Valley Personal Papers

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Franklin County: George M. Brinkerhoff to Edward McPherson, November 19, 1860

George W. Brinkderhoff, a resident of Springfield, Illinois, writes soon after Lincoln's election, fondly describing the President-elect, congratulating Edward McPherson on his election, and mentioning local celebrations.

Portrait of a beardless Abraham Lincoln in the upper left-hand corner

Honorable Edward McPherson

Nov. 19th, 1860

Springfield Illinois

Dear Friend

I received your letter and book on Saturday night, for which accept my thanks. I have not seen Lincoln yet but will in all probability see him on Monday, and give him your message. He is well and hearty and his success does not change him any, he is the same old Abe he used to be last spring. When he would play ball with us, in our ball-alley. It may appear strange for a president to play ball. Yet a good many, good games have I played with old Abe. He is rather tall and generally made an awkward figure at play. He will have other kind of play, next spring. Well done good and faithful old Keystone! Lincoln says he can account for his vote in Pennsylvania only on one supposition, and that is that the Quakers voted. I will be pleased to hear from you frequently during the winter, by letter and document.

Your friend

George M. Brinkerhoff

P.S. We have a grand jollification here tomorrow night. Vice-President Hamlin is expected and will be present on the occasion. We will have a glorious time here at home of old Abe. General Illumination. Pyrotechnic display. Torchlight procession, and a few congratulatory speeches at the wigwam after which that venerable and honored institution will be closed. I wish you could be here. Come out and see Lincoln. I promise you a nice time.

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