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Franklin Repository: June 22, 1864

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-Page 01-

Description of Page: Includes the latest army news, which highlights the Federal assaults on Petersburg, Virginia, and the Washington and "Political Intelligence" columns. There is also an engraving depicting the Sanitary Fair Buildings on Logan Square in Philadelphia.

(Column 3)
Summary: "Instances are common of the most afflictive separation of family relations by this unnatural war. Brothers, and even parents and children, are found in the ranks of the hostile armies. One of the most touching cases of this kind is that of a son of the Confederate President Jefferson Davis, who is serving in the National cause on the gunboat Carondolet, fighting to crush the Rebellion which his father is leader of. The Davis junior is the son of Eliza, late a slave to the patriarchal Davis. An officer of the army of Vicksburg who had heard of the fact, verified it from Eliza's lips. How sharper than a serpent's tooth must be the grief of that parent whom unrelenting fate compels to take sides against his own son in a war for freedom!"
(Names in announcement: Jefferson Davis)

-Page 02-

Description of Page: Includes a poem, entitled, "The Song of the People," an optimistic article about the "waning" of the rebellion, and advertisements, with the following headings: Dry & Fancy Goods; Educational; Publications; Medical.

How I Escaped: A Soldier's Story
(Column 1)
Summary: A tale of a captured Federal Lieutenant "Hanson," who escapes with the assistance of a Confederate Colonel who has grown fond of Hanson during his genteel parole, and cannot bear to see him dragged off in irons to his death.
The New Marriage
(Column 2)
Summary: A sardonic celebration of the new "marriage" between Copperheads and radicals, joined together by their mutual hatred of Lincoln.
Origin of Article: From the Press.
Full Text of Article:

Come all men from the east and the west, and let us sing the new epithalamium. Let joy prevail throughout the land, for after man years of bitterness between the radicals and Copperheads we are to have peace and union, and felicity. The banns have been read--the marriage settlements are being prepared--the bride is blushing, and timid, and anxious--the bridegroom looks forward with impatience to the happy hour. The day of the wedding has been fixed, and prudish gossips bid us anticipate happy fruits from the happy union. It is no family affair of ours, perhaps but let us all be neighborly and kind, and go to church on the appointed morning. We then may greet the new couple and wish them all manner of happiness, and many, many returns of the day.

Who are to be the happy pair? Nay, do not laugh and turn away, and chide and deride them; for if they are to love and cherish each other, what right have we to interfere or pronounce impediments? Miss Radical Democracy, from Cleveland, supported by Misses Fremont and Cochrane, to Mr. Copperhead Democracy, of Chicago, Whose next best friends have not been named--these are the happy beings, and may the sun shine brightly upon them on the eventful morning. People do talk, of course, and say that Misses Fremont and Cochrane are two old maids who have been a long time in the market, and having tried all means to make a match of their own, find the chances becoming desperate and their charms familiar. They can find no opportunity, in any respectable family, and so try their fortunes with this new concern in Cleveland, in the hope that all will be arranged at Chicago, with wine and cake for every guest. We do not know the terms of the settlement, but many good things are reserved for the deserving old maids; and if the affair can be arranged, the balance of their lives, dear old souls, may be spent over snuff and tea. What delightful stories they could tell! What varied experiences they have had--and if they are old maids, it is not their fault, for they have been all their lives true to themselves, and anxious for a change--how Miss Fremont went to California, and the gold mines, and the Rocky Mountains, and the Blairs, and the Benton family, and South Carolina, and Missouri, and emancipation, and among the Germans--and how she might have been fortunate but for that ugly Mr. Lincoln, who was jealous of her, and made people believe that she was no better than she ought to be! But a more interesting story we shall have from Miss Cochrane. The old lady is somewhat garrulous, and rather eccentric of speech, like most old maids, and has been in more families than one since her earlier life. How she went to Buffalo after the Van Burens, and to Mr. Pierce after certain loaves and fishes, and to Richmond after Jefferson Davis, and to Mr. Lincoln after further loaves and fishes, and down into the army, where that envious fellow Burnside worried her so that she got sick and had to come home. She has had her own time tramping around, this poor Miss Cochrane; and now there is hope that she will have peace and comfort, and cake and wine, and tea and snuff, at Chicago.

This, of course, will be a happy union. Ill-natured people tell us that there has been much ill-feeling between the families, and that great scandal will ensue. But if they love each other now, what difference will it make? "I am sure," says Mrs. Malaprop. "I hated your poor, dear uncle, before marriage as if, as if he'd been a black-amour, and yet, Miss, you are sensible what a wife I make." There are two intimate friends of the family, for instance, Mr. Wendell Phillips and Mr. Fernando Wood. We all know that Phillips and Wood have been as far apart as the antipodes, as different in their temper as the cobra-di-capello and the dove. They have been the political Montagu and Capulet, never meeting without a brawl. Phillips has been a high-priest among the anti-slavery radicals, and for twenty years has swung the censor in the anti-slavery temple. Wood has been a prince among Secessionists, as consistent but hardly as courageous a rebel as Davis or toombs [sic]. All these things will be forgotten at Chicago--and when the benediction is pronounced over the newly-united Copperhead-Radicals, their glasses will clink together in the joyous libation. We shall have McClellan and McKinstry, Fitz John Porter and the staff-majors with unpronounceable names, William B. Reed and Mrs. B. Cady Stanton, Charles Ingersoll and Mrs. Abby Forster, Samuel S. Cox and Frederick Douglass, all surrounding the newly-married pair and overwhelming them with congratulations. Charles Mackay, with his Cockney Copperhead rhymes, will write the nuptial song; and the "night-clerk" of the World, with his German friends of the New Nation, will sing the chorus.

It is not for us to be too busy with our neighbors' affairs, or to ask impertinent questions. The New Nation tells us that the main cause of this affectionate sympathy between the Copperheads and Radicals is "the hatred of Lincoln." This controlling thought overrides and surpasses all difference of principle, of record, of former association. What are freedom and Union compared with the "hatred of Lincoln?" This is the chain that links them all together. This "hatred of Lincoln" is so engrossing, so intense, so all-pervading--so general in its application, from Wendell Phillips to Jefferson Davis--that we venture to make a suggestion. Why not transfer the marriage-ceremony from Chicago to Richmond? If "hatred of Lincoln" is to be the motto of the new epithalamium, there will be more singers in Richmond than in Cleveland, or Chicago, or the Five Points. Let them all herd together, and go to the place of all places where the "hared of Lincoln" is a virtue and a religion. They need not have any hesitancy about getting through the lines. Vallandigham found it easy enough, and if these people are really desirous of going Gen. Butler will be happy to meet them at City Point, and escort them as far as the guns of Fort Darling.

-Page 03-

Description of Page: Entirely advertisements, with the following headings: Gutta-Percha Roofing; Medical; Groceries, &c; Tobacco and Segars; Physicians; Hardware, Cutlery, &c; Forwarding Houses; Attorneys at Law; Hats, Caps, and Straw Goods; Miscellaneous.

-Page 04-

Description of Page: There are a couple articles about Grant's campaign and the likely siege of Petersburg, an account of Lincoln's visit to the Fair in Philadelphia, a report on the House defeat of the resolution providing for the abolition of slavery by an amendment of the Constitution, and more ridiculing of Clement Vallandigham.

(Column 2)
Summary: Clement C. Vallandigham, who was banished from the country as a traitor in 1863, had recently returned to his home in Dayton, Ohio, where he was immediately elected a delegate to the Democratic convention in Chicago. The author wishes to dismiss "Val" as a non-entity, but can't resist such an easy target: "the sorest punishment that can be inflicted upon him is to doom him to live in the country he sought in vain to destroy, to be shunned, despised, and scorned by every loyal heart."
(Names in announcement: Clement C. Vallandigham)
"Rev. Sam'l Kepler"
(Column 3)
Summary: The Rev. Samuel Kepler, in Bedford, has "got up a little secession in the Church," and has proposed founding "The Church of our Providence." The author observes that Kepler was "fully justified in seceding from the Methodist Church, as he had only 'Hobson's choice'--that is he had either to withdraw or be kicked out, and he naturally prefered peaceful dismemberment to that style of coercion."
(Names in announcement: Rev. Samuel Kepler)
"The Military Telegraph Corps"
(Column 4)
Summary: James R. Gilmore, Esq., of Chambersburg, is in charge of the telegraph lines in and about Newburne, North Carolina, doing one of the "most useful and least appreciated" jobs in the service.
(Names in announcement: James R. GilmoreEsq.)

-Page 05-

Gossip with our Friends
(Column 1)
Summary: A wry account of the difficulties of sleeping in a room fronting on Broadway in New York City.
The Fair--A Remarkable Success--The Results
(Column 2)
Summary: The Ladies' Fair raised about $3,000 for the Christian Commission. Mrs. Gen. Couch is the chief executive officer of the Ladies' Aid Society, and she was assisted by many citizens, including Messrs. Reed, M'Culloh, and Nixon. Mr. George B. Ayres conducted the Old Folks' Concerts. Mrs. Halm and her daughter Miss Julia Halm from Hagerstown performed at these musical entertainments, which netted nearly $700.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Gen. Couch, Mr. Reed, Mr. M'Culloh, Mr. Nixon, George B. Ayres, Mrs. Halm, Miss Julia Halm)
A Good Record
(Column 3)
Summary: The editors had the pleasure of meeting Thomas Wood of Fannettsburg, who had served as a private in the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps. Wood was in thirty-two skirmishes and battles, and was unscathed except for a slight foot wound: "He talks intelligently of the battles he has been in, is plain and unassuming in his manners, and seems to have no other ambition than to serve his country faithfully."
(Names in announcement: Thomas Wood)
Death of Capt. S. R. M'Kesson
(Column 3)
Summary: Capt. S. R. M'Kesson died of consumption at his home in Chambersburg last Saturday. At one time he commanded Co. A of the 77th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers. He was also an "earnest" Democrat, and his party nominated him for Register and Recorder, but he was defeated by the present incumbent, Harry Strickler, Esq.
(Names in announcement: Capt. S. R. M'Kesson, Harry StricklerEsq.)
Liberal Contributions
(Column 3)
Summary: The Ladies' Aid Society of Mercersburg raised $219 at their Strawberry Festival and $780 through contributions, all for the Christian Commission. Antrim township has forwarded $1100 in cash and "liberal contributions" of produce to the Sanitary Commission.
A New Draft
(Column 3)
Summary: Another draft will be made on July 19th for Franklin and Somerset Counties. Some districts, such as Guilford, Chambersburg, and Greencastle, have filled their quotas and will not be subject to a draft until a new call is made.
Look for the Flag
(Column 3)
Summary: In addition to the usual long streamer, a large flag will fly from the new Union pole whenever there is "cheering news" from the Union Armies.
(Column 3)
Summary: Lieut. Robert P. M'Kibbin, formerly a resident of Chambersburg, is severely wounded and now in Washington. His brother Capt. D. B. M'Kibbin, a former Colonel of the 158th Regiment, is a prisoner in Richmond. Another brother, Lieut. Chambers M'Kibben [sic], was wounded severely under M'Clellan on the Peninsula, and Chambers M'Clellan Jr., his nephew, was wounded under Sherman at Buzzard's Roost.
(Names in announcement: Lieut. Robert P. M'Kibbin, Capt. D. B. M'Kibbin, Lieut. Chambers M'Kibben, Chambers M'KibbinJr.)
Remarkable Escape
(Column 4)
Summary: "Mr. John Greenawalt, Co. E, 21st Cavalry, of this place, was in the engagement at Bethsada Church two weeks ago, and was wounded. The ball struck him in the groin and passed through a testament in his pantaloons pocket, giving him a severe wound in the thigh. But for the resistance offered by the book, his thigh would have been broken. His parents have this testament, and will naturally value it as a most sacred relic alike of his valor and safety."
(Names in announcement: John Greenawalt)
(Column 4)
Summary: "The religious exercises which commenced in the Catholic Church, of this place, on Sunday, and ended yesterday, were of a very devotional and impressive character. Besides the Rev. Mr. M'Cullom, pastor of the Church, the Rev. Messrs. Maher, of Harrisburg, Ham, of York, and Bowles, of Gettysburg, were in attendance. The very efficient choir was assisted by some fine talent from abroad, and the music rendered was of the most superb description."
(Names in announcement: Rev. M'Cullom, Rev. Maher, Rev. Ham, Rev. Bowles)
(Column 4)
Summary: "On Thursday last a collision occurred on the Cumberland Valley Railroad, near Alterton, between the Accommodation Passenger Train going own and the Freight Train coming in this direction. Several cars were considerably damaged, and the Baggage-Master, Engineer, Fireman and one or two others were badly, though not dangerously injured on the passenger train."
"At the raising..."
(Column 4)
Summary: "At the raising of the great Union Pole in our Public Square, on Tuesday of last week, a fervent and patriotic prayer was made by Rev. Thomas Barnhart, and eloquent and impressive speeches made by Hon. Wilson Reilly, Major General Couch and Col. A. K. M'Clure."
(Names in announcement: Rev. Thomas Barnhart, Hon. Wilson Reilly, Major General Couch, Col. A. K. M'Clure)
Col. Boyd
(Column 4)
Summary: Col. William H. Boyd is recovering from his wound but the bullet is still lodged in the bone near his spine. The surgeons have twice tried to remove it but have not been successful.
(Names in announcement: Col. William H. Boyd)
(Column 4)
Summary: "Sanford, with his inimitable Troupe, gave two concerts in Franklin Hall, on Monday and Tuesday evenings last, to crowded audiences."
(Names in announcement: Sanford)
(Column 4)
Summary: Daniel W. Miller, of Green township, married Miss Susan Meyers, daughter of S. B. Meyers of Fayetteville, on June 14, 1864. The Rev. Samuel R. Fisher performed the ceremony.
(Names in announcement: Daniel W. Miller, Miss Susan Meyers, S. B. Meyers, Rev. Samuel R. Fisher)
(Column 4)
Summary: John Brotherton, formerly of Waynesboro, married Miss Sue Stover at the home of her parents, near Springfield, Illinois, on May 31, 1864. Rev. Alexander Bosserman performed the ceremony.
(Names in announcement: John Brotherton, Miss Sue Stover, Rev. Alexander Bosserman)
(Column 4)
Summary: Capt. Samuel R. M'Kesson died in Chambersburg on June 18, 1864, after a "severe and protracted illness." He was 42 years, 6 months, and 6 days old.
(Names in announcement: Capt. Samuel R. M'Kesson)
(Column 4)
Summary: Mrs. Mary Kennedy died in Greencastle on June 9, 1864, aged 83.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Mary Kennedy)
(Column 4)
Summary: Joshua Bitner, son of Jacob Bitner, died on June 10, 1864, near Greencastle. He was 9 years, 6 months, and 20 days old.
(Names in announcement: Joshua Bitner, Jacob Bitner)

-Page 06-

Description of Page: Entirely advertisements, with the following headings: Lines of Travel; Stoves and Tinware; Medical; Musical; Boots and Shoes; Dye-Colors; Drugs, Medicines, &c; Co-partnership Notices; Dry & Fancy Goods; Books and Stationery.

-Page 07-

Description of Page: Entirely advertisements, with the following headings: Clothing; Insurance; Coal, Lumber, &c; Liquors; Dentistry; Agricultural; Trees, Plants and Vines; Saddlery, Harness, &c; Confectioners, &c; Seeds; Medical.

-Page 08-

Description of Page: Includes a transcript of a speech given by Gov. Johnson in Nashville earlier in the month, a plug for "The Old Flag," which is the campaign paper the editors will start publishing in July, and advertisements, with the following headings: Real Estate Sales; Financial; Wants; Hotels; Military Notices; Legal Notices.