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Franklin Repository: November 18, 1868

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Disorganizers and the Repository
(Column 01)
Summary: The paper denounces those who put personal ambition and grudges ahead of party unity. The editors celebrate their own even-handedness in helping the Republican Party achieve victory.
Pennsylvania in the Cabinet
(Column 02)
Summary: The paper argues that Pennsylvania should be represented in Grant's cabinet. The editors dismiss those who call for cabinet members who are "above politics" as those who "opposed Grant's election." Anyone who was neutral during the war is not fit to serve: "It was the pure and simple question of government or no government, and men were necessarily arrayed on one side or the other. The cause of universal liberty and equal rights triumphed" and Grant should choose those who represent those principles.
A New Registry Law
(Column 02)
Summary: The paper urges the new Republican-controlled legislature to pass a registry law designed to prevent election fraud. The editors hold that such a law is not partisan and would help Republicans and Democrats alike. The article also advocates tougher naturalization laws, arguing that many foreigners "cannot possibly understand anything about the genius and spirit of our institutions."

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The illumination on Tuesday evening
(Column 01)
Summary: Several different groups, led by the "Boys in Blue", marched through Chambersburg celebrating the recent Republican electoral triumphs. John Cessna, A.K. M'Clure, and other Republican spokesmen gave speeches praising the voters' decision.
(Names in announcement: Col. Elder, John Cessna, A. K. M'Clure)
Full Text of Article:

The illumination on Tuesday evening, the 10th inst., was one of the grandest sights that has been witnessed in Chambersburg for a long time. Early in the evening the "Boys in Blue" and Grant and Colfax Club lighted their rooms and transparencies, but the dwelling houses were not illuminated until about 7:30. The procession was formed with the right resting on Market street. Col. Elder was Marshal of the occasion, and had as assistants Capt. John Doebler and Mr. Samuel F. Greenawalt. The "Boys in Blue," Grant and Colfax Club and South Ward Invincibles were out in full force. Hagerstown sent to our aid a large delegation of loyal men. They were welcomed with cheers as they always will be by their brothers in Chambersburg, who are working with them in the same good cause.

One of the most amusing sights in the procession was the "carpet-baggers," numbering some twenty-six persons, with a large banner in front, on which was inscribed "Wm. Penn and Christopher Columbus were carpet-baggers." The Salt River ticket wagon, with the bells that tolled the knell of dying Democracy, was another feature that attracted the attention of everybody. The procession marched through our principal streets. In the line of the procession there were four bands of music--Hagerstown, Greencastle, Chambersburg Silver Cornet and Citizens--and the "Boys in Blue" Drum Corps. Our citizens seemed to have spared neither trouble nor expense in beautifying their houses with lights, mottoes, transparencies and other signs of sympathy with the great object of the evening, as circumstances or taste might dictate. They seemed determined to show their great satisfaction at the election of Grant and Colfax and the success of Republican principles. We can truly say that our town has never before been so illuminated on any occasion. The ram interfered somewhat with the order of marching, but the body did not cease moving until after 9 o'clock, when it was make known that Hon. John Cessna and Hon. A.K. M'Clure were in town. They were serenaded at the National Hotel, and invited to speak from the Court House steps. Both delivered appropriate addresses, which were received with frequent applause. They were followed by Judge Armour in an effective address. We must not forget to mention that the late Democratic headquarters were brightly lighted up, and helped to do honor to the occasion. Nothing occurred to mar the pleasures of the evening. The work is now done and every one feels glad that it is as it is.

Court Week
(Column 01)
Summary: The paper records the weekly civil cases and verdicts of the county court.
(Names in announcement: Judge Rowe, Ferguson, Armstrong, John Slighter, Catharine Slighter, David Slighter, Henry Wesit, George W. Brewer, Sharpe, Kimmell, Henry Stonehouse, Elias S. Troxel, Joseph Douglas, George Myers, J. F. Smith, Emma L. Smith, Elder, Fletcher, Stumbaugh, Daniel O. Gehr, Cessna, Kennedy, Stewart, Jacob Smith, Edward G. Etter, Elizabeth Smith, Upton Washabaugh, David Hoover, Frederick Foreman, Luther Speilman, John H. Thomas, Samuel Secrist, Wilson Reily, John C. R. Eckman)
Full Text of Article:

Court met at 10:30 A. M., on Monday, the 10th inst., his Honor Judge Rowe presiding. Associates Ferguson and Armstrong were present.

The following cases were disposed of:

John Slighter, Adm'r and Catharine Slighter, Adm'r, of David Slighter, dec'd, vs. Henry Weist. Feigned issue to test the validity of Judgment No. 112, October term, 1866. The Jury found for defendant. Brewer and Sharpe for plff.; Kimmell for deft.

Henry Stonehouse vs. Elias S. Troxel. Foreign attachment in case. Jury found for the plaintiff for $701.94. Jos. Douglas for plff.; Kimmell for deft.

Geo. Myers vs. the Township of Quincy. Amicable action in assumpsit. Jury found for defendants. Sharpe for plff.; Brewer for deft.

J.F. Smith, use of Emma L Smith, vs. Austin, Elder & Fletcher. Summons case in assumpsit. Jury found for defendants. Kimmell, Brewer and Stumbaugh & Gehr, for plff.; Cessna, Kennedy & Stewart for defts.

Geo. W. Brewer, Adm'r, of Jacob Smith, dec'd vs. Edward G. Etter, Adm'r of Elizabeth Smith, dec'd. Jury found for the plaintiff for $163.60. Sharpe for plff.; Kimmell for deft.

Daniel O. Gehr, Ex'r of Upton Washabaugh, dec'd, vs. David Hoover. Appeal. Jury found for plaintiff, $30.47. Brewer for plff.; Sharpe for deft.

Frederick Foreman, for use of Austin, Elder & Fletcher, vs. Luther Speilman and John H Thomas. Jury find for plaintiff for $252.67. Kennedy and Sharpe for plff; Kimmell for deft.

Geo. Speilman vs. Samuel Secrist and Wilson Reily, Assignees of Jno C.R. Eckman. Summons case in assumpsit. Jury find for plaintiff for $325. Sharpe for plff; Cessna and Cook for deft.

(Column 02)
Summary: The paper records the changes made by the Republican County Convention concerning district representation. Each township receives more delegates under the new system, as indicated in the table.
Full Text of Article:

The last Republican County Convention passed the following resolution, establishing a basis of representation for future conventions:

"Resolved, That the County Convention shall be composed as follows: each district shall be entitled to three delegates, and one additional delegate for each one hundred Republican votes, or fractional part of one hundred votes exceeding fifty, and that the vote given at the Presidential election of 1868 shall be the basis of representation."

The following table gives the Republican vote of the several districts, and the number of delegates each is entitled to, with the number of delegates from each district under the old basis.--The total number of votes in a full Convention will be 116, an increase of 29 over the old basis:

Districts Rep. vote. New basis Old basis Antrim 583 9 9 Chambersburg North Ward 397 7 4 Chambersburg South Ward 299 6 5 Concord 34 3 3 Dry Run 122 4 3 Fayetteville 255 6 4 Greenvillage 214 5 3 Guilford 225 5 4 Hamilton 128 4 3 Letterkenny 181 5 4 Lurgan 100 4 3 Loudon 97 4 3 Metal 157 5 3 Montgomery 270 6 4 Orrstown 94 4 3 Peters 165 5 3 Quincy 265 6 5 Southampton 60 4 3 Sulphur Spring 33 3 3 St. Thomas 168 5 3 Washington 388 7 6 Warren 59 4 3 Welsh Run 157 5 3 116 87
[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: The Teacher's Institute of Franklin County is currently holding sessions in Chambersburg. Prof. J. Shumaker of the Chambersburg Academy will address the Institute on physical geography, and a number of prominent educators from around the country will also speak. "There is a large number of teachers in attendance, many of whom are the most bewitching, fascinating, jolly feminine creatures, too young to be called women, too old to be called girls, with bright, sparkling eyes and faces full of intelligence and good nature."
(Names in announcement: Prof. J. Shumaker)
Greenvillage to the Rescue
(Column 03)
Summary: The citizens of Greenvillage have organized a debating society. Officers have been selected.
(Names in announcement: Joseph Clugston, Capt. A. Criswell, John P. Wallace, William Oyler, Joseph M'Kindles, Charles Ditzler)
[No Title]
(Column 03)
Summary: The members of the First Presbyterian Church made a large gift of provisions to their pastor, Rev. J. Agnew Crawford. The act demonstrates the appreciation and "love of a congregation for a minister who has been laboring earnestly and faithfully for their spiritual welfare."
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. Agnew Crawford)
[No Title]
(Column 03)
Summary: Charles M. Burnet, "one of our best and most useful citizens," died suddenly of apoplexy. "His decease is a severe loss to our whole community, but especially to the poor and unfortunate. To such his liberal charity was never withheld, and among these will be found many sincere mourners."
(Names in announcement: Charles M. Burnet)
[No Title]
(Column 03)
Summary: The paper announces that it is now certain that Chambersburg will get the Female College to be organized by the Carlisle Presbytery. The Presbytery bought the property of Col. A. K. M'Clure for $45,000 on which to erect the college. Miss Wilson made the leading gift of $30,000 for its establishment. The paper also praises the efforts of Dr. Edwards of Hagerstown for helping to establish the institution.
(Names in announcement: A. K. M'Clure, Wilson, Dr. Edwards)
[No Title]
(Column 03)
Summary: The Monumental Association will hold a conference in Repository Hall on Thanksgiving. The concert will consist of a variety of musical pieces.
[No Title]
(Column 03)
Summary: P. Hamman, "our sturdy old Republican friend," is opening a writing school for young ladies and gentlemen on December 1st. It will be located in the former headquarters of the Boys in Blue. The paper praises Hamman's qualifications as teacher.
(Names in announcement: P. Hamman)
(Column 04)
Summary: Michael Latus and Miss Catharine Gommel, both of Chambersburg, were married on October 20th by the Rev. William George Hawkins.
(Names in announcement: Michael Latus, Catharine Gommel, William George Hawkins)
(Column 04)
Summary: Josiah Fleagle and Miss Rebecca C. Frey, both of Horse Valley, were married in Chambersburg on November 5th by the Rev. P. S. Davis.
(Names in announcement: Josiah Fleagle, Rebecca C. Frey, Rev. P. S. Davis)
(Column 04)
Summary: Benjamin Humbert of Loudon and Miss Cynthia Bell Reamer of St. Thomas were married in Chambersburg at Kieffer's Hotel on November 12th by the Rev. P. S. Davis.
(Names in announcement: Benjamin Humbert, Cynthia Bell Reamer, Rev. P. S. Davis)
(Column 04)
Summary: Philip Weirich and Miss Lizzie Reed, both of Hamilton, were married at the Lutheran Parsonage in Strasburg on November 5th by the Rev. E. Dutt.
(Names in announcement: Philip Weirich, Lizzie Reed, Rev. E. Dutt)
(Column 04)
Summary: Solomon C. Zimmerman of Letterkenny and Miss Mary C. Smith of Orrstown were married at the Lutheran Parsonage in Strasburg on November 12th by the Rev. E. Dutt.
(Names in announcement: Solomon C. Zimmerman, Mary C. Smith, Rev. E. Dutt)
(Column 04)
Summary: C. M. Burnet died of apoplexy on November 17th. She was 53 years old.
(Names in announcement: C. M. Burnet)
(Column 04)
Summary: Samuel S. Farner, son of Gabriel Farner, died in Lurgan on November 3rd. He was 3 years old.
(Names in announcement: Samuel S. Farner, Gabriel Farner)
(Column 04)
Summary: Henry M. Zearfoss died in Lurgan on November 8th. He was 42 years old.
(Names in announcement: Henry M. Zearfoss)

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