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Franklin Repository: December 23, 1868

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Should Our Farmers Sell Their Grain?
(Column 02)
Summary: The editor questions Pennsylvania farmers' decision to stop selling their grain in the hopes of getting higher prices later. The crop yields from the entire country show that the abundance of crops combined with a poor demand in Europe caused the deflated prices. He tries to convince farmers that prices will not rise in the future and urges them to sell grain now to diminish economic misfortunes.
Full Text of Article:

The scarcity of money which prevails is not limited to Franklin county, nor even to the Cumberland Valley. The complaint of hard times is general, though here there is a special scarcity of money owing to our heavy losses and the fact that our farmers are holding their produce for higher prices. Trade of every kind has contracted itself to its minimum standard, and manufacturers, if not obliged to stop altogether, turn out but a trifle of the amount of their former work.

The distress of our community is due then to the prevailing hard times, to the losses of 1864 which are felt more keenly now than then, to the contraction of that kind of work which gave employment to the laborer, and to the unwillingness of farmers to sell their grain at ruling prices. Owing to the two latter causes our community has been drained of currency and there is nothing done to bring it back. We sell nothing, neither raw materials nor manufactured articles.

We propose to ask if our farmers are acting wisely in thus refusing to sell; and, if we differ from them, will try and produce satisfactory reasons for so doing.

The price of wheat, oats and corn is regulated, like that of every other commodity, by the law of supply and demand. If the supply is abundant and the demand small prices must rule low. If their relative positions be changed prices must necessarily become high.

There are two conditions which, if true, will tend to keep the price of grain at its present standard, if they do not bring it still lower. These are the abundant crop of cereals throughout the United States, and the little demand from them in Europe.

The impression which prevails among our farmers that the wheat crop of last summer was a failure is a mistake. Our best information from a careful scrutiny of the reports from all the States leads us to this conclusion. The yield in California has been marvelous, and wheat is shipped from San Francisco in vast quantities to the Sandwich Islands, to Asia, Australia and to New York. That shipped to New York alone will reach millions of bushels. The territories of Colorado, Montana and Idaho have each raised enough to supply all their wants, and Utah has a large surplus on hand. The miners of these territories and the employees of the Pacific railroad will all be supplied without drawing on the States.

The corn crop of Texas is reported large, though there are complaints that wheat is in short supply. Of the crops in Alabama it is said that the production has exceeded that of last year. The accounts from Georgia are said to be discouraging, though the complaints are chiefly in regard to cotton. Wheat is not so good as was expected. In North Carolina and South Carolina, where more attention is paid to the cultivation of breadstuffs than before the war, the reports indicate an abundance. The crops of Virginia reached a full average, and owing to the rapid influx of farmers from Pennsylvania and other Northern States, a much larger crop was planted last year than formerly. Kentucky and Tennessee were both blessed with a full average of grain. Kansas, young, vigorous and healthy yields like a garden and boasts of large crops of wheat, corn, oats, and other grains. Her aggregate is largely in excess of that of other years. Some instances are mentioned wherein the value of the crop, exceeded the value of the whole farm, including the improvements. Missouri is little behind Kansas unless it be in the general inteligence of the inhabitants of the two States, and has too a bountiful harvest. Further North the same abundance prevails. Iowa never harvested a more bountiful crop, and, with her superior advantages for transportation, is rapidly shipping it to market. Minnesota rivals California in the productions of her wheat crops, and the average this year, says the Tribune, is perhaps higher than in any States east of the Rocky Mountains. Wisconsin had a fine crop, and has been industriously engaged in shipping it. In Illinois the wheat crop is represented as an average, and in the central part, devoted to corn, the yield is large. The fruit crop, which has been made a specialty in this State, generally failed.

From Michigan we hear of no complaints and presume that her farmers have met with reasonable success. The complaint is general that the wheat crop in Ohio has failed, and that in comparison with former years the result is not flattering. Wheat has been an uncertain crop in Ohio for some years, and the number of acres planted is much smaller than formerly.

As to Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey the crop of wheat in each has been a full average and of first rate quality, and the corn was both good and plentiful. New York, says the Tribune has never had a more abundant harvest. Throughout New England the crops are not behind the average standard, both as to kind and quality, of former years. Our own State has produced a large crop both of corn and wheat, though not so large as we have sometimes had. In the Cumberland Valley it can scarcely be called an average, and the quality is indifferent. Our farmers are disappointed at the yield, and, perhaps somewhat spoiled by the high prices of the last few years, hold on to what they have hoping to make the most out of it.

We do not believe that they are likely to be benefitted by waiting, and our reasons for this are the general abundance of the crops throughout the country, as we have briefly stated it, the immense quantity finding its way into market from the West, and the absence of a demand in Europe. Our whole community would be benefitted largely if the wheat and corn of Franklin county were brought into market, and we have grave doubts whether a longer delay will not subject those who own them to losses instead of bring them gain.

[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: The paper asserts that the "Democrats of Arkansas" are behaving as if they do not know that Grant has been elected president. They continue to commit "murders" and "Ku Klux pastimes" as freely as when Johnson was president. "If the gallant Ku-Klux have a large contract of murder and devastation to fill we advise them to go at it soon, for a day of reckoning is fast approaching, when they are likely to have other business on their hands."

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The Cumberland Valley Railroad Company
(Column 01)
Summary: The paper reprints portions of the report of Fred Watts, president of the Cumberland Valley Railroad. He reports that business on the road is increasing. 325 feet of new siding have been graded and laid at Chambersburg. The road wishes to extend the sidings at Chambersburg and Greencastle. The road carried 17,571 passengers from Shippensburg, including 10,098 eastward and 7,473 westward; 34,997 from Chambersburg, including 16,967 eastward and 18,030 westward; and 17,258 from Greencastle, including 12,460 eastward and 4,788 westward.
Court Proceedings
(Column 02)
Summary: The paper records the business of the county court. Most of the cases were for summons and debts.
(Names in announcement: Robert Forenburg, George A. Deitz, P. A. Ahl, Jere Monn, Hiram T. Snyder, Hiram Sowers, Henderson M. Jones, Dr. Jeremiah Monn, M'Cauley, Hays, Alex W. Kyner, Jacob Hargleroad, William Clark, John Foglesonger, C. Long, John Stayman, John E. Maclay, James H. Kelley, Michael Hargleroad, Christian Crider, John GillanJr., H. B. Davison, Hiram T. Snyder, Samuel Dysert, Henry M'Ferren, John H. Laker, John A. Grove, John R. Turner, Frederick Foreman, Isaac Cushwa, Daniel S. Reisher, Samuel Reisher, James A. Sellers, William Sprecher, Daniel S. Barnhart, Jacob Barnhart, C. M. Barr, John W. Barr, David Greenawalt, Daniel Hardsock, Frank Brother, William Phreaner, Etter, Streally, Eyster, David H. Hoffman, Morrow R. Skinner, Samuel Hoffman)
Full Text of Article:

The following cases were disposed of in the Court of Common Pleas last week:

Robert Forenburg vs. George A. Deitz--Summons case. Verdict for plaintiff for $390, with interest from September 15, 1866.

P.A. Ahl & Bro. vs. Jere. Monn--Summons in assumpsit. Jury failed to agree.

Hiram T. Snyder vs. Hiram Sowers.--Summens in assumpsit. Verdict for plaintiff for $369.78.

Henderson M. Jones vs. Dr. Jeremiah Monn. Summons in trespass on the case in slander. Settled.

M'Cauley & Hays vs. Alex. W. Kyner.--Summons in assumpsit. Defendant confessed judgment for $120.

Jacob Harelerode vs. Wm. Clark.--Summons case in assumpsit. Defendant confessed judgment for $95.00.

John Foglesonger, now for the use of C. Long, vs. John Stayman, with notice to John E. Maclay, Committee. Seira facias to revive and continue the lien of judgment. Continued.

James H. Kelley vs. Michael Harelerode.--Summons in assumpsit. Continued.

Christian Crider vs. John Gillan, Jr.--Appeal by defendant from the judgment of H.B. Davison, Esq., for $89.65. Continued.

Hiram T. Snyder vs. Samuel Dysert.--Summons case. Continued.

Henry M'Ferren vs. John H Laker--Appeal by defendant from judgment of P. Hamman, Esq., for $27.28. Continued.

John A. Grove vs. Bank of Chambersburg, owner, and John R. Turner, contractor.--Seira facias on mechanic's lien for the sum of $5,804.10. Continued at cost of plaintiff for the time.

Frederick Foreman vs. Isaac Cushwa. Capias. Continued.

Daniel S. Reisher vs. Samuel Reisher.--Summons in assumpsit. Continued.

James A. Sellers vs. John Gillan, Jr.--Appeal by defendant from the judgment of H.B. Davison, Esq., for $72.53. Continued.

William H. Sprecher vs. Daniel S. Barnhart and Jacob Barnhart.--Summons in trespass. Continued.

C.M. Barr and John W. Barr vs. Greenawalt & Barr and David Greenawalt.--Summons in debt on note not exceeding $3,500. Continued.

Daniel Hardsock vs. the Mont Alto Iron Company. Summons case in assumpsit. Continued.

Frank Brother & Co. vs. William Phreaner.--Summons in assumpsit. Continued.

Etter, Streally & Eyster vs. Samuel Reisher, with notice to Daniel S. Reisher.--Seira facias on mechanic's lien. Continued.

David H. Hoffman vs. Morrow R. Skinner, Am'r of Samuel Hoffman, dec'd.--Summons in assumpsit. Continued.

(Column 02)
Summary: Rev. R. H. Williams of Maryland lectured in the Court House for the benefit of the Young Men's Christian Association. He spoke on "Trifles: their littleness and greatness." The paper declares that it was full of "common sense." Rev. John Hunter delivered a lecture in the Court House on temperance. Rev. Irving Magee, pastor of the Lutheran Church, preached a sermon to the young men of Chambersburg. "Solemn facts were presented in such a manner as should cause each one to stop and reflect if his or her influence was detrimental to those of the rising generation." Prof. Shumaker gave a "very instructive and entertaining" lecture at Greenvillage.
(Names in announcement: Rev. R. H. Williams, Rev. John Hunter, Rev. Irving Magee, Prof. Shumaker)
(Column 03)
Summary: The Marshall Literary Society of Mercersburg College held a third anniversary celebration on December 17th. Members performed orations and musical pieces.
(Names in announcement: Rev. T. G. Apple, M. H. Bradley, W. L. Heyser, D. W. Whitmore, L. B. Schafer, N. S. Cook, D. N. Ditman, C. Kessler, E. E. Higbee, Dr. Halm, Miss Schively, Miss Laubaugh, Prof. Higbee, Prof. Kershner)
Burglary in Mercersburg
(Column 03)
Summary: Michael Fallon's store in Mercersburg was robbed of $4,500 in promissory notes, $4,000 in bank notes, small change worth $125, and items including pistols, a harness, a buffalo robe, watches, cutlery, and hardware goods.
(Names in announcement: Michael Fallon)
The Monumental Fair
(Column 03)
Summary: The paper reminds readers that the fair for the monumental association is now being held in Repository Hall. Citizens are urged to patronize it. O. N. Lull, superintendent of the Cumberland Valley Railroad, can provide interested parties with excursion trains.
(Names in announcement: O. N. Lull)
Musical Concert
(Column 03)
Summary: The M. E. Church will host a musical choir on Christmas night.
[No Title]
(Column 03)
Summary: Collector Ashcom appointed George J. Balsley Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue of Franklin County. "We are glad of this appointment and believe it will be eminently satisfactory to the public. There is no more active nor useful Republican in the county than George, and his services have long merited this reward."
(Names in announcement: Collector Ashcom, George J. Balsley)
[No Title]
(Column 03)
Summary: Mrs. Little has opened a Ladies' Restaurant on Second Street. "Our Ladies have found this out and it is the only place in town where they go for oysters."
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Little)
[No Title]
(Column 03)
Summary: The Central Presbyterian Church will hold services in the Court House next Sunday, and the Wednesday evening lecture will be held at the Young Men's Christian Association.
(Column 03)
Summary: Burglars stole $50 worth of goods from William M'Nulty's liquor store.
(Names in announcement: William M'Nulty)
[No Title]
(Column 04)
Summary: The Western Union Telegraph Company has re-opened an office in the United States Hotel.
(Column 04)
Summary: Archibald S. M'Culloch and Miss Lizzie Zimmerman, both of Franklin, were married on November 24th by the Rev. J. M. Grabill.
(Names in announcement: Archibald S. M'Culloch, Lizzie Zimmerman, Rev. J. M. Grabill)
(Column 04)
Summary: Thomas Rote of Lock Haven and Miss Josephine Kochenour of Stoufferstown were married on December 8th by the Rev. J. A. Crawford.
(Names in announcement: Thomas Rote, Josephine Kochenour, Rev. J. A. Crawford)
(Column 04)
Summary: Timothy H. Anderson of Greencastle and Miss Nannie Taylor of Harrisburg were married at the residence of the bride on December 17th by the Rev. H. Baker.
(Names in announcement: Timothy H. Anderson, Nannie Taylor, Rev. H. Baker)
(Column 04)
Summary: Edgar M. Flickinger of Metal and Miss Ana C. Elder of Dry Run were married on December 9th by the Rev. William A. West.
(Names in announcement: Edgar M. Flickinger, Ana C. Elder, Rev. William A. West)
(Column 04)
Summary: Rebecca White, wife of Edward White, died in Mercersburg on December 17th. She was 66 years old.
(Names in announcement: Rebecca White, Edward White)
(Column 04)
Summary: Miss Emma M. Boggs died in Fayetteville on December 18th. She was 15 years old.
(Names in announcement: Emma M. Boggs)
(Column 04)
Summary: Miss Ann Mentzer died near Fayetteville on December 7th. She was 75 years old.
(Names in announcement: Ann Mentzer)
(Column 04)
Summary: Mrs. Ella Avery, wife of John R. Avery, died near Mont Alto on December 13th. She was 26 years old.
(Names in announcement: Ella Avery, John R. Avery)

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