100), drizzly from 1600 till after 2100.

Local Weather Conditions: from soldiers' diaries and letters n.a..

Battle: Dranesville
Regiment: 1st Va. Cav.
Commander: Col. J.E.B. Stuart
Brigade: Cavalry
Division: n.a.
Corps: n.a.
Regiment Strength: n.a.
Number Killed: n.a.
Number Wounded: n.a.
Number Missing: n.a.

Summary of Events: Two members of the 1st Va. Cav. were on picket in Dranesville and were captured by Co. B of the 1st Pa. Cav.

Georgetown Weather Station Report: date, temperature (time) 11-26-1861, 34.5 (0700), 46 (1400), 37 (2100), white and black frost.

Local Weather Conditions: from soldiers' diaries and letters n.a..

Battle: Bunker Hill
Regiment: 1st Va. Cav.
Commander: Col. J.E.B. Stuart
Brigade: Cavalry
Division: Johnson's
Corps: Second
Regiment Strength: n.a.
Number Killed: n.a.
Number Wounded: n.a.
Number Missing: n.a.

Summary of Events: The regiment took part in the action at Bunker Hill, W.Va.

Georgetown Weather Station Report: date, temperature (time) 7-15-1861, 67 (0700), 82 (1400), 71 (2100)

Local Weather Conditions: from soldiers' diaries and letters n.a..

Battle: First Manassas
Regiment: 1st Va. Cav.
Commander: Col. J.E.B. Stuart
Brigade: n.a.
Division: Johnson's
Corps: Second
Regiment Strength: n.a.
Number Killed: n.a.
Number Wounded: n.a.
Number Missing: n.a.

Summary of Events: The 1st Va. Cav. divided to protect Jackson's flanks (Col. Stuart on the left and Maj. Swan on the right). The 1st Va. Cav. participated in a charge against a column of Fire Zouaves, and captured a number of prisoners from this unit. The night of 7-21-1861 was spent encamped on Sudley Farm.

Georgetown Weather Station Report: date, temperature (time) 7-20-1861, 75 (0700), 90 (1400), 77 (2100), sprinkle last night; 7-21-1861, 68 (0700), 79.5 (1400), 73 (2100)

Local Weather Conditions: from soldiers' diaries and letters n.a..

6 Results Found


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