Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: R. M. Manly to Roswell Waldo, October 28, 1868

R. M. Manly asks Waldo to notify a Methodist congregation that while they can use their building for religious worship, the school that also uses the building must remain non-denominational.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Office Superintendent of Education, District of Virginia, Roswell Waldo
Assistant Sub Assistant Commissioner

October 28 1868.

Richmond, Virginia,

Dear Sir:

I am directed by the Assistant Commissioner to write to you in reference to the school at Waynesboro, referred to by you in your communication to Captain McDonnell of the 20th inst.

Referring to the original application of Reverend William C. Echols for aid in erecting that house I find that he expressly states, in so many words, that the building would be used as a house of worship for his church and as a school house "for all children without distinction of sect." On these terms the grant of $150 was made. It appears therefore that the Methodist Church has the right [added: to] the use of the house for Religious worship and that the Public has the right to it for school purposes. Please inform the church of this fact, and [deleted: inform] say to them that [added: the] Bureau expects they will do themselves no discredit and their people no harm by trying to make the school in any way denominational. Baptist and Methodist churches have in many instances been aided in precisely the above manner.

Very Respectfully

R M Manly Superintendent of Education

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