Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: John Quincy Adams Nadenbousch to Hester J. Nadenbousch, March 16, 1866

Nadenbousch writes his wife and complains he has not heard from her since he left home. He sends instructions for preparing fields and garden for planting. He reports on his eye injury, the renovations going on at the hotel, the political climate in Staunton, and purchase and sale of property. He also includes instructions for building a garden fence.

March 16/66

Staunton Virginia

Dear Wife

I wrote you a week ago & have not heard from you since I left home why is it I want to know how things are going. My eye got better & now worse again & not able to be out. I learned yesterday that court meets Monday next 19 th I don't see how I can possibly be there, As I am unable to travel in the light & air I wrote to M r Pendleton & Faulkner to continue all the Cases against me if possible--doubtless the best thing that can be done is to put them off until things get more settled when doubtless they will be dropped I requested M r Pike write me & if really necessary to come I will try & come in this condition

I suppose George Kilmer has been plowing. if not he should be let the ground at the mill be gotten ready to plant & if Lowry has moved he had better move up to farm & go to work. if has not moved let him plow the field on your land (The Stubblefield)

Let him go to George Nipes shop & get from John Oliver the two (2) three horse [unclear: basshears] plows he has made for me, if not already got You give him the money or get M r Staub to do it

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If George can't plow let him get as many logs to mill & as much lumber home as he can before he moves. If dry enough to plow & can't move to Lowrys let him take one team up there the two whee[added: ee]l horses bay & brown mares, & fit up a team there with the mule or lame horse & put Johnson to plowing for corn or if necessary he could start 2 plows & board himself with Johnson until can move

Tell him to go to M r Riddles & get six (6) pair of plow traces & go to John R Oneals & get the plow bands he made for me (6) & get 2 or 3 new or old collars to fit up plow teams. if he has no collars give him the money to pay for them at Staylys harness he can get at Riddles All wood & iron work he will get at Painters & Youngs.

I have the painters & paperess full at work here, but it is a large job & it goes slow. it will take full 2 months to get through with it. I am trying to make some change here in the property whilst I am here. don't know yet what I can do. I went to see the farm & mill which was offered me 6 miles from here. it is good & desirable property for this country but price is too high $45,000 00 for 400 acres & mill. It seems like being in a new world here. all people of one mind &

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get along smoothly no dissention & strife on political matters every body is getting along well. all meet me cordially & want me to move up here & live. have been so afflicted that I have not been able to attend much to my business matters Indeed if it was not necessary for me to be at home soon in putting george to farming & fitting up garden fencing & the fences &c at mill I would go to Some of the Springs now As the doctors advise me that Alum water would be of much benefit to me I fear that unless I take great care of my eye I will loose it Such frequent attacks make it quite dangerous

Tell the children to take care of things right.

If my lawyers think best for me to remain away to give good reason for continuing my cases I will stay here a few days longer if not I will start for home on monday next if I am able to travel & reach home tuesday

Do try & write me & let me know how things are going on &c &c-

If you want to make garden get H Myers to finish the fence I commenced. it runs as draft on back of this letter The division fence between us & Lashhorn I don't think he can fix until I return & it may not now be on the line & as to stuff &c

Yours Ever

John Quincy Adams Nadenbousch

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[diagram of fence included] Rails 2x3 in Walnut posts This side use 5 ft and run down to 4 ft at corner use from corner the 4 feet paling to the smoke house trim them up & take corners off of top and thus
If the fencing is not really necessary before I get home leave it until I return. if you wish to plant seed cover them with the brush in garden to keep chickens off
get Fred to see M r Pendleton & if he thinks best for me not to come home until court is over, you send me any letters there for me & some may be of importance & I can answer them from here
Ever Nadenbousch

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