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Franklin Repository: January 16, 1867

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[No Title]
(Column 1)
Summary: In light of the "appalling debauchery" that surrounded the selection of the U. S. Senator, the editors refrain from criticizing Col. Stumbaugh, their elected representative to the House, for voting for Simon Cameron because it was largely expected. The same, however, does not hold true for Senators McConaughy and Worthington, both of whom deserve to be severely rebuked for ignoring the instructions of their constituents, who overwhelmingly endorsed Gov. Curtin for the position.
The Senatorial Slaughter
(Column 2)
Summary: The Repository's correspondent, and co-owner, A. K. McClure offers a stinging indictment of the process by which Simon Cameron was elected Senator.
Full Text of Article:

Editorial Correspondence of the Franklin Repository.
Harrisburg, January 11, 1867.

All efforts to avert the blistering dishonor of the election of Simon Cameron to the first legislative tribunal of the nation have proved utterly futile. The people believed that they had precluded the possibility of such a result, for in no single Senatorial or Representative district in the State does a majority of the Republicans desire his election. On the contrary, nineteen-twentieths of the faithful men who have by noble, patriotic effort given victory to our cause, are earnestly, implacably opposed to him, and demand the election of a tried and trusted statesman to the responsible position of Senator.

That the action of the caucus will startle and appall the Republicans of Pennsylvania I cannot question. But few of the overwhelming majority who desired a different choice believed such monstrous perfidy on the part of their legislators within the range of their action. Even the leading men who entered the contest as a forlorn hope with an earnestness worthy of their cause, reposed in fancied safety until it was too late; and many of them, but a few weeks ago, censured me as an alarmist because I raised an humble voice of warning to the people.

Knowing as I did, before the late election, that Cameron had debauched both our immediate Representative and our Senator, that he had wrung from our legislative candidate in Perry a written pledge to support him under the threat of defeat, and that he had contracted for a Senator and two Representatives in the adjoining Bedford district in the nominating conference, I could not doubt that elsewhere, as here, he had corrupted the delegated powers while the people rested in confident security. I still hoped, however, that a wrong so unexampled and exceptionless could not be consummated, and I committed the natural error of bowing in silence, rather than peril harmony and success in a struggle involving the most important officers who were to be charged with the safety of our nationality.

Had the voices of Stevens, and Forney, and Grow, and their friends, rung out boldly a month ago, as they did yesterday, the Commonwealth would have been spared this indelible blot upon its fame; but all hoped for the crown when the usurper should fall, and feared that he might wound his assailants mortally in the violent throes of his death.

Why Simon Cameron was chosen, I need not repeat. The story is familiar to all, even in the humblest and remotest homes of the State. If written in flaming characters on the dome of the capitol, or branded ineffaceably upon the brows of the men who did it, no one would have to learn thereby how the richest jewel of loyal victory had been basely bartered for a price.

I have been one of the multitude of witnesses who encompassed this unequal struggle. I did not err in estimating how the legislature was instructed and voluntarily pledged to vote for Senator. More than enough were so chosen--not by trickery, but by the spontaneous expressions of those whose votes were sought--to have made Gov. Curtin the nominee for Senator on the first ballot; and of the residue, not one-half--hardly one in five, dared to avow to their constituents before the election that they would vote as they did last night.

When the members had got safely beyond the power of the people by their election, every appliance was made to bear upon them that ingenuity could devise. There were offices for the ambitious, plunder for the venal, and promises for fools. Many came here still strong in their integrity and mindful of their noble people who had confided in them, but I saw them wither and fall like the blighted leaves of autumn; and fall, like one of old, to rise no more. Thus did the harvest of corruption go on until the garners of the master were full.

The informal meeting yesterday of those who desired to save the Republican organization from suicide, showed sufficient strength to defeat the power of a subsidized caucus, had not the same influence demoralized the Democratic members. Their nomination of Cowan was but a notice to all that a sufficient number from that side were ready for delivery whenever wanted to consummate the election of Cameron. The fact that to have refused to recognize a caucus because it was improperly controlled, would have been fruitless, made many men unwilling to make a failure in opposition to what had the form of a regular nomination, and men sullenly bowed to conscious wrong. Had it been possible to unite sufficient strength on Mr. Stevens, or Mr. Grow or any other gifted and upright statesman, there would have been a cheerful sacrifice of all personal preferences; but to all such propositions there was no response from those who had resolved upon perfidy. It was otherwise denominated in their bond.

To me this result brings no personal disappointment, and calls for no personal resentment. Of Mr. Cameron, I have no reason for personal complaint. That I believe him unfitted, alike in integrity and capacity, for high official trust, is shown by twenty years of earnest resistance to his boundless political pretensions. If I had sought preferment or profit, I would have accepted the repeated invitations to become his partizan. Since the organization of the Republican party, I have labored and sacrificed for its success to the fullest extent of my humble ability and means, and its honors and emoluments I have freely accorded to others. It has had the highest and holiest mission ever committed to any political body of men, and I have steadily looked above the strife for individual advancement to the banner that told the sad story of my country's woes and appealed to patriotism to rescue the New World from man's crowning inhumanity to man, I therefore turn from this success of unmingled wrong in sorrow--now for the noble men who have fallen wounded in the circle of their friends, but for the fate I fear it must irrevocably decree for the Republican organization. How it is to survive such a wanton slaughter of its proudest attributes, I have not the faith to comprehend. It may hurl the polluting parasites from its throne and thus maintain its ascendency to the full fruition of its great work, but it must enter future struggles with its colors stained and its integrity questioned. I go from its gaping wounds, inflicted by unworthy ambition and unbridled venality, to do battle for its vital principles as before, but not for its betrayers, or those who would follow in their footsteps. While the timid, the time-serving, and the unprincipled will cringe that thrift may follow fawning, let it be known of me that I was not of the victors in this blotted triumph, and that in and about the very temple of power, I shall dare to be just, alike to the faithful and to the faithless, for Freedom's cause. Cogi qui potest, nescit mori. A.K.M.

Trailer: A. K. M.
The Senatorial Caucus
(Column 3)
Summary: The article lists the members of the Republican caucus according to their vote in the Senatorial contest.
Full Text of Article:

The Republican legislative caucus met on Thursday evening last to nominate a candidate for U. S. Senator. The result was clearly concluded before the meeting as it was manifest that Mr. Cameron had secured the control of a majority of the members. As it was an adjourned meeting of the joint caucus that nominated a candidate for Treasurer the week before, Speaker Hall, of the Senate, presided, and Speaker Glass, of the House, acted as Secretary. A motion was made by Senator Bigham to adjourn until Monday afternoon in order to give time to investigate the charges of corruption which prevailed, but it was voted down by the decided vote of 53 to 29, which was about a true test of the opposition to Cameron in the caucus. Senator Fisher, of Lancaster, refused to go into caucus and his vote is not recorded. He was the only absent member. When the caucus refused to adjourn, Senator Billingfelt, of Lancaster, retired and joined Senator Fisher in refusing to participate in the nomination. A ballot was then had with the following result:


Brown, of Mercer.
Coleman, of Dauphin.
Connell, of Phila.
Cowles, of M'Kean.
Graham, of Allegheny.
Haines, of Perry.
Landon, of Bradford.
Lowry, of Erie.
M'CONAUGHY, of Adams.
Ridgway, of Phila.
Stutzman, of Somerset.
Worthington, of Chester.
Hall, of Blair, Speaker.

Barton, of Delaware.
Brown, of Mifflin.
Cameron, of Sus.
Chadwick, of Allegheny.
De Haven, of Phila.
Donohugh, of Phila.
Freeborn, of Phila.
Ghegan, of Phila.
Harbison, of Lawrence.
Hoffman, of Dauphin.
Humphrey, of Tioga.
Kennedy, of Wyoming.
Kerns, of Phila.
Kimmell, of Indiana.
Kinney, of Bradford.
M'Camant, of Blair.
M'Kee, of Allegheny.
Mann, of Potter.
Marks, of Phila.
Mechling, of Armstrong.
Meily, of Lebanon.
Seiler, of Dauphin.
Sharpless, of Chester.
SHUMAN, of Perry.
Subers, of Phila.
Waddell, of Chester.
Weller, of Somerset.
Whann, of Venango.
Woodward, of Erie.
Worrall, of Phila.
Wright, of Snyder.
Glass, of Alleg'y, Speak.


Royer, of Montgomery.
Taylor, of Beaver.
White, of Indiana.

Adaire, of Phila.
Allen, of Warren.
Chase, of Crawford.
Colville, of Allegheny.
Davis, of Phila.
Day, of Washington.
Espy, of Crawford.
Ewing, of Washington.
Gallaher, of Westmore'd.
Gordon, of Westmore'd.
Lee, of Phila.
M'Creary, of Erie.
Pennypacker, of Chester.
Peters, of Allegheny.
Pillow, of Butler.
Quay, of Beaver.
Wallace, of Phila.
Watt, of Phila.
Wharton, of Huntingdon.
Wingard, of Lycoming.


Bigham, of Allegheny.

Armstrong, of Lancaster.
Richards, of Fulton.
Leech, of Mercer.
Roath, of Lancaster.
Steacy, of Lancaster.
Stehman, of Lancaster.
Wilson, of Allegheny.


Browne, of Lawrence.
Shoemaker, of Luzerne.

M'Pherrin, of Mercer.
Webb, of Sullivan.


For Cameron. . .46
For Curtin. . .23
For Stevens. . .8
For Grow. . .4

In the list of votes for Cameron will be seen the votes of Senator McConaughy and Representatives Stumbaugh and Shuman, all of whom have thereby offered the keenest insult to their constituents, and with them are eighteen others, whose names are given in italics, all of whom were either solemnly pledged to, or instructed by, their constituents to vote for Gov. Curtin. These twenty-one votes added to the twenty-three votes received by Gov. Curtin would have given him forty-four on first ballot, two more than enough to have nominated him. In addition to that number, Senators Bingham, Billingfelt, Browne (of Lawrence) and Fisher, and Representatives McPherrin, Richards, Webb and Wilson--eight in all who voted Stevens or Grow--would have voted for Curtin as between Curtin and Cameron. If therefore, those who were instructed or pledged for Gov. Curtin had not basely betrayed him and their constituents, he would have commanded fifty-two votes against Cameron in the joint caucus. Why he did not receive that vote, is well known to the people, and to them the mercenary puppets, who have bartered their votes and the richest laurel of Republican victory for a price, must render their account.

[No Title]
(Column 3)
Summary: Accusing Gen. Geary of having bartered his office to ensure the election of Simon Cameron, the article contends that the new governor will have to act quickly to rescue and restore the people's confidence in his administration.
Origin of Article: Pittsburg Gazette
[No Title]
(Column 4)
Summary: Reports that Congress has overridden President Johnson's veto of the bill granting suffrage rights to blacks in the District of Columbia. "Henceforth, there will be no distinction of caste or color at the ballot box in the national capital."
Mr. Stumbaugh's Vote
(Column 4)
Summary: The article includes correspondence from Thad Stevens to Stumbaugh, in which the Congressman castigates Franklin's representative for his double-dealings during the recent Senatorial contest. Stumbaugh, the piece explains, "was instructed, pledged to Stevens, and voted for Cameron, thus swinging pretty much around the whole Senatorial circle."
[No Title]
(Column 4)
Summary: Announces that the Mercersburg Review will resume publication under the proprietorship of S. R. Fisher & Co, of Philadelphia. The journal will be edited by Rev. Dr. Harbaugh, Professor in the Theological Institute.
(Names in announcement: Rev. Dr. Harbaugh)
Letters From Mrs. Swisshelm
(Column 5)
Summary: The author of the article ridicules the federal government's Indian policy, which she contends provides "provisions, at a cost of transportation and delivery, over fifty times the original purchase money," to a people who do nothing but "play Poker, and massacre women and children." Of course, for Swisshelm, the most galling paradox is that the Indians live on some of the most fertile land in the country, which instead of being cultivated by white farmers, sits idle as the private hunting ground of the Indian noblemen.
Full Text of Article:

Correspondence of the Franklin Repository.

Wilkinsburg, Pa. January 10, 1867.

In the last number of the St. Cloud (Minn) Journal, the paper I had the good fortune to establish on the frontier, is a letter on a subject which ought to be of universal interest, and I make no apology for a long extract:

"Next morning early we raised anchor and steamed on through a small lake, or rather rice field, to the mouth of Warren's Brook, where we detached a barge brought with us for transporting the goods and provisions for the Indians up this brook a distance of about three miles into and across a small lake, well on our way to Red Lake. In this however we were doomed to disappointment, as in almost everything else connected with transportation on this trip. The freight being all transferred from the steamboat to the barge and a tow line fastened to each side, all of our party, except the clergy, who were left to guard the boat, as well as the entire boat's crew, went to work with a will--some at the tow lines, others with polls prying and pushing. About this time, on a pleasant, clear, shiny Sunday morning might be seen your correspondent with tow line over his shoulder, tugging along slowly but faithfully over unfrozen marsh with about twelve inches of snow covering its uncertain surface; and like the rest, sometimes down and sometimes up, until the perspiration rolled down into his boots; but all to no purpose, for at about noon, after almost superhuman efforts to navigate this more than tortuous stream, we came to a dead lock. It was impossible to go any further unless we could throw the boat out upon the land and turn her bow into the stream again, like turning a plow at the end of a furrow. On looking back, we found that we had come about a quarter of a mile in a straight line, and about two miles by the channel.

"In this dilemma it was decided to send four men around to where we had intended to run the barge, with axes to blaze a road across the portage and ascertain the practicability for transportation overland in the direction of Cass Lake. The balance of the men towed the barge to the mouth of the brook, lashed it again to the steamer, and returned to this place, unloading all the freight upon the beach. By this time the road viewers came in and reported the distance across the portage to be about a mile, and the possibility of crossing with teams. The empty barge was then sent around through the brook to the other side of the portage to be in readiness for use should the teams reach there with the freight. Major Clarke returned with the steamboat that night to give directions for bringing over the teams sent by contractors, Burband Bros., to carry the annuity goods and provisions to Red Lake, to meet us at this place and make some other necessary arrangements and return the next morning. He also detailed a certain number of our party to start early in the morning to cut out a wagon road across the portage on the route selected. We pitched our large tent near the goods, and closed the day in an appropriate manner by holding divine service under the administration of the Revs. Knickerbacker and Stewart.

"On Monday morning the men selected to open the road left early to perform their duties, which being accomplished they came in towards evening.

"Nothing of interest occurred in camp during the day, all waiting anxiously for the return of the steamer, which was delayed by an accident. After shipping six yoke of cattle with the wagons on another barge, and a team of horses with additional supplies on the boat, Major Clarke left the fort early on Tuesday morning with the barge lashed to the boat, to returned to this place. All went well until within about four miles of camp, when they encountered some thin ice formed the night previous, which cut through the hull of the barge, causing it to sink almost instantly, leaving the oxen yoked together and mixed up with the wagons in dangerous confusion in the lake. Through the utmost exertions of all on board, the cattle were extricated and soon swam to shore; the wagons taken on board the steamer; and the barge raised and towed to shore and made secure; when leaving two men to drive the cattle round by land, the boat arrived at the landing about dark, much to the satisfaction of all. The boat returned to the fort the same night. I may remark as a somewhat singular fact, that on the lakes and rivers, in this far northern latitude this steamboat performed her regular trips of thirty miles up to the fifteenth day of November."

This letter is dated "Mitchell's Landing, Head of Leech Lake River," and was written by one of President Johnson's dismissed Postmasters. Leech Lake River is a tributary of the Mississippi, and empties into it about two hundred miles above the Falls of St. Anthony. The Mississippi is navigable from these falls to St. Cloud, where it is broken by Sank Rapids. From these Rapids is a navigable stretch of about fifty miles, to Little Falls, and above these, of two hundred and fifty, to the Falls of Pokegeny. The steamer here spoken of piles above Little Falls, and none can get down to anything below two thousand feet above the level of the Gulf of Mexico. Their principle business must be to take care of Indians. The ex-Postmaster, who is assisting in this good work, is a short, stout man, gray haired, easily put out of breath and temper, and exceedingly fastidious about such matters as the polish of his boots, fit of his gloves, &c. In 1862, as Commissary General of State troops, he was very busy drawing, transporting and giving out muskets, cartridges, &c., to shoot the people he is now wading the swamp, with a tow line over his shoulders, to feed and clothe and make comfortable for the winter. Then he slept in his dismantled house, after his wife and children had been sent to a place of safety, and nightly expected the war whoop and scalping knife of the warriors who lurked in the surrounding woods, murdering stray passengers, and only withheld from a general attack by the preparations made to repel it. Now they are lying in their wigwams playing "Poker," and waiting for him to haul up their winter's supply of pork and flour. The provisions represent the justice of the "white chief" at Washington, who has supplied "the noble sons of the forest" in a desultory sort of way with guns, ammunition, scalping-knives, blankets, beads, bread and pork, for a long series of years.

Of course the cargo reached its destination in good times, or the assembled braves, tired of playing Poker, and burning with a sense of wrong, would have sought redress by baking as many white babies as they could find, in cook stoves, ham-stringing their mothers and burning the houses. But no! They know that the white warriors are at home, and "their natural sense of justice" would not have led to such vigorous measures, but would have resorted to a war upon the fish of the lake and the bears of the forest for a supply of food. This account of the mode of carrying bread to the hungry, presents such a vivid picture of the sin and folly of our Indian policy, that I would God every American would carefully consider it.

The country over which these commissioners are dragging flour and pork and beans, is capable of raising forty bushels of wheat to the acre, one hundred bushels of corn, potatoes, of a quality so superior that one who has only eaten such as grow in this latitude can have no idea of; and in quantities surpassing belief. Of other ordinary root crops, beets, parsnips, &c., the ground will yield about four inches deep of the surface measure, and much sweeter and more tender than those grown in more Southern latitudes. Pennsylvania State Fairs, show no finer melons, pumpkins or squashes. The woods and thickets team with all manner of wild fruits, which grow in this State, and the marshes with cranberries. The numerous lakes and streams abound with Pike, Pickerel and Bass, some so large that it requires a strong man to throw them out, when caught with hook and line, while the prairies wave with grasses which produce the best beef, mutton and venison grown on this continent. The men who live on this soil are stalwart fellows, stout of limb and strong of arm. They play Poker, and massacre women and children, while the United States Government sends them provisions, at a cost of transportation and delivery, over fifty times the original purchase money!

The cargo spoken of in the above letter was going to the Red Lake Chippewas, and would have to be portaged across the water shed which divides the waters of the Mississippi from those of the Red River of the North. The treaty which calls for their delivery was made since the Sioux massacre. A Congressional commission was on its way to make that treaty, when the Siouxes broke out, and the commissioners were obliged to return, as that belt of the country lying between the Miss. and Red Rivers was so overrun by the savages, that every white inhabitant was murdered or driven out, and it was six weeks before a sufficient force of troops could be mustered to go across it to the relief of Fort Abercrombie. These Red Lakers say they were good Indians all the time; but it was hard to learn where all the bad Indians came from, who cut off all communication on every side and invested the Fort, night and day, keeping the garrison so constantly harassed, that the women, in addition to making cartridges, sometimes relieved guard.

It would be useless to recall these scenes except as a warning. Experience ought to teach wisdom; and as our Government has been "carrying coal to New Castle," and systematically fostering the Indian's contempt for labor, during all her past dealings with them, and the result has been most disastrous, is it not time the policy should be changed?

"The wrongs of the Indian" are a standing subject with a large class of sensible people, as well as with sentimental philanthropists who require some distant object on which to exercise their benevolence; but they overlook the starting point of some of these wrongs which is the acknowledgement of a right to monopolize the land. The North did the South an irreparable wrong in acknowledging her claim to a monopoly of labor. The slaveholders, whom we attempted to secure in their claim to the labor of the slave were more deeply wronged than the slaves; for, there is no way in which one can so effectually injure a man as to aid him in doing wrong to another. If the Indians had retained all the land of this continent, according to their original claim, how many millions must have perished of want, and by groundless wars, in Europe? Does any one doubt that God intended this land to be cultivated, and as a home for the millions crowded out of this world? Does any one doubt that he made the earth for the use of the people he made to live in it, or believe it is his will that one man, or class of men, should hold one hundred times as much as is required for his or their support, while ninety-nine are, in consequence, deprived of homes?

The entire system of our government is based upon the idea that an English nobleman has no right to hold thousands of acres, as a deer-park to descend to his heirs forever, while thousands of Englishmen are thereby deprived of the right to own even the smallest homestead. Why, then, should an Indian nobleman hold, in perpetuity, his thousands of acres of deer park while the laboring white man starves in city garrets, denied the right of a home? But, if the claim of the Indian is founded in national justice this is the position of affairs, and we are all living by his sufferance. The truth is that Indians have just as much right to life, liberty, land and the pursuit of happiness as white men have; and not any more. As the government has decided that one hundred and sixty acres is a proper allowance for the home of a white family, why is that not enough for an Indian family?

No justice can be secured to the Indian until the system of treaty making is abandoned, until we cease to recognize foreign nations in our midst, cover their outrages under their right to make war, and furnish them causes, in the frauds necessarily growing out of the false relations we have established. There is no use to talk of cultivating peace by sending honest men to carry out our treaty stipulations. There are not enough honest men in the land to attend to the Indian Department of the government, and if there were they could not all be spared for that business. The treaties themselves are all wrong, not only because they acknowledge foreign powers in our midst, communities who are not subject to our laws, but because they offer a premium for idleness, and its attendant crimes. These annuities are the strongest inducements to vagabondism which our government could offer; and, as the tree is known by its fruits, the condition of the treaty Indians is its most emphatic condemnation.

If it is best to buy instead of take the land, it should be paid for at once, so that they may feel the responsibility of their own future support. They should be fully incorporated into our government as members of the family, individually, each and all being held accountable to and protected by our laws. Their right to homesteads should be held sacred, or even especially guarded by laws forbidding their transfer, and they should be encouraged to remain on the land they now occupy, or, if they emigrate, to come eastward. Thus, instead of being confirmed in their savage habits, and picking up the border vices of civilization, they would gradually grow into valuable citizenship, and become a blessing instead of a terror and a spreading plague of moral pollution. It would be well for Pennsylvania if every Indian who ever had a home on her soil had remained, left his bones under her sward, and his descendants on its surface to this day. There has always been plenty of room, and the driving out of the Indians, before the march of civilization, is an outrage which cries to heaven. England incorporated the Indians of her American possessions with her white subjects, and stretches the aegis of her laws over them, and they are useful laborers, obedient to those laws, and rapidly advancing in civilization. During all the massacres in Minnesota the English subjects, in Selkirk Settlement, dwelt in peace, amid an overwhelming number of Indians. Why? Simply because those Indians had not been taught to consider themselves independent of the government, and entitled to life without labor. If an Indian commits murder, in the British dominions, he gets hanged, just like a white man. If he steals he is imprisoned, if he does not work he starves, according to the divine law, which says, "He that will not work, neither shall he eat." Let our government throw her Indian Bureau into the Potomac, put a washstand in its place, and have done with class legislation, establish a system of equal laws, pay cash for the land she purchases or stop buying; and she need no longer draw rations in boats across marshes, by manpower, to feed sturdy beggars, cultivate idleness and crime, and bring her credit and authority into contempt, so that the most enterprising class of her citizens are murdered by the thousand, with impunity, and her tax payers robbed of money by the millions. There never can be an end to the frauds of the Indian Bureau until that ancient piece of lumber is floated out to sea and sunk. The temptations are certainly irresistible, by men of ordinary integrity, and if there were no frauds, but that of taxing the industrious to feed the idle, of giving a premium for vagabondism by leaving those who would work without protection against those who will steal, the whole system would be a disgrace to any half civilized country.

Trailer: Jane G. Swisshelm

-Page 03-

Local Items--Convicted of Arson
(Column 1)
Summary: The piece reports that Joseph Rosenthal was convicted of setting fire to the China House in Baltimore. The building is owned by Simon Batle, who along with William Blum, the owner of a furniture store, occupy the dwelling. Apparently, Rosenthal was in the employ of Blum.
Origin of Article: Baltimore Clipper
Local Items--Greencastle Items
(Column 1)
Summary: The following men were elected as Directors of the First National Bank of Greencastle for the upcoming year: James C. McLanahan, George W. Zeigler, John Ruthrauff, Jacob Shook, John Wilhelm, Samuel A. Bradley, Jacob Crowell, A. B. Wingerd, John Rowe, Benjamin Snively, and Jesse Craig. Of additional note, members of the Valley Echo Lodge, I. O. G. T., selected the officers for their chapter.
(Names in announcement: James C. McLanahan, George W. Zeigler, John Ruthrauff, Jacob Shook, John Wilhelm, Samuel Bradley, Jacob Crowell, A. B. Wingerd, John Rowe, Benjamin Snively, Jesse Craig, J. Mong Hughes, Maria Black, John H. Weaver, M. B. Ruthrauff, J. W. Wightman, J. F. Cummins, J. Deardorff, W. H. Davison, S. H. Prather, C. F. Fletcher, A. E. Kunkle, F. Wunderlich, E. Humrichouse)
Origin of Article: Pilot
Local Items--The Cammels Are Gone
(Column 1)
Summary: The article relates that Bill Cammel, the last in the line of a large family that "led a vagrant life," died at Alms House last Friday. Members of the family "possessed a peculiar love for the marvellous and were fond of telling wonderful stories, which in Bill's case, followed him to the last hour of life."
(Names in announcement: Bill Cammel)
Local Items
(Column 1)
Summary: Announces that the inauguration of Rev. E. E. Higbee as Professor of Church History in the Theological Seminary in Mercersburg will take place at the First German Reformed Church on Jan. 18th.
(Names in announcement: Rev. E. E. Higbee)
Across The Plains To Montana
(Column 2)
Summary: The author of the letter provides an account of his journey to Montana, a trip that included memorable encounters with Indians and herculean struggles against the elements and physical geography of the frontier.
Trailer: J. C.
(Column 3)
Summary: On Jan. 10th, John Yoe and Addie J. Weilder were married by Rev. James M. Bishop.
(Names in announcement: John Yoe, Addie J. Weilder, Rev. James M. Bishop)
(Column 3)
Summary: On Jan. 10th, Peter Yoe and Rachael Rotz were married by Rev. James M. Bishop.
(Names in announcement: Peter Yoe, Rachael Rotz, Rev. James M. Bishop)
(Column 3)
Summary: On Jan. 1st, Leander E. Palmer and Anna Sackman were married by Rev. J. Benson Akers.
(Names in announcement: Leander E. Palmer, Anna Sackman, Rev. J. Benson Akers)
(Column 3)
Summary: On Jan. 8th, John Foglesanger and Jennie Snoke were married by Rev. James M. Bishop.
(Names in announcement: John Foglesanger, Jennie Snoke, James M. Bishop)
(Column 3)
Summary: On Jan. 8th, Solomon Bushman and Eliza Wagoner were married by Rev. J. Dickson.
(Names in announcement: Solomon Bushman, Eliza Wagoner, Rev. J. Dickson)
(Column 3)
Summary: On Jan. 8th, John Fisher and Charlotte Nicklas were married by Rev. J. Dickson.
(Names in announcement: John Fisher, Charlotte Nicklas, Rev. J. Dickson)
(Column 3)
Summary: On Jan. 6th, Thomas Prim and Martha A. Bohn were married by Rev. H. Y. Hummelbaugh.
(Names in announcement: Thomas Prim, Martha A. Bohn, Rev. H. Y. Hummelbaugh)
(Column 3)
Summary: On Jan. 8th, John Crisman and Sarah Shoup were married by Rev. H. Y. Hummelbaugh.
(Names in announcement: John Crisman, Sarah Shoup, Rev. H. Y. Hummelbaugh)
(Column 3)
Summary: On Jan. 13th, Leroy Lee and Elizabeth Simmers were married by Rev. H. H. Hummelbaugh.
(Names in announcement: Leroy Lee, Elizabeth Simmers, Rev. H. Y. Hummelbaugh)
(Column 3)
Summary: On Jan. 10th, Louis H. Sprecher and Nannie J. Huber were married by Rev. J. Bigham.
(Names in announcement: Louis H. Sprecher, Nannie J. Huber, Rev. J. Bigham)
(Column 3)
Summary: On Jan. 8th, William Murphy and Mrs. Boggs were married by Rev. J. Smith Gordon.
(Names in announcement: William Murphy, Mrs. Boggs, Rev. J. Smith Gordon)
(Column 3)
Summary: On Jan. 10th, Snyder Dubbs, of Central City, Iowa, and Sarah Newlin were married by Rev. J. Smith Gordon.
(Names in announcement: Snyder Dubbs, Sarah Newlin, Rev. J. Smith Gordon)
(Column 3)
Summary: On Dec. 28th, Sarah, consort of Bolsor Kunkle, died at the residence of her son-in-law in St. Thomas. She was 73 years old.
(Names in announcement: Sarah Kunkle, Bolsor Kunkle)
(Column 3)
Summary: On Dec. 5th, Catharine Leberknight, 25, died in Hamilton township.
(Names in announcement: Catharine Leberknight)
(Column 3)
Summary: On Jan. 3rd, Jacob Stinger, a man "highly esteemed by the community in which he lived," died near Loudon. He was 72 years old.

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