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Franklin Repository: January 13, 1864

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-Page 01-

Description of Page: Page includes picture and biography of Hon. Schuyler Colfax, the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Governor's Message
(Column 1)
Summary: The lengthy annual message of Governor A. G. Curtin, as delivered to the Senate and House of Representatives of Pennsylvania. He suggests that the legislature consider letting interest on debts be paid in U. S. Treasury notes, because coin is so scarce. One of the several other issues the Governor raises concerns providing aid to the families of soldiers who have been or will be killed or wounded.

-Page 02-

Description of Page: Page includes reflection on the holidays in New York, story about "How a Lawyer Won a Wife," an article about the marriage of English royal widows reprinted from a Boston paper, and miscellaneous war-related items. Also includes advertisements with the following headings: Clothing; Saddlery, Harness, &c.; Photographic; Watches and Jewelry; Hats, Caps and Furs; Justices of the Peace.

-Page 03-

Description of Page: Page comprised entirely of advertisements, with the following headings: Trees, Plants and Vines; Coal, Lumber, &c.; Forwarding Houses; Agricultural; Lines of Travel; Tobacco and Segars; Medical; Painting, Glazing, &c.; Restaurants; Dentists; Seeds; Education; Dry and Fancy Goods.

-Page 04-

Description of Page: This page also includes small news items about the Legislature, the war, and about other newspapers and magazines.

An Earnest Word To Congress
(Column 1)
Summary: The author urges Congress to call out the entire enrollment in order to fill up the Union armies and win the war as soon as possible.
Senatorial Thimble-Riggers
(Column 2)
Summary: The author lampoons the state Senate by describing the Senators as a troupe of entertainers, whose main activity is "expert political thimble-rigging--starting a Senate in chaos, and keeping it there by an endless and bewildering variety of such subtle tricks as might make the original 'little joker' abandon the profession in despair."
Gov. Curtin's Message
(Column 3)
Summary: The author reiterates the points Governor Curtin makes in his third annual message, also printed in this issue of the Franklin Repository, and expresses his support for the Governor's calls for the use of currency rather than specie to pay debts and to provide aid to the families of fallen soldiers.
(Column 4)
Summary: This report about the Pennsylvania Legislature describes the current deadlock in the Senate. The Democrats refuse to consider any legislation until a new Speaker is chosen, and the Republican and Democratic candidates keep receiving tie votes.
[No Title]
(Column 5)
Summary: Yet another description of the present confused situation in the state Senate, this article opens with: "Our obstreperous Democratic 'friends' of the Senate seem to have run mad."

-Page 05-

Description of Page: This page also includes the "Brief War Items" and "Political Intelligence" columns, market reports, and new advertisements.

Gossip with our Friends
(Column 1)
Summary: An account of the author's exchange with a Copperhead that presents the arguments of both Union man and Copperhead.
Full Text of Article:

Snow and sleighing, delightful words to the young, and foolish, and careless. We confess that time was when we could enjoy a sleigh-ride, with all its fun and frolic, its upsets and suppers, and colds and indigestions; but thank time! we have outgrown such follies, and are disposed to take Ben. Franklin's advice, should the fit take us to sleigh once more. We don't in the least object to the merry laughter of the belles or cheery ring of the bells as they hurry past our window, but we stir the fire, and do wonder how they can prefer discomfort to comfort, frosted feet to slippers, and frozen noses to genial warmth. Well, well, we all have to find out for ourselves, like Solomon and Dr. Johnson, the vanity of human wishes! Still we must say the sleighing seems good, and we hardly think we would get very cold should we take a short ride. We shall see. We have taken one more sleigh-ride--to Gettysburg, have once again enjoyed the luxury of frosted feet, frozen ears, blue nose, chill-blains in the fingers, and cold through the whole system. We must say the sleighing was good--very good, but how much pleasanter a sleigh-ride would be in July! Nature is all in the wrong, decidedly. We were chilled all the more at the sight of the numerous rebel graves dotted here and there on hill-side and in hollow-nameless graves where the poor fellows lie, dishonored and neglected. God forgive the wicked leaders who know better than their misguided followers. Many a fearful story was told us by eye-witnesses of the terrific battle. Each historical location pointed out with painful minuteness, but we confess the vividest impression upon our mind is that of carnage, slaughter, death. Shame, a thousand hisses upon the man who stays at home, and raises his voice in complaint of the noble Army of the Potomac! Such a battle and such a victory should immortalize any army that ever existed. We were compelled to believe what before we were afraid was an exaggeration. Gen. Lee did really use the observatory of the College, protected by a hospital flag, as a point for directing the battle. The testimony is such that should we believe anything, we must credit this. Alas for poor Lee! The obscurest grave of the meanest rebel in all the valley is honorable compared with the reputation of Gen. Robert E. Lee.

Will some kind friend from Adams county tell us which order of architecture those porches belong to, that are built in front of the houses along the road between Cashtown and Gettysburg? At New Salem there are some seven or eight new ones--impossible to be described, and can be compared only to huge white rectangular ginger cakes set upon cambric needles. Were we seated under one of these porches, we should feel like a fly caught under a hydraulic press. Seriously, we beg the Sheriff of the county, or the Commissioners, or somebody, to put a stop to it. The houses are handsome and comfortable, but the porches are so absolutely out of proportion as to be painful to a cultivated taste.

It is pleasant, for a change, to come across a real out-and-out Copperhead, (for we are one of those who are far from believing a Democrat necessarily a Copperhead) and such a one we had the pleasure to overhaul on our way. As a memorandum for posterity we here note the heads of his arguments.

1. We are at present under a monarchy, because the President has ordered a draft.

2. We have broken the Constitution into bits, because we have freed slaves in the South.

3. We have made the nigger as good as a white man--yes by G-- better, because we wish to pay him a dollar's worth of work.

4. We have ignored Christianity by electing a Unitarian chaplain to Congress.

5. That he didn't think a decent white women ought to marry a nigger.

6. Negro Equality--Constitution--damn Lincoln--nigger--joker.

Our arguments ran as follows, number for number.

1. If we don't like King Stork, let us elect King Log at the end of the four years.

2. The unconstitutionality of some parts of the Constitution had not constituted ourselves nor him constitutional constituents--[Heavens! how he winced at this scathing remark!]

3. We did think some niggers fully as good as some white men--the black Douglas for instance as good as present company.

4. We thought a conscientious Unitarian somewhat more respectable than an evil minded Lutheran.

5. We didn't think a decent white woman would marry a negro.

6. Good bye--We trust you may be converted before you are choked, or [here Frank cracked the whip and away we trotted out of -----].

Stevens' Furnace--that is the stack of the Furnace--is a speaking commentary upon the chivalry of the South. Well, we'd rather be Stevens than Lee. Hurrah for Thaddeus--indeed we might say, from some of his old speeches--Thaddeus of war-saw. We were very cold when we reached home--indeed, as a Southern friend of ours used to say, cold as blazes.

A Franklin County Hero
(Column 1)
Summary: A letter relating how James Bennett, an 89 year old man who served as a private in the War of 1812 and had lived in Mercersberg for 80 years, wounded a rebel soldier who was riding down Main Street during the invasion in July 1863.
(Names in announcement: James Bennett)
Editorial Comment: "A correspondent writes us as follows:"
[No Title]
(Column 2)
Summary: The German Reformed Messenger, although still under the control of Rev. Dr. Fisher, has changed proprietors. The firm of M. Keiffer and Co. has dissolved, and Messrs. S. R. Fisher, A. B. Wingerd, John Meily, D. W. Gross, John Wiest and G. S. Griffith constitute the new publishing firm, under the instructions of the Synod of the German Reformed Church. The Church also puts out a weekly German publication, the Kirchenzeitung, and another English language one, called the Guardian.
(Names in announcement: Rev. Dr. Fisher, M. Keiffer, S. R. Fisher, A. B. Wingerd, John Meily, D. W. Gross, John Wiest, G. S. Griffith)
Poor House Appointments
(Column 2)
Summary: William McGrath, Esq., is appointed Steward of the Poor House, William S. Everett, Esq., Attorney, and Dr. Suesserott, Physician. Samuel Secrist, Esq., of Quincy, and Capt. Doebler are two of the current Directors of the Poor, and Mr. Latshaw has retired from his position as a Director.
(Names in announcement: William McGrathEsq., William S. EverettEsq., Dr. Suesserott, Mr. Latshaw, Samuel SecristEsq., Capt. Doebler)
Sad and Fatal Accident
(Column 2)
Summary: William Kunkle, a shifting conductor, was crushed to death by a train.
(Names in announcement: William Kunkle)
At Home on Leave
(Column 2)
Summary: Lieut. Col. Dixon and Capt. Joseph A. Davison, of the 6th Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, are home on a leave of absence.
(Names in announcement: Lieut. Col. Dixon, Capt. Joseph A. Davison)
(Column 2)
Summary: "Gov. Curtin has signed the bill re-chartering the Bank of Chambersburg, for the term of five years from 1865. It richly merited this mark of confidence from the State, by its scrupulous maintenance of its credit, and its eminent usefulness in this community."
[No Title]
(Column 2)
Summary: Chambersburg has not yet filled its quota under the coming draft.
(Column 2)
Summary: "Samuel Seyler, convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary for passing counterfeit money, has been pardoned by the Governor, on the recommendation of the parties immediately interested in his conviction and punishment."
(Names in announcement: Samuel Seyler)
(Column 2)
Summary: "Mr. John Drury, an insane pauper, committed suicide on Friday last by cutting his throat with an old rusty knife. He survived until Sunday evening."
(Names in announcement: John Drury)
Post Master Appointed
(Column 2)
Summary: "Mr. William L. Curriden has received the appointment of Post Master at Shippensburg, in place of his brother, E. W. Curriden, Esq, resigned."
(Names in announcement: William L. Curriden, E. W. CurridenEsq.)
[No Title]
(Column 2)
Summary: "The commissioners have appointed John Bowman, Mercantile Appraiser; John Stewart, Esq., Attorney, and George Foreman, clerk."
(Names in announcement: John Bowman, Stewart StewartEsq., George Foreman)
Religious Notice
(Column 2)
Summary: "Episcopal Service will be held in the Masonic Hall, on next Sunday morning at 10 1/2 o'clock."
Legal Intelligence
(Column 4)
Summary: These writs were issued in the Court of Common Pleas last week: James Brotherton vs. Andrew Strealy, to revive Judgment 108 of January term, 1859; James Brotherton vs. Catharine Diffendorf, to revive Judgment 109 of January term, 1859; Abraham Baker vs. George Lidy, to revive Judgment 136 of October term, 1849; George W. Bittner vs. Phillip Haman, summons case in assumpsit; George Phillips vs. Gertrude Goettman, to revive Judgment 230 of April term, 1862; Susan A. Mason vs. J. Milton Heart, capias for breach of promise. These letters of administration were granted in Orphan's Court last week: to Joseph Hassler, for the estate of Mary Elder, of Ohio; to George M. Stenger, for the estate of Elizabeth Brindle, of St. Thomas; to Mary and Amanda T. Miller, for the estate of Henry Miller, of Greencastle; to Susan Little, for the estate of Edmund H. Little, of Hamilton; to W. W. Walker, for the estate of Dr. Thomas Walker, of Waynesboro; to Jacob Krider, for the estate of Henry Krider. This account were filed last week: The account of Hiram and Rebecca Sowers, administrators of George Sowers, dec'd, who in his lifetime was guardian of Catharine S. and George W. Oyler, minor children of George Oyler.
(Names in announcement: James Brotherton, Andrew Strealy, Catharine Diffendarf, Abraham Baker, George Lidy, George W. Bitner, Phillip Haman, George Phillips, Gertrude Goettman, Susan A. Mason, J. Milton Heart, Mary Elder, Joseph Hassler, Elizabeth Brindle, George M. Stenger, Henry Miller, Mary Miller, Amanda T. Miller, Edmund H. Little, Susan Little, Dr. Thomas Walker, W. W. Walker, Henry Krider, Jacob Krider, Hiram Sowers, Rebecca Sowers, George Sowers, Catharine S. Oyler, George W. Oyler, George Oyler)
(Column 4)
Summary: Miss Charlotte Keyser and Mr. D. Spangler Earley, both of Chambersburg, were married on July 29, 1862, by Rev. J. Steck.
(Names in announcement: Rev J. Steck, Miss Charlotte Keyser, Mr. D. Spangler Earley)
(Column 4)
Summary: Mr. John Henry Graw and Mrs. Mary Gordon, both of Waynesboro, were married on January 3, 1864, by Rev. W. E. Krebs.
(Names in announcement: Rev. W. E. Krebs, Mr. John Henry Graw, Mrs. Mary Gordon)
(Column 4)
Summary: James B. Culbertson married Miss Margaret Stewart, daughter of Mr. David Stewart on December 31, 1863. All are from Amberson's Valley and the Rev. William A. West performed the ceremony.
(Names in announcement: Rev. William A. West, Mr. James B. Culbertson, Miss Margaret Stewart, Mr. David Stewart)
(Column 4)
Summary: Mr. David F. Stoner, vicinity of Greencastle, married Miss Francis Mary Gordon, daughter of Jeremiah Gordon, on December 31, 1863. Rev. J. W. Wightman performed the ceremony at the bride's father's house, near Shady Grove.
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. W. Wightman, Mr. David F. Stoner, Miss Francis Mary Gordon, Mr. Jeremiah Gordon)
(Column 4)
Summary: Mr. Jacob W. Morns and Miss Rebecca J. Plough, both of Franklin County, were married on December 31, 1863, by Rev. Dyson.
(Names in announcement: Rev. Dyson, Mr. Jacob W. Morns, Miss Rebecca J. Plough)
(Column 4)
Summary: Mrs. Jane Wilson died on December 28, 1863, near Spring Run, aged 87.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Jane Wilson)
(Column 4)
Summary: Henry Miller died in Greencastle on December 26, 1863, at the age of 65 years, 1 month, and 30 days.
(Names in announcement: Henry Miller)
(Column 4)
Summary: William Ovelman died near Greencastle at the age of 75 years, 6 months and 10 days.
(Names in announcement: William Ovelman)
(Column 4)
Summary: Abraham Lincoln Kauffman, son of John Kauffman, Esq., died in Greencastle January 1, 1864, aged 3 years, 1 month and 18 days.
(Names in announcement: Abraham Lincoln Kauffman, John KauffmanEsq.)
(Column 4)
Summary: Mrs. Mary Ann Young died January 6, 1884, aged 81 years, 3 months and 18 days.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Mary Ann Young)

-Page 06-

Description of Page: Page comprised entirely of advertisements, with the following headings: Medical; Drugs, Medicines, &c.; Attorneys at Law; Physicians; Groceries, &c.; Musical; Miscellaneous; Hardware, Cutlery, &c.; Chairs, Cabinetware, &c.; Liquors.

-Page 07-

Description of Page: Page comprised entirely of advertisements, with the following headings: Medical; Boots and Shoes; Books and Stationery; Wants; Dry and Fancy Goods; Stoves and Tinware; Manufactures; For Rent; Pension and Bounty Agencies; Hotels; Insurance; Gutta-Percha Roofing.

-Page 08-

Description of Page: This page includes the continuation of Gov. Curtin's annual message, and advertisements with the following headings: Financial; Lost, Stolen and Strayed; Military Notices; Real Estate Sales; Legal Notices.