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Franklin Repository: October 3, 1860

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-Page 01-

Gen. Foster On The Tariff
(Column 1)
Summary: Gen. Foster responds to McClure's accusations of being a Free Trader, by noting his support of protective policies in Congress, and noting that McClure and other Republican candidates have, in the past, either voted or supported candidates against a protective tariff.
Origin of Article: Chambersburg Times
Editorial Comment: Col. McClure at a late meeting in Philadelphia, charged Gen. Foster, the Democratic candidate for Governor, with being an out and out Free Trader, unfriendly to the Tariff interests of this State. At a monster mass meeting held in Philadelphia on Monday the 17th Gen. Foster made a great speech in which he paid his respects to the Colonel, as follows:
Reply of Hon. A. K. McClure To Gen. Henry D. Foster
(Column 3)
Summary: McClure reminds his audience that several of the Republican candidates whose voting records Foster attacked, were Democrats at the time of those votes. He also notes Foster's abandonment of the protective tariff, and Foster's long time support of the Democratic party whose main plank is Free Trade, and thereby McClure raises the question of whether Foster is to be trusted.
Editorial Comment: Delivered at the Wigwam, Philadelphia, Sept. 18.

-Page 02-

Description of Page: Speech by A. K. McClure continued from page one; Christian article; mention of Walker's execution; advertisements.

The Proof
(Column 4)
Summary: The editors provide an excerpt of a speech claimed (but denied by Democratic papers) to be written and spoken by Douglas, on Feb. 23, 1845, that supports federal control of territories until they become states.
Good Boy
(Column 4)
Summary: A humorous comparison between the Prince of Wales and Douglas: the Prince goes back home on the date he promised his mother, whereas Douglas wanders all over the country on his way home to visit his mother.

-Page 03-

Description of Page: News on Garibaldi; advertisements.

The Great Eastern
(Column 2)
Summary: Notes of a passenger describing the rooms and the technoligical ability and advancement of the Great Eastern.

-Page 04-

Are You Ready?
(Column 1)
Summary: A call to Republicans to protect Pennsylvania's liberties from the tyrannical South.
Where Do They Stand Now?
(Column 3)
Summary: The editors point out that democrats were against the Public Works sale, and yet Foster voted with McClure and Brewer for the sale. The editors wonder how local democrats will vote--due to Foster's voting record.
(Names in announcement: Col. A. K. McClure, Hon. G. W. Brewer, Messrs. Orr, Messrs. Gilmore, Messrs. Snider, Messrs. Murphey, Messrs. Johnston, Messrs. Besores, Judge Nill, Judge Kennedy)
Full Text of Article:

The leaders and press of the Locofoco party exhausted the vocabulary of the epithets in their denunciations of the Representatives and Senators of the Pennsylvania Legislature who had voted for the Sale of the Public Works. Among others who came in for their full share of this slander and abuse was our Representative, Col. A. K. McClure, and our then State Senator, Hon. G. W. Brewer. The Democratic party is in a position now to do justice to these much abused men--to retract what they have said in condemnation of their vote for the sale of the Public Works--by voting on next Tuesday for Henry D. Foster for Governor, who acted in concert with McClure and Brewer in supporting the Bill authorizing their sale.

Will Judge Nill, Judge Kennedy, the Messrs. Orr, the Gilmores, the Sniders, the Murpheys, the Johnstons, and the Besores, as well as others, now so stultify themselves as to endorse the Sale of the Public Works by voting for Foster? We will see. If they do, they were either very insincere and dishonest in their opposition to the sale, or they are the most inconsistant, [sic] unstable, unprincipled, dissembling set of demagogues that are to be found. Now, gentlemen, take either horn of the dilema [sic] you please.

If the sale of the Public Works was as injurious to the interests of Pennsylvania as these gentlemen tried to make the people believe, how can they now, consistently, vote for Foster, for Governor, who was a leading spirit in every movement that looked to, and who supported and VOTED FOR, their sale? Let the Democratic party and its leaders be held to their true position--on this as well as every other question.

The sale of these works was either right or it was wrong. The Democratic leaders and party took the latter position, and characterized the transaction as most flagitious-- as a direct robbery of the State--and the Senators and Representatives who voted for it (among whom was Henry D. Foster,) as corrupt and faithless public servants. Come, gentlemen Locofocos, if you wish to preserve the consistency of your political record, and maintain a character among your neighbors for honesty of purpose, truthfulness of statement and as sincere well-wishers and promoters of the interests of the State, you must vote and use your influence, on Tuesday next, against Henry D. Foster, for Governor, or, by supporting him, give the LIE to all your former statements relative to the sale of the Public Works. What do you intend to do? You being honorable men, of course you will vote against Foster; but if you will support him in the teeth of all your former teachings and professions upon this subject, you will, of course, as you are honorable men, make a clean breast of it and take back the vile aspersions which you heaped upon the name of Col. McClure and the Republican party for having disposed of what we had conceived to be, the greatest curse with which the Tax-payers of Pennsylvania were ever saddled.

What Of Sunbury And Erie And Extra Pay?
(Column 3)
Summary: The editors point out that since Messrs. Nill, Douglas and Sharpe were against Co. McClure--for voting for the sale of the canals to the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Co., and for a pay increase--then they should also be against Mr. Schell who also voted for these things.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Nill, Mr. Douglas, Mr. Sharpe, Col. McClure, Mr. Schell)
The Truth At Last
(Column 4)
Summary: The Republican questions the Valley Spirit's honesty, since in the Spirit's last issue, they finally published a statement accusing Douglas of keeping the slave issue alive, and have yet to be upfront about the Kansas troubles.
A Good Hit
(Column 4)
Summary: A German citizen of Chambersburg, who changed over to the Republican party, was accosted by a Democrat on the issue of his political fickleness. He responded that if the Valley Spirit could change its opinions several times per year, he could do it once every four of five years.
Full Text of Article:

An intelligent German of this place, who has thrown off the Locofoco yoke and come out a true Republican, was accosted the other day by a Locofoco acquaintance, who undertook to remonstrate with him for changing his political views, to which our German friend replied, that he thought "he had as good a right to change once in four or five years as the Valley Spirit had to change two or three times in two years." The other had nothing more to say, and left our new Republican friend alone in his glory.

Voters, Remember!
(Column 5)
Summary: Two articles with this title: One is a list of numerous ways in which local candidates would vote if elected; the other is a reminder that the Republican party supports freedom.
(Names in announcement: Schell, McPherson, Wunderlich, McNeal, Brewster, Austin)
Position Of Different Parties Toward Slavery
(Column 5)
Summary: A brief description of each party's stance on slavery: The Constitution Party has none; the Breckinridge Democrats, according to John Cessna, Esq., believe that slavery is protected everywhere; the Douglas Democrats support popular sovereignty--as interpreted by the Dred Scott decision; the Republicans believe in Federal control of territories until statehood, at which time the state can determine its stance on slavery.
(Names in announcement: John CessnaEsq.)

-Page 05-

Description of Page: advertisements

Hunting Brains
(Column 1)
Summary: Reference to an article in the Valley Spirit, on Sept. 26th, about the Republican meeting on Sept. 20th, at which Col. Curtin and Hon. Joseph Casey had a disagreement. The Spirit portrayed it in a way that suggested a fist fight, and also as an allusion to a slander (started by the Spirit) that Curtin supposedly made about Dutchmen.
(Names in announcement: Hon. Joseph Casey)
German Republican Club
(Column a)
Summary: Notice of the organization of the German Republican Club on Sept. 27th, at which time temporary and permanent officers were chosen.
(Names in announcement: Mr. ajohn G. A. Dennerline, Mr. Lewis Burkhart, Mr. John Leidig, Mr. Frances Dengler, Mr. Adam Bowers, Mr. George P. Rank, Mr. Emanuel Hale, Mr. Jacob Shaffer)
Greenvillage Meeting
(Column 1)
Summary: Greenvillage Republicans met on Sept. 26th, with a large number of Wide Awakes attending, and Hon. Edward McPherson and Col. J. C. Austin speaking.
(Names in announcement: Hon. Edward McPherson, Col. J. C. Austin)
Meeting At Greenwood
(Column 2)
Summary: Republicans of Green township met at John Spidle's Public House on Sept. 29th, and was attended by a number of women, and also the Wide Awakes of Fayetteville.
(Names in announcement: John Spidle, Jacob B. Kaufman, John E. Crawford, Jeremiah CookEsq., District Attorney Eyster, Col. F. S. Stumbaugh)
Another Rally
(Column 2)
Summary: On Sept. 29th, at Franklin Hall in Chambersburg, there was a meeting at which Patrick Henry Shough, of Greencastle, spoke. The article describes his lack of education, and yet his ability to speak well, and his being a descendant of Patrick Henry.
(Names in announcement: Patrick Henry Shough)
[No Title]
(Column 2)
Summary: Mention of a Republican meeting at Pine Grove School House, in Lurgan Township, Sept 28th. Samuel Taylor presided and Messrs. Mitchell, Strickler, Eyster and Stumbaugh spoke.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Samuel Taylor, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Strickler, Mr. Eyster, Mr. Stumbaugh)
Professor Emerson
(Column 3)
Summary: Announcement of a visit from Professor Emerson (at the University at Troy, N. Y.), formerly the pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Greencastle, and who still has a residence in Greencastle..
(Names in announcement: Professor Emerson)
C. V. R. R.
(Column 3)
Summary: An election held on Oct. 1st for the Officers and Managers of the Cumberland Valley Railroad Company.
(Names in announcement: Frederick Watts, E. M. Biddle, Washington Butcher, John Hulme, Daniel O. Gehr, Wistar Morris, Thomas A. Scott, W. B. FosterJr.)
An Enthusiastic Meeting
(Column 3)
Summary: A meeting was held at the house of E. Elliot, Esq., on Warm Spring Road in Hamilton township on Monday last, where Jacob Krider presided and Snively Strickler, William McLellan, and P. Henry Shough spoke.
(Names in announcement: E. ElliotEsq., Mr. Jacob Krider, Snively StricklerEsq., William McLellanEsq., P. Henry Shough)
(Column 3)
Summary: Jacob Lehman's blacksmith shop was destroyed by a fire on Sept 27th, at a loss of $200.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Jacob Lehman)
Worth Seeing
(Column 3)
Summary: The mother (82 yrs. old) of P. Hamman Esq. of Chambersburg, has a quilt of her making, made of 4784 pieces, on exhibition at the Fair.
(Names in announcement: P. HammanEsq.)
[No Title]
(Column 3)
Summary: The editors provide the Wilmot proviso of 1847, which prohibited slavery in the territories acquired after that time, that Foster voted for--but now he is against Federal control and prohibition of slavery in the Territories.
A List Of Grand and Traverse Jurors
(Column 4)
Summary: A list of Grand Jurors and Traverse Jurors for court to be held Oct. 29th (and a list of Traverse Jurors for a second week to be held on Nov. 7th.)--Grand Jurors: James O. Carson, Mercersburg; James L. Black, Chambersburg; Jacob Brand, Chambersburg; Michael Cressler, Southampton; Barnabas Doyle, Fannett; William Deardorf, Lurgan; George H. Davison, Antrim; George Flack, Chambersburg; Jacob Frick, Peters; D. F. Gordon, Washington; John Grove, Jr., Antrim; Daniel O. Lanathan, Chambersburg; Mathias Nead, Greencastle; William Orr, Jr., Orrstown; John Small, Quincy; Jacob Strickler, Guilford; Hiram Snider, Washington; Jacob Trostle, Chambersburg; John Wilhelm, Jr., Greencastle; John Walters, Washington. Traverse Jurors: Andrew Beard, Hamilton; Joshua Bender, Guilford; James M. Brown, Chambersburg; John Brown, Green; Barnet Bickley, Chambersburg; Jacob Benedict, Quincy; James Brackinridge, Green; John Cushwa, Montgomery; Stephen Culbertson, Fannet; Jacob B. Cook, Quincy; Henry Ditch, Antrim; Daniel Dull, Quincy; Henry Deal, Hamilton; John Downey, Washington; Joseph Devilbiss, Montgomery; Leonard Fritz, Warren; William Flory, Chambersburg; Daniel Gelwicks, Letterkenny; Benjamin Grove, Green; Michael Heagy, Guilford; Daniel Hartman, Washington; Speakman Hicks, Chambersburg; John Heller, Quincy; John Imell, Southampton; George W. Imell, Guilford; Thomas Johnston, Peters; J. J. Kennedy, Hamilton; James Linn, Fannet; Henry Lutz, Green; John Loughlin, Antrim; J. B. Myers, Mercersburg; William Mentzer, Green; Jacob Minehart, Lurgan; Michael Pfoutz, Quincy; Conrad Plasterer, Southampton; John Rearich, Antrim; John Ruthrauff, Antrim; William Raber, Southampton; John Shryock, Chambersburg; Samuel Seibert, Chambersburg; Jacob Shover, Waynesboro; David Summers, Quincy; Isaac Shock, Washington; W. Smith, Southampton; Levi Sanders, Waynesboro; David Smith, Montgomery; Daniel Shank, Washington; John Weaver, Hamilton. Traverse Jurors for the Second Week: John Ashway, Letterkenny; John Barntizel, Montgomery; David C. Buyers, Lurgan; Daniel Binkley, Antrim; John Bryan, St. Thomas; Daniel Bricker, Quincy; Robert Black, Green; William Brit en, Letterkenny; Henry Betz, St. Thomas; John W. Coble, St. Thomas; A. L. Coyle, Mercersburg; John Downey, Guilford; David Deatrick, Greencastle; Joseph Dever, Metal; Henry Embich, Hamilton; Adam Essick, Quincy; Mathew Elder, Fannet; Francis W. Elliott, Metal; Daniel Foreman, Quincy; John Farhney, Quincy; David Fickes, Lurgan; Jacob Flemming, Antrim; Henry Good, Quincy; Philip Grove, Antrim; John Hess, Jr., Washington; John Hade, Quincy; Henry Heagy, Guilford; Daniel S. Hassler, St. Thomas; James Kell, Letterkenny; Michael Kyser, Montgomery; John McAllen, Metal; S. O. McCurdy, Fannett; Daniel Miller, Quincy; Joseph P. Will, Fannet; Mathew McKee, Green; B. F. Nead, Chambersburg; Samuel Overcash, Antrim; David Russel, Waynesboro; John Rowe, Jr., Greencastle; William Rafensperger, Hamilton; Elias Shearer, Fannet; Joseph Snively, Jr., Antrim; Joseph Stickle, Greencastle; John Shocky, Jr., (of C.) Washington; Mathew Smith, Mercersburg; John Weist, Hamilton; Jacob Vandersol, Southampton; William Vanderaw, Guilford.
(Names in announcement: James O. Carson, James L> Black, Jacob Brand, Michael Cressler, Barnabas Doyle, William Deardorf, George H. Davison, George Flack, Jacob Frick, D. F. Gordon, John GroveJr., Daniel O. Gehr, David Gillan, J. B. McLanathan, Mathias Nead, William OrrJr., John Small, Jacob Striekler, Hiram Snider, Jacob Shook, George Summers, Daniel Trostle, John WilhelmJr., John Walters, Joshua Bender, James M. Brown, John Brown, Barnet Bickley, Jacob Benedict, James Brackinridge, John Cushwa, Stephen Culbertson, Jacob B. Cook, Henry Ditch, Daniel Dull, Henry Deal, John Downey, Joseph Devilbiss, Leonard Fritz, William Flory, Daniel Gelwicks, Benjamin Grove, Michael Heagy, Daniel Hartman, Speakman Hicks, John Heller, John Imell, George W. Imell, Thomas Johnston, J. J. Kennedy, James Linn, Henry Lutz, John Loughlin, J. B. Myers, William Mentzer, Jacob Minehart, Michael Pfoutz, Conrad Plasterer, John Rearich, John Ruthrauff, William Raber, John Shryock, Samuel Seibert, Jacob Shover, David Summers, Isaac Shock, W. Smith, Levi Sanders, David Smith, Daniel Shank, John Weaver, John Ashway, John Barntizel, David C. Byers, Daniel Binkley, John Bryan, Daniel Bricker, Robert Black, William Brit en, Henry Betz, John W. Coble, A. L. Coyle, John Downey, David Deatrick, Joseph Dever, Henry Embich, Adam Essick, Matthew Elder, Francis W. Eliott, Daniel Foreman, John Farbney, David Fickes, Jacob Flemming, Henry Good, Philip Grove, John HessJr., John Hade, Henry Heagy, Daniel S. Hassler, James Kell, Michael Kyser, John McAllen, S. O. McCurdy, Daniel Miller, Joseph P. Will, Matthew McKee, B. F. Nead, Samuel Overcash, David Russel, John RoweJr., William Rafensperger, Elias Shearer, Joseph SnivelyJr., Joseph Stickle, John ShockyJr., Matthew Smith, John Weist, Jacob Vandersol, William Vanderaw)
Proclamation--Presidential Election
(Column 5)
Summary: Notice that the Presidential Election will take place on Nov. 6th. at the locations listed and following the regulations listed. See General Election entry, 8/29 for names and places.

-Page 06-

Description of Page: Reminder of elections' Proclamation of the General Election--see entry 8/29; advertisements. Film is bad on left side of page, in the middle.

Lincoln's Tariff Record
(Column 1)
Summary: In a response to Foster's speech on Sept. 17th, in which he accused Lincoln of never having supported the protective policy, but the North American cites an 1844 speech by Lincoln and two votes in the House in 1848 that all supported a protective tariff.
Origin of Article: The Philadelphia North American
Douglas's Tariff Record
(Column 1)
Summary: The editors publish an excerpt of a 1855 speech by Douglas that clearly states he is anti-tariff and pro-Free Trade, and then note that recently, in industrial Pennsylvania, Douglas has claimed that he supports a tariff.

-Page 07-

Description of Page: A Gulf Coast Gale; a Union Wide Awake Meeting; advertisements.

[No Title]
(Column 2)
Summary: A description of the angry indignant denials of the audience of white laborers to Johnson's accusations that they are slaves of their bosses.
Origin of Article: Pittsburgh Gazette, Sept. 26
The Census Clerk Examinations
(Column 2)
Summary: An accusation that only southern applicants pass the Census examinations, but there is no proof of unfair grading, because the tests are not accessible.

-Page 08-

Description of Page: advertisements; real estate sales.

Foster In Somerset And Philadelphia
(Column 1)
Summary: A comparison of two speeches by Foster show that he claims two conflicting stances as regarding the territories' right to decide the slavery issue. In Somerset he claimed that the people of the territories, not Congress, had the right to decide; in Philadelphia he stated that it was the Court's right to decide--as was done in the Dred Scott decision.
Origin of Article: Pittsburgh Gazette
(Column 2)
Summary: On Sept. 23rd, at the German Reformed Parsonage in Chambersburg, Rev. Samuel Philips married John E. West to Mary J. Evans, both of Hamilton township. On Sept. 25th at the home of the bride's parents in Chambersburg, Rev. Samuel Philips married R. Sellers Montgomery to Mary C. Reineman, both of Chambersburg. On Sept. 27th at the White Swan Hotel, Rev. Colestock married George Glass to Lydia Carbaugh, both of Greenvillage. On Sept. 27th at the bride's father's home in Hamilton twp., Jacob Myers, of Guilford twp., married Catharine Homman, second daughter of Daniel Homman.
(Names in announcement: Rev. Samuel Philips, Mr. John E. West, Miss Mary J. Evans, Mr. R. Sellers Montgomery, Miss Mary C. Reineman, Mr. Reineman, Mrs. Reineman, Rev. Z. A. Colestock, Mr. George Glass, Miss Lydia Carbaugh, Mr. Jacob Myers, Miss Catharine Homman, Mr. Daniel Homman)
(Column 2)
Summary: On Oct. 1st, in Chambersburg Nancy Pie died at age 27 of hemorrhage of the lungs. On Sept. 28th, at New Franklin, Martha A. Maria, daughter of Isaac and Barbara Small, died at age 8. On Sept. 21st, in Waynesboro, Nancy L. Stoner died at age 53. On Sept. 7th, Kate Berryhill, wife of Edwin F. Reese, of Westminster, Md., died.
(Names in announcement: Miss Nancy Pie, Martha A. Maria Small, Mr. Isaac Small, Mrs. Barbara Small, Nancy L. Stoner, Kate Berryhill, Edwin F. Reese)