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Franklin Repository: August 28, 1867

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-Page 01-

Letters From Mrs. Jane G. Swisshelm
(Column 7)
Summary: In her column, Mrs. Swisshelm discusses the results of the recent elections in Tennessee and Kentucky, contending that they demonstrate that blacks can be trusted to vote their true interests, rather than according to what their masters tell them. That this occurred, she avows, should not come as a surprise since blacks "are the shrewdest people I have ever met, and have thoroughly learned the art of bending before a storm." Their cunning "has, for centuries, been their only defense against savage ferocity and despotic power."

-Page 02-

The County Ticket
(Column 1)
Summary: The editorial endorses the ticket selected at the Republican County Convention, describing it as commanding "general respect," and gives a brief biographical sketch of each candidate.
(Names in announcement: Col. Theodore McGowan, Samuel F. Greenawalt, W. W. Paxton, A. H. Etter, John E. Maclay, Addison Imbrie, Witherow)
Full Text of Article:

The ticket which the Republican Convention offered to the voters of Franklin county for their support at the election before us, will command general respect. The gentlemen who compose it are widely and favorably known, are entirely worthy, and deserve the honors they will receive. It is inspiring to go into a campaign with such names inscribed upon our standards. They are of themselves the earnest of success. Placed in nomination fairly and honorably, bearing good records politically and morally, representing a party known to be the only hope of the country which it saved, it is scarcely borrowing too much of the future to predict that their election is fore-fixed. The nominees are so well known, that we have no call to introduce them to the people; but we desire to say a word or two in regard to each of them.


Col. Theodore McGowan, of Fayetteville, received the nomination. A more fitting selection could not have been made. Col. McGowan belongs to one of the oldest families in the country, his father and grandfather having lived and died in the neighborhood in which he resides. The Colonel is thoroughly identified with the county, and would represent her with filial pride, as well as with great ability, in the Legislature. He is a gentleman of excellent qualifications. To a high classical education, he adds good, plain, practical, every day common sense, a grace of nature above the gift of schools. He is industrious, energetic, steady in purpose, true. Of a kind and friendly disposition, he is still rather modest in his demeanor, and lacks the self confidence that some people call impudence in us older politicians. Although yet a young man, he has had much experience in business life, for from the time he bore off the honors of his college to the present moment, he has not had an idle day. The outburst of the Rebellion found him occupying a prominent position as a professor in an institution of learning in South Carolina. He left his situation as soon as he could get away, and sought admission into our army. He entered the service as Asst. Adj't General, in June, 1862, was on the Peninsula with Gen. Howe, in Keyes corps; subsequently served under Gen. Sedgewick, in the 6th corps, and was at the battles of 2d Mannassas, and at Fredericksburg. He was then transferred by special order from the War Department as chief of staff to Gen. Martindale, Military Governor of Washington, and afterwards continued with Gen. Augur. His duties at Washington were of the most laborious nature, and were fulfilled with a fidelity that won him distinction.


Our fellow townsman, Samuel F. Greenawalt, will be assigned charge of the public funds, for the next two years. Mr. Greenawalt is one of the most popular young men amongst us, and one of our most influential business men. He is engaged in the mercantile line in this place. It is likely that every male adult in the county is acquainted with him, and we doubt very much if any of his acquaintances will be willing to vote against him. No member of the party has done more hard work for it than he, and none is more deserving of its compliments. He will receive a strong vote.


W. W. Paxton, Esq., the present incumbent, has discharged his duties so satisfactorily, that it is the purpose of his constituents to continue him on the bench. The Judge is admirably adapted to his post. He is discreet and just, of pure moral character, and endowed with a wise discernment of human nature. Calm, patient and intellectual, Judge Paxton is fitted by temperment, experience, and training for the position he fills, and to which he will be undoubtedly re-elected by a handsome majority.


Mr. A. H. Etter, of Green township, a practical farmer, is more than qualified for the office he is selected to fill. The interests of the public will be well subserved in his hands. He is pleasant and affable in deportment, of unblemished reputation, and strict business habits. He will make a very popular officer.


This, in our opinion, is one of the most important offices in the county. The proper management of Alms House, is a subject which is beginning to attract the earnest attention of the public, which had been too long indifferent to the prominent christian duty of taking care of the poor. To provide a comfortable home for our unfortunate fellow-beings upon whom poverty and disease have laid their heavy burdens, is a high moral obligation imposed upon communities. The institutions established for this purpose should be managed with a spirit of benevolence. It is not enough to furnish food and shelter for their inmates; these should be made comfortable, and, as far as practicable, contented and happy. At the same time, extravagance should be avoided, as prodigality is not beneficence.

John E. Maclay, of Lurgan, possesses in an eminent degree, the qualifications needed for the Directorship. He is well suited both in heart and mind. A man of excellent judgment, substantial business parts, and kind heart, he will look well to the wants of the poor, and the interest of the public. The choice of him as our candidate was most happy. He, also, is a practical farmer, which is an additional recommendation of a Director.


Addison Imbrie, of Antrim, formerly of Mercersburg, is fitted for the duty, which he will be called upon to perform, by his general acquaintance with the people of the county, by his discretion and good sense. He has long enjoyed the reputation of being a consistent, and earnest member of our party, and his name upon our ticket will add to its strength.


Mr. Witherow, of Metal, is at present a farmer; but for may years was a prominent teacher. His education qualifies him in an especial manner for Auditor. He is a gentleman of marked firmness and honesty; and any paper that bears his signature presents a guarantee of its correctness. The favor with which his name was received in the convention, betokened the reception it will meet at the polls.

Such a ticket should secure the active support of the party, and commend itself to the favor of those who have hitherto not been with us.

We want a full vote this fall. We owe to these gentlemen, who have sustained us so often, that we now do some work for them.

The Convention: Its Harmony an Example
(Column 2)
Summary: The editors gleefully describe the proceedings at the Republican County Convention as the most "harmonious" ever held in Chambersburg.
[No Title]
(Column 2)
Summary: The brief piece praises Col. D. Watson's performance during the convention, which he presided over.
(Names in announcement: Col. D. Watson Rowe)
[No Title]
(Column 2)
Summary: It is reported that President Johnson issued an order, calling on Gen. Grant to rotate the generals in charge of the military departments in the South.
A Tour Through The Rocky Mountains
(Column 2)
Summary: McClure discusses his time in Montana in this installment of his journal to the West. McClure focuses on the efforts of vigilantes to maintain order in an area virtually devoid of the presence of law authorities.
Trailer: A. K. M.
Salary of the County Superintendent
(Column 5)
Summary: In his letter, "Justice" says the effort to raise the salary of the County Superintendent of the Common Schools has been met "with an almost unanimous disapprobation," and should therefore be abandoned. Opposition to the increase, Justice explains, has nothing to do with P. M. Shoemaker, the current Superintendent.
(Names in announcement: P. M. Shoemaker)
Trailer: Justice

-Page 03-

Local Items--Delegates Elected
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports that W. S. Everett and J. S. Nixon, T. B. Kennedy were selected by the Farmers' and Mechanics' Industrial Association to represent the organization at a meeting of Pennsylvania's agricultural societies that will take place at the Agricultural College on Sept. 4th. The purpose of the meeting is to elect Trustees of the College, make changes to the curriculum, and to select two experimental and model farms.
(Names in announcement: W. S. Everett, J. S. Nixon, T. B. Kennedy, Frederick Watts)
Local Items--Barn Burnt
(Column 1)
Summary: Relates that Abraham Carbaugh's barn and its contents, including his crop and farming utensils, were destroyed in fire on August 16th. The loss is estimated to be $4,000, though Carbaugh did not have insurance. Carbaugh was the only one to suffer injuries in the blaze; his injury was sustained when he tried to rescue a prized horse. The fire is believed to be the work of an incendiary.
(Names in announcement: Abraham Carbaugh)
Local Items--Fun-Ahead
(Column 1)
Summary: Announces the Hope Fire Company will hold a picnic at Brown's Mill on Sept. 11th.
Local Items--The Temperance Pic Nic
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports that the Falling Spring Division, No. 122, S. of T., held their picnic yesterday; the event had initially been scheduled for last Thursday, but was postponed due to inclement weather.
Local Items--Correction
(Column 1)
Summary: The editors offer a correction for a mistake that appeared in the last issue of the Repository. The correct number of votes received by S. F. Greenawalt in the first ballot at the Republican County Convention amounted to 28, not 23, as the erroneous piece claimed.
(Names in announcement: S. F. Greenawalt)
Local Items--Political
(Column 2)
Summary: At the meeting of the Republican County Committee last Tuesday, J. W. Fletcher and S. M. Shilito were elected Chairman and Secretary respectively.
(Names in announcement: J. W. Fletcher, S. M. Shilito)
Local Items--Appointment
(Column 2)
Summary: Will F. Duffield, son of Dr. S. E. Duffield, was appointed Stenographic Reporter to the Courts in Franklin county by Judge King.
(Names in announcement: Will F. Duffield, Dr. S. E. Duffield, Judge King)
Local Items--Died at the Almshouse
(Column 2)
Summary: John Brown has died from complications from his throat wound. Brown cut his throat several weeks ago and had been recuperating in the Almshouse since.
(Names in announcement: John Brown)
Republican County Resolutions
(Column 2)
Summary: The article includes the ten resolutions passed by the delegates at the Republican County Convention. Among the issues addressed: support of Congress's Reconstruction plans; praise for Edwin Stanton; and endorsement of greater protections for American industry.
(Column 3)
Summary: On August 16th, Catherine Hoke died suddenly at her home in Stoufferstown. She was 61 years old
(Names in announcement: Catherine Hoke)
(Column 2)
Summary: On August 19th, William W. Skinner died at his residence in Fannettsburg. He was 58 years old.
(Names in announcement: William W. Skinner)
(Column 3)
Summary: On August 23rd, David Brand died in Chambersburg. He was 27 years old.
(Names in announcement: David Brand)
(Column 3)
Summary: On August 13th, Laura Alice, daughter of Christian and Mary Weaver, died at Marion. She was 6 months old.
(Names in announcement: Laura Alice Weaver, Christian Weaver, Mary Weaver)
(Column 3)
Summary: On August 23rd, Ellen C., daughter of Andrew Detrich died in St. Thomas. She as 28 years old.
(Names in announcement: Ellen C. Detrich, Andrew Detrich)

-Page 04-

Description of Page: This page contains advertisements.