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Franklin Repository: 10 17, 1866

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-Page 01-

"Four Hundred Thousand Men"
(Column 6)
Summary: A poem eulogizing the fallen soldiers for their sacrifices.
Full Text of Article:

"Four hundred thousand men,"
Have gone to meet their God;
Four hundred thousand gallant men
From city, mountain side and glen
Beneath our banner trod;
For love of country firmly stood.
And sealed the Union with their blood.

"Four hundred thousand men,"
By millions loved and lost;
A sea of agonizing tears--
A waste of desolated years,
Of hearth-stones sorrow crossed,
A priceless sacrifice--'twas when
We gave "four hundred thousand men."

The gallant banner flaunting high,
The bugles sounding victory
Forth from each brazen throat,
May drown awhile the sighs and tears,
While we forget the griefs and fears,
Forget--each change to note--
Forget to ask--what got we, then,
For such a host of gallant men.

Peace came on fluttering silver wings,
With freedom by her side
In pity God looked down to save,
To stop the slaughter of the brave--
"Yet still, untaught, the pride
That lightly holds the boon, even when
It cost "four hundred thousand men."

What reconstruction has been wrought,
Save that which God has made;
He shapes our future to his will,
He schools--he hastens, guides us still,
And still will be obeyed,
Yet, halting, we forget this, when
It cost "four hundred thousand men."

Vain politician!--who can boast,
Of his great saving schemes,
And jumbled words, and crooked creeds,
Stand in place of noble deeds,
And truth's eternal themes,
And--haste we to give power again
To those who slew the gallant slain.

Look at the host of bloody graves,
The finger marks of God--
And He who smiles, is He who saves,
And all that hecatomb of graves,
Are guide boards on the road!
Can we not read them?--read them! when,
They cost "four hundred thousand men."

Mr. Nasby Appeals to the People
(Column 6)
Summary: Recounts yet another fictitious anecdote about the exploits of Petroleum V. Nasby.
Speech of Gen. Geary
(Column 7)
Summary: The article contains a transcript of the speech delivered by Gen. Geary. In his remarks, Geary thanked the crowd for its support in the election and declared that the Republicans' "noble victory" represents the start of a new assault against "the attacks of treason."
Editorial Comment: "Gen. Geary was in Harrisburg on the night of the election and was serenaded at the Jones House by the Boys in Blue. He responded in the following eloquent speech:"

-Page 02-

United States Senator
(Column 1)
Summary: Notes that the Union County Committee will hold a meeting to discuss potential candidates to nominate for U. S. Senator, which is the "most important office to fill."
"The Green Spot"
(Column 1)
Summary: The official returns from the county have given the Republicans a 200 vote majority. Though in previous years the Democrats blamed their poor performances on low voter turn out, the editors contend that such rationalizations cannot be employed this year because "the contest was a fair one." The "vote was a full one, and the result was a complete defeat of the Democracy."
Full Text of Article:

The official vote given in to-day's paper establishes the political complexion of this county beyond dispute. Upon the largest poll by over 700 ever cast in the county, it gives a Republican majority of 200, and the vote of the Republicans varies but little from the highest to the lowest, with half a score of candidates to be voted for. While the Democracy has usually been found in a small minority after elections, it has always been said that their vote was not out, or that soldiers had voted here who should have voted elsewhere; but this year the contest was a fair one; the vote was a full one, and the result is a complete defeat of the Democracy. While the Republican ticket was a good and strong one, it is not to be denied that the Democratic ticket had a decided advantage in having Mr. Sharpe on it for Congress. In addition to the interest felt by his party to carry the Congressman, his nomination appealed strongly to his many personal friends in his party to poll their fullest vote for him; and the whole ticket on that side had every element of personal strength. Aside from the great issue to be decided, the Democrats had the advantage in the contest in this county, and had their skill and discretion been equal to their sources of power, they would have made additional strength out of their patronage. But their bungling, awkward, open sale of their plunder brought them no votes and made the betrayed Republicans work only the more earnestly.

Franklin county has now witnessed her severest political contest, and her political character is fixed for years to come. With good nominations and judicious management it must steadily increase the majority on the right side. The Democracy can not in ten years to come make another such struggle. With this defeat comes despair, and until the Republicans invite them to effort by some palpable mistake, they will not again rally as a hopeful party. They must now confess that the county is against them, and all its important offices are filled for three years by true men. They will subside for a year or two until some great occasion calls them to the hope of victory in the State, when they may re-inspire their shattered ranks and unfurl some new banner as occasion may require.

There is the "Green Spot!" Every man on the Union ticket elected, and her voice unflinchingly for Freedom, for Justice, for ending Peace and Union!

[No Title]
(Column 1)
Summary: The piece congratulates Judge Ferguson, "a gentlemen of spotless character," for his victory in the recent election.
Gen. Wm. H. Koontz
(Column 2)
Summary: In a tight race, Gen. Koontz defeated William Sharpe by a "decisive majority of 645" votes. The editors attribute Sharpe's defeat to his support of Johnson's policies and his opposition to the proposed constitutional amendments, which "no loyal man could read carefully and oppose."
Full Text of Article:

The election of Gen. Koontz, by the decisive majority of 645, over confessedly the ablest and strongest Democrat in the district, is one of the richest fruits of the Republican triumph. We have no rude huzzas to fling in the face of a discomfited foe so worthy of our best steel as is Mr. Sharpe. He fought the fight with wonderful ability and tireless energy, considering the mountain of Johnson debauchery that ever clouded him and weighed him down, and gained slightly in four of the counties of the district on his party vote in the face of the most stubborn devotion to party lines we have ever witnessed. Doubtless the advantage he gained by Gen. Koontz's illness and inability to canvass four of the counties personally, gave him his gains outside of this county; but even in the aggregate they are inconsiderable and do not even measurably break the crushing effect of his fall.

There are hundreds of men who voted reluctantly against Mr. Sharpe; but they did it in obedience to the imperious demands of an imperiled nationality. Whatever may be his individual views, his identity with the party that was treason's only hope when it plunged us into causeless war, and that gave it, through its leaders, constant aid and encouragement during the progress of the war, was the insuperable barrier that excluded the support of the men who feared the triumph of traitors if his party succeeded. When Montgomery Blair spoke in Bedford, Fulton and Chambersburg in his behalf, he left nothing for him but the funeral rites to be performed. Whether Mr. Sharpe meant to accept the extreme Johnson policy of resorting to revolution to restore traitors to Congress, it mattered not. It was enough that such a policy was advocated; that its adoption was even probable, however remotely, and that only the Democratic party would attempt it if it should be attempted. There are times when doubts are fatal, and even more fatal than avowed realities, and in this tempestuous sea of doubt Mr. Sharpe floundered before the people. Added to this the constitutional amendments, which no loyal man could read carefully and oppose, Mr. Sharpe made the common error of supposing that the subtle sophistries and technicalities common to the law would prevail before the supreme tribunal of the people. In this he signally failed. Less versatile and apt in political discussion than in legal disputation, he attempted the most strained and absurd construction of the first amendment, and confronted the prevailing sense of justice that is cherished by all classes of the people, and gained nothing by his persistent pettifogging on the question. How much of these follies be gathered from others, we know not; but it is charitable to suppose that he did not originate the palpable absurdity that the amendment of the constitution and the civil rights bill would force negroes into the front pews of our churches, make them jostle us at elections, and impose penalties upon ministers if they did not marry them to whites.

The position of Gen. Koontz was well defined and well understood. He was in favor of the Civil Rights bill; he was in favor of the constitutional amendments, he was opposed to rebel representation without just guarantees and penalties, and he demanded for all classes and conditions of mankind equality before the law, as it is conceded by all tribunals in Pennsylvania. He was for Congress and against the President, and the people had implicit confidence in his ability and integrity to maintain his principles under all circumstances. Not only because of his unfaltering devotion to the right do the Republicans rejoice at his election; but the magnitude of the victory is heightened by the shameless frauds by which he was deprived of his seat for seven months. On this wrong the people have passed, and they have nobly vindicated him. He well merits the proud honors he wears, and for three sessions of Congress to come the faithful people of the 16th district can feel the grateful consciousness that the fruits of treason's war shall be gathered in their fullness for Freedom and Justice.

Senators Elected
(Column 3)
Summary: The article lists the State Senators elected to office in the October 9th election, and examines their positions relative to the important issues of the day.
Our New Congressmen
(Column 3)
Summary: The editors discuss the merits of the men who will represent the state in Congress in that body's next session.
[No Title]
(Column 4)
Summary: Having avoided discussion of the matter during the recent election campaign, to focus their energy on securing a Republican victory, party members from Franklin county must now help decide who should be appointed to the U. S. Senate.
Full Text of Article:

THE Union County Committee will meet on Monday next, at one o'clock, at the office of Capt. Geo. Eyster, the Secretary, to decide whether the Republicans of Franklin county shall be permitted to express their preferences for U. S. Senator in an authoritative manner; and if so, in what way it shall be done.

Surely the Committee will not for a moment entertain the idea of denying so fair and reasonable a request, made as it is by a large number of Republicans who are ever among the foremost in struggling for victory. Instead of over 100 names to such a request, this town alone would have given 500 to the letter had it been deemed necessary.

The U. S. Senator is the most important office the State has to fill. It lasts for six years, and the incumbent is the representative of the State in the highest legislative tribunal of the nation. Most naturally, therefore, do the Republicans of Franklin desire to have a voice in determining so momentous a question.

Before the election the agitation of the question could not have aided in our great victory; and as our Representative was pledged distinctly to obey any authoritatively expressed wish of the party, the discussion of that question was needless. Now the office is to be filled, and the party will be but just to its high duties and relieve our representatives by fairly and calmly expressing its choice.

The party has its authorized and recognized tribunal in its conventions. They are its supreme authority, expressing as they do the wishes of the Republican people. The same high power that created our Representatives, is confessedly competent to speak for the party in the selection of U. S. Senator, and we doubt not that our Representatives will cheerfully and cordially obey the power that gave them their honors.

Adams, the other county of the Senatorial district, has already instructed for Gov. Curtin. If this county shall do likewise, Senator M'Conaughy will of course willingly respect it; if it instructs otherwise, he will be at liberty to decide between the two expressions.

The State of Pennsylvania, which should be first in power in the councils of the Nation, was betrayed by Cooper, and gain by Cowan, and mingled imbecility and opposition to the great interests of the State, have been the rule in our Senators--ability and fidelity the exception.

This triumph must not be so sacrificed. The People will not err, and our Representatives will of course be glad to carry out their wishes. No injustice can thus be done to any one, and certainly none can reasonably complain.

[No Title]
(Column 4)
Summary: The editors note that one "important result of the recent election" was that it proved the local populace could not be "controlled by bribery."
[No Title]
(Column 5)
Summary: The editors sardonically thank Senator Cowan whose "follies have contributed immensely to the hopeless overthrow of the Democracy upon which he fastened his fatal friendship."
[No Title]
(Column 6)
Summary: Lauds the election of Jonas C. Palmer and Samuel Myers, men of "intelligence, integrity, and general fitness for official trust," who will serve in the offices of Commissioner, and Auditor and Director of the Poor.
(Names in announcement: Jonas C. Palmer, Samuel Myers)
[No Title]
(Column 6)
Summary: After securing their re-election to the Legislature, Col. Stumbaugh and Maj. Shuman, both of whom "have been true to the principles of the party in the past," will facilitate the legislature's ratification of the constitutional amendments and help select a "faithful United States Senator."
(Names in announcement: Col. Stumbaugh)
[No Title]
(Column 7)
Summary: With the election over, the editors sarcastically inquire as to when blacks will "begin voting, marrying white women," and "filling front pews in churches" as the Democratic orators had predicted would occur if the Republicans emerged victorious in the election.
Election Intelligence
(Column 7)
Summary: The article contains the official vote for Franklin county and a comparison with the results of 1864.
(Names in announcement: R. Koontz, D. Sharpe, Col. Stumbaugh, D. McAllen, R. Shuman, D. Adams, R. McDowell, D. Keyser, R. Strickler, D. Gelwix, R. Mahon, D. Deitrich, R. Palmer, D. Lindsay, R. Heintzelman, D. Small, R. Myers, D. Guthrie)
Full Text of Article:

The following is the official vote in Franklin county cast on the 9th inst.:

President '64. Governor '66. A Judge. District Lincoln M'Clellan Geary, R Clymer, D Ferguson, R M'Kinstry, D Antrim 468 443 545 521 546 523 North Ward 278 143 379 216 379 216 South Ward 256 226 297 275 293 282 Concord 22 93 29 105 30 103 Dry Run 94 98 121 99 122 97 Fayetteville 232 190 284 224 280 226 Greenvillage 163 109 215 112 214 113 Guilford 175 197 207 224 209 221 Hamilton 116 142 128 173 127 172 Letterkenny 136 227 165 249 166 249 Lurgan 83 139 112 147 111 148 Loudon 78 92 93 113 92 114 Metal 124 83 166 98 161 104 Montgomery 214 147 249 181 232 193 Orrstown 76 119 80 149 80 149 Peters 152 53 175 52 171 56 Quincy 181 309 247 305 243 308 Southampton 53 71 69 82 70 82 Sul. Spring 23 48 34 41 33 41 St. Thomas 138 169 167 227 167 229 Washington 312 262 351 279 347 288 Warren 50 57 51 56 51 56 Welsh Run 92 145 135 178 135 178 Army Vote 346 259 -- -- -- -- TOTAL 3,862 3,821 4,299 4,166 4,259 4,148 Congress Assembly District Koontz, R Sharpe, D Stumbaugh, R Shuman, R M'Allen, D Adams, D Antrim 552 527 546 552 525 528 North Ward 377 220 381 382 214 211 South Ward 289 285 293 292 282 279 Concord 29 105 29 29 102 105 Dry Run 122 99 121 119 102 100 Fayetteville 281 227 282 283 225 225 Greenvillage 214 113 214 214 113 113 Guilford 206 225 207 207 224 223 Hamilton 127 174 127 127 174 174 Letterkenny 169 249 163 169 254 248 Lurgan 112 147 112 112 147 147 Loudon 92 114 90 93 114 114 Metal 163 102 155 160 112 101 Montgomery 242 188 242 245 185 184 Orrstown 79 151 81 81 149 150 Peters 173 54 173 175 53 52 Quincy 244 308 245 245 306 307 Southampton 66 86 63 70 87 83 Sul. Spring 34 41 34 34 41 41 St. Thomas 168 228 168 169 227 227 Washington 353 285 336 354 292 284 Warren 51 56 51 51 56 56 Welsh Run 135 178 135 135 178 178 TOTAL 4,278 4,162 4,248 4,297 4,162 4,130 Prothonotary. Register. Cl'k Courts District M'Dowell, R Keyser, D Strickler, R Gelwix, D Mahon, R Deitrich, D Antrim 552 525 581 498 543 533 North Ward 382 214 389 207 375 217 South Ward 296 278 308 263 296 277 Concord 29 105 29 105 26 108 Dry Run 121 99 122 99 122 99 Fayetteville 283 225 283 225 284 224 Greenvillage 214 113 214 113 216 109 Guilford 211 220 206 224 208 222 Hamilton 130 171 126 175 127 174 Letterkenny 169 249 136 265 169 249 Lurgan 112 147 108 151 111 147 Loudon 95 109 92 114 92 114 Metal 163 102 162 103 164 101 Montgomery 249 181 249 181 244 185 Orrstown 81 150 81 150 81 149 Peters 177 49 176 51 175 52 Quincy 245 307 246 306 244 308 Southampton 70 82 69 83 69 83 Sul. Spring 34 41 34 41 34 41 St. Thomas 169 226 168 228 165 225 Washington 354 284 356 282 350 288 Warren 51 56 52 55 51 56 Welsh Run 135 178 138 175 135 178 TOTAL 4,322 4,111 4,325 4,094 4,281 4,139 Commissioner. Direc. Poor. Auditor. District Palmer, R Lindsay, D Heintzelman, R Small, D Myers, R Guthrie, D Antrim 552 528 549 529 552 528 North Ward 382 214 380 216 377 219 South Ward 294 280 296 278 286 288 Concord 29 105 29 105 29 105 Dry Run 122 99 122 99 122 99 Fayetteville 283 225 307 199 282 225 Greenvillage 201 125 214 113 214 113 Guilford 208 223 204 226 209 222 Hamilton 136 165 126 175 127 174 Letterkenny 168 250 170 248 169 249 Lurgan 112 146 113 146 112 147 Loudon 92 114 92 114 92 114 Metal 164 101 165 100 164 101 Montgomery 245 185 245 185 245 185 Orrstown 81 150 81 150 81 150 Peters 175 52 175 52 175 52 Quincy 245 307 243 309 245 307 Southampton 68 84 69 83 69 83 Sul. Spring 34 41 34 41 34 41 St. Thomas 169 227 169 227 169 227 Washington 354 284 354 284 352 286 Warren 52 55 51 56 51 56 Welsh Run 135 178 135 178 135 178 TOTAL 4,301 4,138 4,323 4,113 4,292 4,149


GOVERNOR. Geary 4,299 Clymer 4,106 Geary's maj. 193 ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Ferguson 4,259 M'Kinstry 4,148 Ferguson's maj. 111 CONGRESS Koontz 4,278 Sharpe 4,162 Koontz's maj. 116 ASSEMBLY Stumbaugh 4,248 Shuman 4,297 M'Allen 4,162 Adams 4,130 Stumbaugh over M'Allen 86 Stumbaugh over Adams 118 Shuman over M'Allen 135 Shuman over Adams 167 PROTHONOTARY M'Dowell 4,322 Keyser 4,111 M'Dowell's maj. 211 REGISTER AND RECORDER Strickler 4,325 Gelwix 4,094 Strickler's maj. 231 CLERK OF THE COURTS Mahon 4,281 Detrick 4,139 Mahon's maj'y 142 COMMISSIONER Palmer 4,301 Lindsey 4,138 Palmer's maj. 163 DIRECTOR OF THE POOR Heintzelman 4,323 Small 4,113 Heintzelman's maj. 210 AUDITOR Myers 4,292 Guthrie 4,149 Myer's maj. 143

The total vote of the county is 8405, the largest ever cast at any election. The highest ever cast before was 7,683 for President in 1864--being 722 less than that given on the 9th inst. This most extraordinary vote, coming as it did solely from the permanent residents of the county, without the pretense on either side that soldiers or other imported voters effected the result, shows how earnest were the people on the great issues presented. Even during the war, when our nationality trembled in the balance, the people did not manifest more interest than they have manifested on the issue of rebel representation.

This large vote clearly settles the permanent political complexion of the county. The Democrats cannot pretend that their vote was not out, for they have polled 285 votes more than they ever cast before for any candidate. They will therefore abandon the contest for supremacy in the county, and the Republicans have but to be faithful and prudent to maintain their success from year to year by gradually increasing majorities. The highest vote received for any of the Republican candidates is 4325 for Strickler, and the lowest received is 4248 for Stumbaugh, being a variance of but 77 votes from one extreme to the other in a poll of 4,300. M'Dowell, Strickler and Heintzelman lead the ticket and have each above 200 majority.

The following is a comparative vote of this county since 1854:

Year Repub. Dem. Maj. 1854 3,579 2,799 779 1855 2,860 2,411 449 1856 3,416 3,300 116 1857 3,058 3,187 129 1858 3,385 3,063 322 1859 3,692 3,267 425 1860 4,053 3,379 674 1861 3,569 2,877 692 1862 3,157 3,140 17 1863 3,876 3,710 166 1864 3,862 3,821 41 1865 3,620 3,496 124 1866 4,299 4,106 193

It will be seen that in every fair contest in the county the Republicans have carried the county since 1854, by a majority ranging from 17 in 1862 to 779 in 1854. In 1857 they lost the county by having two candidates for Governor against Packer, who had 129 majority.


The following is the official vote for Congress in this district in 1862, '64 and '66:

Congress, '62. Congress, '64. Congress, '66. County M'Pherson Coffroth Koontz Coffroth Koontz Sharpe Adams 2,517 2,969 2,525 2,759 2,901 3,134 Bedford 1,686 2,332 2,145 2,515 2,573 2,850 Franklin 3,124 3,148 3,508 3,457 4,278 4,162 Fulton 719 1,011 552 851 -- 295 Somerset 2,380 1,503 2,512 1,592 3,079 1,745 TOTAL 10,426 10,963 11,242 11,174 12,831 12,186 Coffroth's majority in '62 537 Koontz's majority in '64 68 Koontz's majority in '66 645

We have not the full vote of Fulton, but we are assured that 295 is Mr. Sharpe's official majority.

Gen. Koontz has received the largest vote ever given to any man in the district, and goes back to Congress triumphantly endorsed by the people.


We give the official vote for Assembly in this district in 1864, '65 and '66, as follows:

ASSEMBLY--1864. County M'Clure Roath Sharpe Mitchell Franklin 3,632 3,376 3,580 3,298 Perry 2,139 2,160 2,225 2,218 TOTAL 5,771 5,536 5,805 5,516 M'Clure over Mitchell 255 M'Clure over Roath 235 Sharpe over Mitchell 289 Sharpe over Roath 269 ASSEMBLY--1865 County Stumbaugh Shuman M'Lellan Tressler Franklin 3,619 3,528 3,611 3,458 Perry 2,273 2,283 2,030 2,052 TOTAL 5,892 5,811 5,641 5,510 Stumbaugh over M'Lellan 251 Stumbaugh over Tressler 382 Shuman over M'Lellan 170 Shuman over Tressler 301 ASSEMBLY--1866 County Stumbaugh Shuman M'Allen Adams Franklin 4,248 4,297 4,162 4,130 Perry 2,573 2,570 2,501 2,511 TOTAL 6,821 6,867 6,663 6,641 Stumbaugh over McAllen 158 Stumbaugh over Adams 180 Shuman over McAllen 204 Shuman over Adams 226


The following are the majorities in the several counties for Governor. Those marked with a star (*) are unofficial:

GEARY. CLYMER. Allegheny 7,676 Adams 216 Armstrong 680 Bedford 224 Beaver 925 Berks 6,166 Blair 752 Bucks 594 Bradford 4,000* Cambria 652 Butler 400* Carbon 433 Cameron 70* Centre 471 Chester 2,279 Clarion 1,037 Crawford 1,745 Clearfield 1,100* Dauphin 1,390 Clinton 610 Delaware 1,385 Columbia 1,618 Erie 3,288 Cumberland 537 Franklin 193 Elk 500* Huntingdon 950* Fayette 790* Indiana 2,200* Fulton 280 Jefferson 103 Greene 1,531 Lancaster 6,000 Juniata 298 Lawrence 2,140* Sehigh 1,572 Lebanon 1,498 Luzerne 3,646 McKean 167 Lycoming 577 Mercer 600 Mifflin 110 Perry 86 Monroe 1,994 Philadelphia 5,388 Montgomery 1,155 Potter 700 Montour 392 Somerset 1,303 Northampton 3,011 Snyder 486 Northumberland 468 Susquehanna 1,447 Pike 900 Tioga 3,270* Schuylkill 1,722 Union 704 Sullivan 300 Venango 919 Wayne 400 Warren 1,115 Westmoreland 1,067 Washington 500* Wyoming 100 TOTAL 54,271 TOTAL 37,509 Geary's majority 16,762

-Page 03-

Local Items--Election Night in Chambersburg
(Column 1)
Summary: The piece recounts (in a tongue-in-cheek manner) the atmosphere in town on election day and details the events that occurred.
Full Text of Article:

ELECTION NIGHT IN CHAMBERSBURG--JOYS AND SORROWS OF POLITICS.--The annual return of general election day was this year unusually big with fate. It dawned on brighter hopes and witnessed sadder disappointments than almost any of its predecessors. Both parties greeted the morning sun that shone on the eagles of Austerlitz, and with unabated zeal the contending armies fought it out contesting every inch. The boys had their fun, and their chestnuts, and their apples, and were jolly with the promise of magnificent bonfires in the evening. The doubtful voters were generally run through early and allowed to spend the remnant of the day in obscurity, while the leaders looked after the more important voters not yet run through the mill. The Republicans were earnest, defiant and confident, and had the field in both wards before the day was half spent, and the Democracy were prepared to yield something on their sanguine figures before the polls closed. But they were still confident. They had the South Ward sure--so all their managers and poll-directors insisted. Some of their knowing-ones put it up to 30, and a few even above that; but the Republicans laid aside their paper calculations and put out their best efforts to carry the ward. It was nobly, untiringly fought, and nobly won.

At last the sun was sinking behind the western hills, and for the first time in the history of elections, the votes were all polled. At six o'clock the Republicans had their work done, and in the three boxes of Guilford and the two wards there were not six votes wanting or expected half an hour before closing time. The great battle was fought, and all hands had to sit down and await the tale of the tickets. Occasionally the amusement of voting was varied by a street-fight, or a heated discussion on the great issues between two political stars; but there were few bloody noses, and no bones broken. One knock-down in the North Ward cleared the polls for a few minutes as the combatants swung around the circle over a pile of bricks, but peace soon regained her serene sway and all was lovely again.

At last the old town-clock tolled out the signal hour of seven, and down went the windows, and the officers proceeded to count. Both parties retired from the field to their headquarters--the Republicans to the office of McClure & Stewart, and the Democracy to the office of McLellan & Kimmell. As they were next door to each other in the same building, each could watch the faces of the other, and on all sides there beamed the smiles of hope and confidence. Around both doors were the boys, bewildering everybody with huzzas for Geary and for Clymer, and around the court-house steps were sundry sleepers who had voted early and drank often and seen that their neighbors drank. Once in a while one of them would roll over and groan out--"hurrah (hic) for Clymer--let's drink," but both parties were too full of expectation to look after the fallen heroes. At last a cheer broke out up Main Street and it swelled as it came thundering toward the diamond. It was for Geary, and the faces in the Democratic household were pale. Nearer and nearer the chorus came, until amidst the cheers could be heard--"South ward 22 for Geary!" It was the death-knell to the Democracy. Their lights went out at once; their leaders departed--some to their homes and others to explain the disaster over the flowing bowl. Soon after the North Ward came with 167 for Geary. Then came Guilford with but 22 for Clymer, and next came Mercersburg with her crusher of 191; little Green with her brain-clout of 102; Washington with her stunner of 72 and Antrim with 22. The hopes of the Democracy faded out by inches as these figures crowded in upon them, and soon afterwards Allegheny, Philadelphia, Dauphin and a few other counties reported settled the question of Geary's election. A few of their braver spirits stood the grief, and faced disaster with jolly heroism; but one by one they dropped off until there was not one to be found upon the street to tell the story of the great Democratic overthrow of 1866.

Our reporters were directed to call on the heads of the various Democratic Bureaus in Chambersburg and get official statement of their operations in the late canvass. This duty was undertaken soon after the Mercersburg returns were received, and notwithstanding the earnest efforts of our efficient corps, they had great difficulty in getting the correct data. The chief managers of both Bureaus were found trying to explain the election to the town pump, and afterwards were engaged in a fierce pugilistic struggle with a black lamp-post, which they mistook for a "buck-nigger" trying to get into a front pew in the church. With much difficulty the altercation was arrested, but the papers of the Bureaus were found in the most confused state. After using our most powerful magnifying glasses, and two of our compositors on unintelligible copy, we are able to present what seems to be a correct statement of the potency of the two Bureaus in the late election. While the fruits may be regarded as insufficient for the outlay, it must be considered that probably the managers were as much to blame as the Bureaus. The following is the account as made up of


The Bureau Dr. Amount To 16 bbls. Superfine Flour $176.00 To 5 Sheep, with the wool 40.00 To 10 cords of wood 40.00 To 47 gall's whiskey 109.40 To 13 bush. corn meal 13.00 To 540 lbs. bacon, old 5.40 To 240 qts. chestnuts 4.80 To 347 lbs. sugar 5.40 To one wood-horse .75 To Three wood-saws 6.00 To 300 yds. assorted calico 75.00 To Assorted baby-clothes 64.00 To 16 gals. home-made rum 40.00 To Children's toys, assorted 30.00 To Candies for Children of voters 27.00 To Sundries 194.00 TOTAL $838.55 The Bureau, Cr. By two votes a $419.27 $838.55

It is proper to say in justification of the officers of this Bureau that they promised more than double what they paid out, and that they expected a much larger vote for their ticket as the result of their labors. Why the people did not vote as they promised amidst the profusion of country produce, the officers are unable to explain. They generally concur in the theory however, that they did not vote the Democratic ticket mainly because they voted the other ticket.

Our reporters had rather more difficulty in getting the accounts of the other Bureau into shape, owing to the multiplicity of promises out for each office, many of which were not recorded. The following, however, is regarded as about a correct statement of the operations of


The Bureau, Dr. To Post-office, pay $2300.00 To Sub-collector 1000.00 To Sub-assessor 1000.00 To 10 Inspectors of Distilleries 2500.00 To 16 regular army appointments 2000.00 To 4 Consulships 8000.00 To 5 Clerkships 3000.00 TOTAL $19,800.00 The Bureau, Cr. By one vote (Mr. Welsh) $19,800.00

It is due to the managers of this Bureau to say that they promised many more offices, but had no record of them, as the memoranda of the office was in fearful confusion, and they confidently expected 234 votes as the result of their labors. At the time our reporter left, they were endeavoring to account for the other 233 votes, but we could not wait for the solution of the problem. Mr. Sharpe was figuring it out on a board fence with a chunk of charcoal; Kimmell was lost in a maze of figures he had made in the town pump with a piece of chalk; and Keyser had the gable-end of his office covered with mathematical hyeroglyphics; but all seemed in vain. But one vote could be accounted for on an expenditure, actually and positively promised, of $19,800. We are credibly informed that since the election both institutions have been closed up and have gone into Mr. Duncan's hands as a receiver. It is fair to presume that they have had their day, and the next election will not witness the beneficient operations of the Bureaus.


After Waynesboro had dashed up her 72; Mercersburg her 191; Antrim her 22, and Fayetteville had thundered to the tune of 59 and Old Green with her 103, we sent our reporters out, about the "wee sma' hours" to look after the wounded and report their condition. After a protracted search and prognosticating each case carefully, we received the following report.

Mr. Sharpe, wounds numerous and fatal, but patient, vigorous and merry in the throes of dissolution. Was injured most severely by a Somerset.

Mr. Kimmell could not be found, but on his door was his card, evidently prepared in the agony of bleeding wounds, bearing this inscription: "Non est, de gustibus, non disputandum!"

Mr. Keyser, struck by a spent shot before the regular action commenced, and had retired beyond danger. Had miscalculated range of enemy's guns and was hit by mistake on his part, case considered hopeful.

Messrs. Duncan, Stenger, Douglas and others were all more or less injured, but their recovery is considered probable. A considerable number of the wounded were shot in the neck, but in no case had the arteries been cut.


By this time the contending parties had been separated. The victors had the field and the vanquished had retired. Here and there were to be heard the deep guttural sounds of the fallen, and the inspired voices of the triumphant, but beyond the skirmishing Captain Whiskey kept up around the camps of both parties, the conflict had ceased. Geary was elected by 18,000; Sharpe was beaten 700, and the whole county ticket was triumphant. Bully for the People; bully for the Voters' Commissary Bureau; bully for the Corruption Bureau; bully for the Old Flag; bully for everybody and the rest of mankind.


The following correspondence has been brought in by our vigilant reporters, and is vouched for by them as genuine. It will be seen that after a protracted negotiation the Democratic Insurgents have surrendered on the conditions proposed by Mr. Myers, who commanded the Loyal forces.


Chambersburg, October 9, 1866.

To F. M. Kimmel, Commander of the Democratic Insurgent Forces:

SIR:--The result of this day must convince you of the hopelessness of further resistance on the part of your shattered, discordant and demoralized forces in this struggle.

I feel that it is so, and regard it as my duty to shift from myself the responsibility of any further effusion of country produce, by asking of you the surrender of that portion of the political insurgents under your unfortunate command.

Very Respectfully, your, &c.,
Commanding Loyal Forces.


Chambersburg, Oct. 9--11:37 P. M.

To Samuel Myers, Commanding Loyal Forces:

SIR:--I have received your note of this date. Though not entirely of the opinion you express of the hopelessness of further resistance on the part of my command, I most feelingly reciprocate your desire to avoid the useless effusion of valuable country produce; and therefore, before considering your proposition, ask the terms you will offer on condition of my surrender.

Your obedient servant,
Commanding Dem. Insurgent Forces.


Chambersburg, Oct. 11--11:42 1/2 P. M.

To F. M. Kimmell, Commanding Democratic Insurgent Forces:

SIR--Your note of this evening asking the conditions on which I will accept the surrender of the Democratic Insurgent Forces under your command, is just received.

In reply, I would say that peace being my first desire, there are but a few conditions I must insist on, viz:

1. That the men surrendered shall be disqualified for assailing the loyal cause, either in peace or in war.

2. That they shall forever be disqualified for draft or negro riots, and for becoming or aiding deserters.

3. That they shall henceforth make reputable speeches on all subjects they may discuss.

4. That they shall not shed innocent blood gratis in the butcher shops before elections.

5. That they shall abolish the Voters' Commissary Bureau, and cease bartering rations for votes.

6. That they shall cease selling A. J.'s offices in open market for votes, and especially shall not offer one office to seventeen men, and then give it to none of them.

7. That they shall cease ever apologizing for and aiding, encouraging, and abetting treason.

8. That they shall punish traitors by some other process than putting them into the Senate and in Congress.

9. That they shall not derange the currency by exchanging greenbacks for wood, cord for cord.

Upon the acceptance of the foregoing terms, your men will be paroled, and the officers will each be allowed to retain side-arms and baggage as follows:

One nigger on the brain.

One nigger in each wood-pile.

One nigger bureau.

One nigger forbidden to marry their daughters.

One nigger female forbidden to marry them.

One nigger of the mixed persuasion.

One nigger--in a horn.

All nigger cards, hand-bills, placards, &c.

It is to be understood, however, that the above articles are solely for private use, and they are not to be flaunted into the face of the public to the disgust of every honest and decent citizen, as heretofore.

Hoping that the terms proposed will be accepted, and that this fearful and profitless effusion of beef, mutton, flour, country produce, truth, offices, &c., on the part of your forces will forever cease, believe me,

Yours Respectfully,
Commanding Loyal Forces.


Chambersburg, Oct. 10--12:30 A. M.

To Samuel Myers, Commanding Loyal Forces:

SIR:--I have your letter covering proposed terms for the surrender of my forces.

Having twice hurled my command into the conflict, only to suffer discomfiture; believing that my men cannot fight successfully, as at present equipped, even if they would; that they would not fight under me if they could, I accept the situation, and shall surrender with the consent of friend and foe.

You can therefore take my command, such as it is, as it is useless to me as I am to it, and the effusion of blood and country produce on the voter's altar, shall now cease,

Yours Submissively,
Com. Dem. Insurgent Forces.

This correspondence and surrender approved October 9, 1866.

His ANDREW [graphic of liquor bottle] JOHNSON mark.

We bespeak for the paroled men the kindest consideration of the public. Their nerves are sadly shattered by the conflict, and they are in constant apprehension of the advancement of the negro into their family circles, their churches, their altars, their firesides, and their elections. They are entitled to the profoundest commiseration, and they will doubtless receive it.

Thus has ended the ever memorable political conflict of 1866.

Local Items--The Montana Train
(Column 2)
Summary: The editors relate that the train sent to Montana by the Montana Gold and Silver Mining Company, "most of which is owned by this county," arrived in Virginia City on October 4th after a "most perilous march of 104 days from the Missouri River. The editors briefly describe the adventurers' violent interactions with the Indians they encountered along the way.
Local Items--Centenary Meeting
(Column 2)
Summary: S. H. C. Smith announces that the centenary meeting of the M. E. Church will be held next Sunday.
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. H. C. Smith)
Local Items--Instructions for U. S. Senators
(Column 3)
Summary: The article contains a copy of the petition signed by local Republicans, calling for the creation of a committee to oversee a "direct" vote of Union men to select a candidate to replace Senator Cowan.
(Names in announcement: David Witherspoon, Samuel G. Lane, H. S. Stoner, John Ruthrauff, A. D. Caufman, A. W. Fletcher, Emmanuel Kuhn, J. Lambert, William G. Mitchell, John Doebler, K. Shaun Taylor, J. C. Austin, Barnet Earley, S. M. Shillito, James G. Elder, W. S. Fletcher, J. B. Miller, James Hamilton, G. R. Messersmith, Chas. H. Taylor, John Mull, G. J. Mason, James C. Eyster, William C. Eyster, L. B. Eyster, George Palmer, Edward Aughinbaugh, James L. Black, R. E. Tolbert, Sol Huber, J. H. Harmany, J. H. Aughinbaugh, William Hutton, George Gross, John Huber, Jacob Plough, William Wallace, Samuel S. Shryock, A. S. Monn, J. M. Brown, William Campbell, R. P. Hazelet, John Benedict, Jacob Lehman, George Eyster, John Stouffer, S. W. Hayes, Thomas J. Earley, John Crawford, A. M. Criswell, A. M. Brown, J. S. Eby, W. P. Eyster, John A. Brough, A. K. McClure, W. W. Paxton, Henry Strickler, W. S. Everett, William McDowell, John B. Cook, John Stewart, D. A. Wertz, George J. Balsley, L. B. Kindline, Henry Wolf, L. B. Kurtz, John Fisher, William G. Reed, Joseph Frey, Lewis Shoemaker, John Jeffries, Frederick Henninger, W. Gelwicks, J. D. Jacobs, J. R. Gelwicks, Martin Heintzelman, George W. Snider, Peter Brough, Charles Gelwicks, A. J. Miller, C. C. Foltz, C. E. Fetter, Abraham S. Winger, Daniel Trostle, J. C. McLanathan, W. S. Amberson, Tench McDowell, James Patton, Snively Strickler, Lyman S. Clarke, John W. Deal, John Downey, J. K. Shryock, A. H. McCulloh, George Chambers, William H. Mackey, George Jarrett, James McRankin, Charles H. Bush, Samuel F. Greenawalt, D. Brainerd Kirby, I. H. McCauley, J. C. Richards, J. L. Sueserott, W. L. Chambers, J. Allison Eyster, Henry S. Shade)
Editorial Comment: "The following paper, signed by a large number of most active Republicans, was presented to the Chairman of the Union County Committee on the 13th inst., and in obedience to it he has called a meeting of the committee to determine upon the proper plan of ascertaining the preferences of the Republicans of the county on U. S. Senator:"
Local Items--Union Mass Meeting At Hagerstown
(Column 3)
Summary: A mass meeting will be held on October 20th by the Union men of Washington county, Maryland, many of whom, the piece reminds readers, attended the rally in Chambersburg. Consequently, it explains, "it would be no more than right and proper that we should return the compliment by sending them a large delegation" of Union men from Franklin.
Local Items--Opening of the Repository Hall
(Column 3)
Summary: Announces that Sanford performed at the opening of Repository Hall. Sanford, "who delights young and old with fond memories of the Sunny South," entertained the crowd with his renditions of "negro songs" and "dances" as well as his "fun, frolic, and negro extravaganzers."
Local Items--Revival
(Column 3)
Summary: A revival has been in progress for the past three weeks at the M. E. Church in St. Thomas; eighteen people "have professed conversion and the meeting still continues with unabated interest."
Local Items--Painful Accident
(Column 3)
Summary: Christian Burkhart's daughter severely burned her back and arms when she fell backwards into a kettle of hot soap last Wednesday.
(Names in announcement: Christian Burkhart)
Local Items--Another Removal
(Column 3)
Summary: Upton Cook was removed from his appointment as Postmaster of Fayetteville and replaced by Jacob Oyler.
(Names in announcement: Upton Cook, Jacob Oyler)
(Column 4)
Summary: According to the Repository's correspondent, the "absorbing question" in the state capital is who will be selected to the U. S. Senate--Gov. Curtin or Thad Stevens. Others such as Gen. Cameron and Col. Forney enjoy support, but there is "no popular sentiment to sustain them or swell their numbers."
Trailer: Horace
(Column 4)
Summary: On Oct. 11th, William D. Gill and Anna S. Harcleroad were married by Rev. S. H. C. Smith.
(Names in announcement: William D. Gill, Anna S. Harcleroad, Rev. S. H. C. Smith)
(Column 4)
Summary: On Sept. 4th, David A. Freeze and Martha L. Kendal were married by Rev. S. Bigham.
(Names in announcement: David A. Freeze, Martha L. Kendal, Rev. S. Bigham)
(Column 4)
Summary: On Oct. 11th, John R. Huber and Anna Mary Vance were married by Rev. S. Bigham.
(Names in announcement: John R. Huber, Anna Mary Vance, Rev. S. Bigham)
(Column 4)
Summary: On Oct. 10th, George W. Whitacre, of Huntingdon, Indiana, and S. Jennie Wright were married by Rev. S. H. C. Smith.
(Names in announcement: George W. Whitacre, S. Jennie Wright, Rev. S. H. C. Smith)
(Column 4)
Summary: On Oct. 11th, Upton C. Bingman and Anna E. Connor were married by Rev. J. Benson Akers.
(Names in announcement: Upton C. Bingham, Anna E. Connor, Rev. J. Benson Akers)
(Column 4)
Summary: On Oct. 11th, William H. Shirley and Martha Burns were married by Rev. P. S. Davis.
(Names in announcement: William H. Shirley, Martha Burns, Rev. P. S. Davis)
(Column 4)
Summary: On Oct. 4th, Henry S. Neil and Bell McMullen were married by Rev. William A. West, assisted by Rev. D. J. Beale.
(Names in announcement: Henry S. Neil, Bell McMullen, Rev. D. J. Beale, Rev. William A. West)
(Column 4)
Summary: On Sept. 6th, Levi Sleichter and Mary Martin were married by Rev. F. A. Galt.
(Names in announcement: Levi Sleichter, Mary Martin, Rev. F. A. Galt)
(Column 4)
Summary: On Oct. 4th, Alexander E. McCurdy and Waddie E. McLaughlin were married by Rev. F. A. Galt.
(Names in announcement: Alexander E. McCurdy, Waddie E. McLaughlin, Rev. F. A. Galt)
(Column 4)
Summary: On Sept. 9th, Isaac Gelsinger, 67, died at his home in Hamilton township.
(Names in announcement: Isaac Gelsinger)
(Column 4)
Summary: On Oct. 7th, William, infant son of George and Elizabeth Brindle, died.
(Names in announcement: William Brindle, George Brindle, Elizabeth Brindle)

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