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Franklin Repository: October 27, 1869

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Our Poor House
(Column 01)
Summary: The paper comments on the Spirit's reponse to charges of waste and mismanagement in the Democratic administration of the Poor House. The editors call attention to questionable expenses of Democratic directors.
Full Text of Article:

The Spirit in its last issue has attempted to reply to our article of the 6th inst., in relation to the management of this institution and the mismanagement of those now controlling its affairs. Mr. Piper, the late Steward, has to bear the brunt of the reply, but as "Davy" has heretofore received many a hard shot and was not "kilt," we suppose he will survive this one.

The first item of our charges referred to by the Spirit is "fence making" done and performed by the present Steward, Mr. Brandt. We had said that these posts and rails "had been bought, hauled and paid for before Mr. Brandt became Steward." In this we may be in error. They had been bought and hauled in March, but were not actually paid for until the meeting of the Directors on the 5th of April, whilst Mr. Brandt assumed the position of Steward on the first of April. We were correct, however, in saying that "during the twelve months that Mr. Piper was Steward, from April 1st, 1868, up to and including April, 1869, the Directors had received $13,527.84, and with this, and the proceeds of the land, Mr. Piper had carried on the institution for his year, and left no debts that were not paid out of this money." So much for the posts and rails; but how about the hay, the pigs, and the potatoes?

We are glad that the Spirit did not dare deny the correctness of our list of "Provisions and Groceries" left by Mr. Piper when he removed from this Poor House on the 1st of April last, except in relation to the quantity of lard; and then the effort is made more to show that such a quantity could not have been left, than to deny that it had been left. The Spirit evidently did not know that the last butchering at the Poor House was on the 14th of January last, when 160 pounds of clean lard were added to the 250 pounds on hand at the settlement on the 1st of January, 1869. So there was plenty to make even six fifty pound cans. But how about the hay, the pigs, and the potatoes?

As to the truth of our statement about the crippling of the horse the night Mr. Brandt took possession of the Poor House, and which necessitated his being killed, and a loss of $200 caused the county, we would refer the Spirit to the hired men, at the Poor House who had charge of the horses for a long time before--knew their dispositions well--had charge of them then, and have charge of them yet. Mr. Piper had nothing to do with them, as they had gone into Mr. Brandt's care. So much for the "dead horse," but how about the hay, the pigs, and the potatoes?

The "horse contracts" get a full laudation from the Spirit, but some how or other the sum expended is always varying. In the article published in the Spirit on the 29th of September, the amount paid out for horses since the Democracy got control of the Poor House, was given at $997.50. In our issue of the 6th instant we charged, and showed, that it was nearer $1,250, and now in its last article the Spirit says it was only $879. Now which, even of the Spirit's statements, is true? We don't care which, for either sum was too great an expenditure under the circumstances. But not content with this expenditure of $879.00--$997.50 or $1,250, which ever it may be--the Directors, or Steward, have, as we are informed, actually bought another horse since our last article was published.

But says the Spirit the horses sold were "old, worn out, crippled, and blind." One mare was blind, but she was good, and suitable for all purposes, another horse was crippled, under Brandt's management, as above stated--but the remaining five were from three to ten years old, and as good as farmers horses are usually--and certainly good enough for Poor House purposes. It is not necessary, in our opinion, that our Paupers should have $250 horses to look at, and use, or that our Poor House team should be among the fancy teams of the county. We would advise the Spirit to get Mr. Brandt's receipt for buying cheap horses, and publiush it for the benefit of our farmers. It would certainly be more advantage to the public than even Mr. Piper's receipt for making "lard," about which they speak so much. But how about the hay, the pigs, and the potatoes?

The Spirit man should not fault the Republican officers at the Poor House for desiring to "hold on" to their little places, considering how long she has held on to his little "posish" of District Attorney. The desire to get money easily and surely is natural to an American, and not unconstitutional as we know of--and the desire of the Democratic appointees to get hold of the Poor House teat, was so extreme, so itching, and so uncontrolable that the majority of the Board actually paid the Republican Clerk and Attorney $50 to "git," and let their man in--and also put out the Republican Treasurer, contrary to law, and inducted a Democratic successor, to the end that the handling of money, the making of contracts, and the emoluments of the offices might be kept among the hungry faithful. But how about the hay, the pigs, and the potatoes?

We think we have fully answered the Spirit's two column article, but before we close we wish to refer to another glaring abuse at the Poor House, one that has existed for many years past, and under all administrations, and one that we think in all candor should be abolished. We refer to the large and costly DINNERS served up to everybody who will or can come to the monthly meetings of the Directors. The preparation of these feasts, we have been informed, often occupies the family of the Steward, and the cooks in the institution, the greater part of the day preceding the monthly meetings of the Directors, (which is always Sunday,) and also the fore part of the day following, to the great worry, disgust and annoyance of those who have to prepare them. Cakes, and pies, and other delicacies have to be baked on the Sabbath, when every thing about the place should be at rest, and the inmates at church, or employed in reading and meditation. There is perhaps no great objection to the Directors and officers of the institution getting a dinner once a month at the public expense, but they should take "pot luck" along with the Steward's family--but even this is a custom that would be more honored in the breach than the observance. The County Commissioners, Jurors, Road Viewers and all other public officers on duty pay for their own dinners and horse feed, and why should not the Directors of the Poor do the same thing?

But if, as we said before, the Directors be allowed to sponge a dinner and horse feed out of the public funds, once a month, that is no reason why the hordes of hungry money seekers who go there at each meeting to get pay for their "little bills"--nor the dozens of others who go there without any business, should have their dinners at the public expense. Parties having claims upon the public usually make them large enough to cover the expense of going after their "monish," and they should pay their own travelling expenses and board-bills. There is no sense or reason for the county feeding such people. The cost of each meal thus given away cannot be less than fifty cents--the number of them must be hundreds per year--and the total cost to the people not less than two or three hundred dollars, which could easily be used for much more worthy purposes. Now if the Democratic majority really wish to inaugurate a creditable reform at the Poor House, let them at once determine hereafter to pay their own expenses, and abolish peremptorily all free dinners at their meetings. The public will sustain them in the act, and thank them too, for the reform--and perhaps then they may have leisure to tell us all about the hay, pigs and potatoes.

[No Title]
(Column 03)
Summary: The paper mocks Democrats for blaming their defeat on the new registry law.
Election News. Pennsylvania--Official.
(Column 07)
Summary: The paper prints official election returns for the state of Pennsylvania. In the governor' race, Geary defeated Packer 290,552 to 285,956. In Franklin County, however, Packer defeated Geary 4,006 to 3,698. In the race for Supreme Judge, the Republican Williams defeated the Democrat Pershing 291,366 to 282,575. In Franklin County, however, Pershing defeated Williams 3,974 to 3,707.

-Page 03-

Court Proceedings
(Column 01)
Summary: The paper prints the proceedings of the recent meeting of the court, including the details and result of a contested will case.
(Names in announcement: Etter, Strealy, Eyster, Samuel Reisher, M'Cauley, Stewart, David X. Hoffman, Morron R. Skinner, Samuel Hoffman, Kimmell, Mary Thompson, David Kyner, Alexander Duncan, Euphemia Duncan, Jane Ann Marshall, James M'Cormick, Georgianna M'Cormick, George Kyner, John Kyner, James Kyner, Jane Kyner, Margaret Kyner, Rebecca Kyner, J. McD. Sharpe, Cessna, Brewer, Orr, John Hawk, Joseph Price, Elias Shearer, William A. Ott, Rudolph Spielman, John Davison, Franklin Besore, John P. Ebersole, George Finefrock, George Jarret, E. D. Weaver, Deputy Sheriff Brown, James L. Black, James Ross, John D. Spear, Jacob Haulman, D. K. Wunderlich, Jacob Shank, John H. Thomas, Michael Reid, Abraham Hassler, Joseph Palmer, J. Widney, James Long, John C. Cook, David R. Miller, Catharine Coldsmith, John Coldsmith, Jane Ann Marshall, Thomas Marshall, Euphemia C. Duncan, Alex Duncan, Georgiana Kyner)
Full Text of Article:

In the case of Etter, Strealy and Eyster vs. Samuel Reisher, an action to recover on a Mechanic's Lien, (which was on trial as we went to press last week) the jury found $287.42 for plffs., M'Cauley for plffs; Stewart for deft.

David X. Hoffman vs. Morron R. Skinner, Admir, of Samuel Hoffman dec'd Summons in Assumpsit. Jury find for plff. $388.63. Kimmell for plff; M'Cauler for deft.

Mary Thompson, David Kyner, Alexander Duncan and Euphemia his wife, Jane Ann Marshall, James M'Cormick and Georgianna his wife, children of George Kyner, dec'd, and John Kyner, James Kyner, Jane Jyner, Margaret Kyner, Rebecca Kyner,--Reside, children of Margaret Kyner and grand children of said Geo. Kyner, vs. Alexander Kyner. Summon in ejectment, for all that certain plantation or tract of land, situate in Southampton township, Franklin county, containing 146 acres, more or less, being the mansion farm of George Kyner, dec'd; also, for a tract of land situated in the aforesaid township, containing 12 acres, more or less; also for a tract of mountain land, in said township, containing 52 acres, more or less, the right of possession and title to which plaintiffs aver to be in them and not in defendent. 20 Sept. 1869. At the instance of J. McD. Sharpe, Esq., the Prothonotary enters plea of not guilty. Sharpe, Kimmel and Stewart for plffs; Cessna, Brewer and Orr, for deft. The following gentlemen were sworn as jurors; John Hawk, Joseph Price, Elias Shearer, John Snyder, William A. Ott, Rudolph Spielman, John Davison, Franklin Besore, John P. Ebersole, George Finefrock, George Jarret, E. D. Weaver. As the regular list of jurors failed to fill the box, the court was compelled to resort to talesmen to complete the number. Several gentlemen were taken by surprise as their names were called by Deputy Sheriff Brown, and were compelled to send word home that "circumstances over which they had no control" compelled their presence at court.

This suit was brought for the purpose of testing the title of Alex Kyner to the land above described. The defendant claimed his title to the land on the ground that it was devised to him by his father, George Kyner, dec'd, who died in July, 1867, in a will made in the year 1855. The witnesses to the document were Hon. James L. Black, of Chambersburg, and James Ross, Esq., dec'd, a former member of the bar. The plaintiffs alleged that the testator being 80 years of age at the date of the instrument, was incompetent to make a will from a want of mental capacity and was under the improper control and influence of his son Alex W. Kyner at the time of making the will. The defendant denied the allegations of the plaintiffs. The single question in dispute was the validity or invalidity of the will of George Kyner, dec'd.

This case was tried, as a feigned issue, at the January Term, 1868, and nearly the same facts brought forward then, as now. The jurors at that time, were John D. Spear, Jacob Haulman, D. K. Wunderlich, Jacob Shank, John H. Thompson, Michael Reid, Abraham Hassler, Joseph Palmer, J. Widney, James Long, John C. Cook, and David R. Miller. The verdict was in favor of the validity of the will. The following are the contents of the will: The testator directed the payment of his debts as soon as convenient after his decease; he gave to his wife one third of his personal property, after the payment of his debts, and the interest, rent, or income of one-third of his real estate, for and during her natural life, the above legacies to be in lieu of her dower-thirds, or other portion of and in all his estate; to his daughter Mary, intermarried with Samuel Thompson, the sum of $400, to be paid to her without interest, four years after his decease; to his daughter Margaret, intermarried with Joseph Kyner, $400, to be paid without interest five years after his decease; to his daughter Catharine, intermarried with John Coldsmith, $400, without interest, to be paid six years after his decease; to his daughter Jane Ann, intermarried with Thomas Marshall, the sum of $400, to be paid seven years after his decease, without interest; to his daughter Euphemia C., intermarried with Alex Duncan, the sum of $400, to be paid without interest, eight years after his decease; to his daughter Georgiana, the sum of $400, to be paid without interest, nine years after his decease; to his son David, $400, to be paid, without interest, ten years after his decease; to his son Alexander, (the deft. in this case), the land above described, subject to the annual payment of the widow's portion, and the legacies of the other children, and after the death of the widow, Alexander was to receive the remainder of the estate, and he further appointed Alexander to be his Executor.

On Tuesday morning the jury rendered a verdict in favor of the defendant in the above case.

[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: The paper prints the details of a number of recent property sales.
(Names in announcement: George A. Deitz, Keefer, Palmer, Ebert, William McLellan, Henry Bushey, Isaac Keefer, Augustus Keefer, Samuel Stover, H. Pohley, Peter Cook, Kenzie, Cyrus C. Kerling, Rebecca Lawrence, Abraham Errisman, Josiah L. Williams, N. P. Pearce, N. P. Grove)
Full Text of Article:

The following sales of real estate were made by the Sheriff on Friday afternoon last:

Brick warehouse, the property of Geo. A. Deitz, Esq., to Keefer, Palmer, & Co., for $5,060. Three frame dwelling houses, the property of the same, to Ebert & Co., for $967.50. Also frame house, property of same, to Wm McLellan, Esq., for $297.50. Brick warehouse, situated in Greencastle, property of the same, to Henry Bushey, for $5,045.00. A lot in the borough of Chambersburg, property of the same, to Isaac and Augustus Keefer, for $137.50.

A house and lot in Roxbury, the property of Samuel Staver, to H. Pohley, for $700.

A tract of land, in Green township, the property of Peter Cook, to Kenzie and others, for $1,030.00.

A tract of land in Green township, the property of Cyrus C. Kerling, to Rebecca Lawrence for $196.

A tract of land in Warren township, the property of Abraham Errisman, to Joseph L. Williams, for $580.

A house and lot in the Borough of Chambersburg, property of N. P. Pearce, to N. P. Grove, for $2,275.

The Synod of Baltimore
(Column 02)
Summary: The Synod of Baltimore will meet in the Falling Spring Church on Tuesday to hear a sermon by Rev. A. D. Mitchell. A Farewell Missionary Meeting will be held on Wednesday, led by Rev. A. D. Hopper who has returned from China. Dr. Dickson and other will also give addresses. There will also be a conference on Thursday on the state of religion within the synod.
(Names in announcement: Rev. A. D. Mitchell, Rev. A. D. Hopper, Dr. Dickson)
[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: The First Presbyterian Church has been newly carpeted. The ladies of the church raised the money and purchased the carpet.
[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: Democrat E. Deatrich was elected town clerk at Greencastle, not W. U. Brewer. In Antrim, the Republicans, not the Democrats as previously reported, won. They are: Abraham Bowman, Isaac Kuhn, John Stover, and Christian Hager.
(Names in announcement: E. Deatrich, W. U. Brewer, Abraham Bowman, Isaac Kuhn, John Stover, Christian Hager)
Meeting of the Border Damage Claimants
(Column 03)
Summary: The border-damage claimants will meet at the Court House on November 1st.
(Column 03)
Summary: B. K. Hassler has purchased an establishment from George A. Deitz that will sell seeds, fancy stock, and country produce.
(Names in announcement: B. K. Hassler, George A. Deitz)
(Column 04)
Summary: Rev. S. A. Mowers of the Pennsylvania Conference and Miss Maria S. Gelwicks, daughter of Frederick Gelwicks and from near St. Thomas, were married on October 14th at the Pleasant Retreat Parsonage by the Rev. J. M. Bishop.
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. A. Mowers, Maria S. Gelwicks, Frederick Gelwicks, Rev. J. M. Bishop)
(Column 04)
Summary: Adam Leydig of Green and Miss Maggie Farner of Scotland were married on October 21st by the Rev. Henry Reboke.
(Names in announcement: Adam Leydig, Maggie Farner, Rev. Henry Reboke)
(Column 04)
Summary: Samuel Foust and Rachel Stumbaugh, both of Franklin, were married on October 21st at Kyner's Hotel in Orrstown by the Rev. Henry Reboke.
(Names in announcement: Samuel Foust, Rachel Stumbaugh, Rev. Henry Reboke)
(Column 04)
Summary: Henry Beumont and Margaret E. Evans, both of Franklin, were married on October 21st by the Rev. A. Tripner.
(Names in announcement: Henry Beumont, Margaret E. Evans, Rev. A. Tripner)
(Column 04)
Summary: Mary E. Eyster, daughter of Edward C. and Mary Eyster and formerly of Chambersburg, died in harrisburg on October 21st. She was 12 years old.

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