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Franklin Repository: March 11, 1868

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Another Railroad Talk
(Column 01)
Summary: Report on a meeting of railroad magnates in Franklin county that made a case for establishing a terminus at Chambersburg. The paper points out that Chambersburg has very rich iron deposits and needs a railroad to exploit transportation of that precious mineral. Therefore, the paper urges the town's leaders to take prompt action before other towns vie for the road.
Full Text of Article:

A meeting of the citizens of Washington and Quincy townships was held in Waynesboro, some days ago, at the instance of the friends of the railroad which it is proposed to build from that town by way of Quincy, Funkstown and Fayetteville to an intersection with the Cumberland Valley road at Scotland or Chambersburg. Assuming the general desirability and practicability of the road to either terminus as aspects of the project so easily to be established as to be well nigh fully evident on a moment's consideration, we wish to call the attention of the business men of Chambersburg and its immediate vicinity to the importance of hearty co-operation in the enterprise and of securing, thereby, the full measure of the benefits which the road will bring to the county capital if it be made to terminate at that point. That the road will be built from Waynesboro to a junction, there is no doubt; the necessities of existing business concerns and the pressure of possibilities in the south-eastern townships compel this belief: where that junction shall be made is in the hands of our readers.

The true and lasting interests of the whole county, in our judgment, point to Chambersburg as the proper terminus. The shiretown ought to be the heart of the shire, whence the arteries course to the extremities--the focus in which the returning currents centre; when it is not, the community is an undeveloped organism, without life or force. Such, to-day, is our condition--we lack unity, co-operative power--we are slumbering amidst possibilities which one day will, by their realization for Carlisle's or Hagerstown's benefit, reproach our blindness. It is safe to say that the county of Franklin comprises with itself as many of fair fields for exertion as any county in our famous commonwealth or any equivalent area in the Union. Our fertile soil is the theme of common boast, our water power has but one rival in the State, our iron now commands a premiun in the world's market, yet we have, for lack of unity--because of want of combined action--but barely entered on the development of the soil's resources. It is a truth that the eastern townships of Washington, Quincy, Guilford and Green, as they abut upon the South Mountain or climb its slopes, are well nigh simply masses of iron ore. Larger deposits of hematite are not to be found in the State; yet the efforts of Caledonia and Mont Alto have done little more than discover them in thirty years of labor. This much they have done, and made, by doing it, present development easy and immediately profitable. It is apparent that the opening, to its full extent by capital and labor, of these immense mineral deposits will completely change the face of both country and society in the eastern half of the county. What Schuylkill and its neighboring counties are in coal; Franklin will soon become in iron. The smoke of furnaces will becloud the mountain-side for miles--artisans will congregate by hundreds--the re-action of manufactures on agriculture and the harmonious working of both, will enrich, as they quadruple, the members of the community. The town, if bound to this growth by the bands of speedy intercourse, will share it in equal measure. From it, either at wholesale or in parcel, will come the supplies of that thrift--to it will be borne the thousand products of its labors. The welfare of the country is the life of the town and the building up of the town is inseparable from the growth of the country. We think it, accordingly, good policy on the part of the business men of Chambersburg to even strain their energies in aiding this road to completion, and seeking, by liberal contributions to its building, to turn the balance, now hanging very evenly, in favor of an intersection here rather than at a point which will lead all the wealth and all the benefits of the road, by an obscure outlet, below Scotland, to foreign towns and to the warehouses and pockets of foreign capitalists. We hope a meeting will speedily be called and prompt action taken.

Republicans, Are You Ready?
(Column 04)
Summary: The paper urges Republicans to mobilize for the spring elections. The editors warn that Democrats are ready to take advantage of Republicans "wherever they are not watchful and active."
(Column 04)
Summary: Letter from a local Republican who wishes to nominate Col. George Weistling for Congressman for the 16th district.
Full Text of Article:

To the Editors of the Franklin Repository.

Please permit one of your patrons, through the columns of your paper, to call the attention of the Republicans of the 16th Congressional District, and more particularly of Franklin county, to the fact that the campaign of 1868 is about opening, and already the opposite parties are making the preliminary arrangements for the coming great battle, and notwithstanding we are passing through momentous times, and all the people are keeping their eyes steadily fixed on Washington city, let not the Republicans forget that they too must cast about and make proper arrangements for the coming contest. Amongst other things, we shall be called upon to select some one as the Congressional standard bearer of this district, and it would seem fitting that the Republicans of Franklin, who have strong claims, if indeed they are not entitled to name the candidate for the district, and in this view, would it not be proper to name a gentleman well qualified to fill the highest responsible trust committed to the keeping of a Congressman, and not desiring to do injustice to any of the very many who are both worthy and fully capable to fill said position, let me suggest the name of a gentleman of spotless character, high scholastic attainments, affable manners, a ready and able speaker, exceedingly practical, persevering and energetic in everything he undertakes, an indefatigable laborer in the Republican party, a soldier with a good record, and deservedly popular wherever known. Such a man is Col. George P. Weistling, of Quincy township, Franklin county. If nominated, there can be no doubt of his election, and in the discharge of the duties devolving on a member of Congress, he will be found to reflect honor on those whom he will represent, with great credit to himself. A REPUBLICAN VOTER.

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Young Men's Christian Association
(Column 01)
Summary: A meeting was held in the basement of the M. E. Church to plan the establishment of a Young Men's Christian Association in Chambersburg. Rev. S. H. C. Smith presided as chair and J. R. Gaff was elected secretary. A committee was appointed to draft a constitution. The paper stresses the importance of such an association that would aim at "the intellectual and religious improvement of its members." They also plan to establish a reading room that would be a boon to the entire community.
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. H. C. Smith, J. R. Gaff)
Fannettsburg Lyceum
(Column 01)
Summary: Fannettsburg has been holding a regular lyceum over the winter. The organization hosts lectures, debates, and readings and publishes a literary paper called "The Olio." They also hold "dialogues, declamations, tableaux, charades, etc." Proceeds go to the hall.
(Names in announcement: Noble, Wineman, Walker, McAllen, Dr. J. Montgomery, Gordon, Wilhelm, Seibert)
Railroad Committee Meeting
(Column 01)
Summary: The committee to support the proposed railroad from Scotland to the Maryland line met in Waynesboro. William S. Amberson was elected president and Joseph W. Miller, secretary. The committee reported the tonnage for Washington and Waynesboro at 15,000 tons and Quincy 4,000 tons. On motion of H. C. Wertz, a committee was appointed to receive stock subscriptions. The following were chosen: Henry Good, E. J. Small, E. B. Winger, John Heller, Peter Knepper, H. E. Wertz, John Philips, Levi Sanders, Daniel Geiser, Joseph Douglas, Henry Baer, J. J. Miller, W. S. Amberson, John Funk.
(Names in announcement: William S. Amberson, Joseph W. Miller, H. C. Wertz, Henry Good, E. J. Small, E. B. Winger, John Heller, Peter Knepper, H. E. Wertz, John Philips, Levi Sanders, Daniel Geiser, Joseph Douglas , Henry Bear, J. J. Miller, W. S. Amberson, John Funk)
Large Yields
(Column 02)
Summary: C. Gillan of St. Thomas delivered 125 bushels of clover seed to the warehouse of G. A. Deitz. D. H. Heckman of Hamilton delivered 60 bushels.
(Names in announcement: C. Gillan, G. A. Deitz, D. H. Heckman)
Green Township
(Column 02)
Summary: The paper declares that the meeting of the "friends of Grant and Curtin" in Scotland was the largest ever held in that place. Isaac Miller presided. The following men were nominated for town offices: John S. Myers for assessor; Peter Sollenberger for supervisor; Philip Fishburn and N. K. Mahon for school director; Henry Sleighter for auditor; William Wallace, Jr., for town clerk; William Thomas for judge; Joseph Wallace for inspector.
(Names in announcement: Isaac Miller, John S. Myers, Peter Sollenberger, Philip Fishburn, N. K. Mahon, Henry Sleighter, William WallaceJr., William Thomson, Joseph Wallace)
Building Association Items
(Column 02)
Summary: Five shares of stock of the Chambersburg Building Association were sold, one at an advance of $1.75 per share, the other at $2.05 per share. Association money sold at 32 percent premium.
[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: Maj. Hershberger exhibited his panorama of the burning of Chambersburg in Fannettsburg on March 5th. The hall was crowded and a band played music to accompany the work.
(Names in announcement: Maj. Hershberger)
(Column 02)
Summary: The congregation of Middle Spring Church refuse to ratify the decision of the Presbytery to sever the connection between the Rev. I. N. Hays and their church. The congregation do not wish to give up their pastor and are appealing the decision.
(Names in announcement: Rev. I. N. Hays)
Professor Elected
(Column 02)
Summary: The Rev. E. V. Gerhart will replace the late Rev. Dr. Harbaugh as professor of Didactic Theology at the Mercersburg Theological Seminary.
(Names in announcement: Rev. E. V. Gerhart, Rev. Dr. Harbaugh)
(Column 02)
Summary: Cyrus M. Ricker of Franklin and Miss N. P. Murphey of Indiana were married in Illinois on December 10th by the Rev. Mr. Crane.
(Names in announcement: Cyrus M. Ricker, N. P. Murphey, Rev. Crane)
(Column 02)
Summary: Mrs. Harriet Vantries, wife of Dr. John Vantries, died in St. Thomas on March 10th.
(Names in announcement: Harriet Vantries, Dr. John Vantries)
(Column 02)
Summary: Mrs. Barbara Young, wife of John Young, died at Camp Hill on March 2nd. She was 53 years old.
(Names in announcement: Barbara Young, John Young)
(Column 02)
Summary: John R. King died in Montgomery on February 29th. He was 77 years old.
(Names in announcement: John R. King)

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