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Staunton Spectator: August 26, 1857

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Sale of Real Estate
(Column 1)
Summary: Cochran's mill and Hogshead's barn were both recently sold.
(Names in announcement: Jas. A. Cochran, James C ochran, Henry Brewer, Wm. Hogshead)
The New Market Law
(Column 3)
Summary: SS objects to the new market law as oppressive and unenforceable, particularly its provisions against selling products door-to-door. Will prevent people from bringing their produce to town, not encourage them.
Correspondence of the Spectator
(Column 4)
Summary: Description of a ball held at Red Sulpher.
Trailer: S.
Monday Night
(Column 3)
Summary: The Armory bands performed near the Virginia Hotel; a horse ran over one of Cady's sons, but he was not seriously injured.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Cady)
(Column 3)
Summary: Arson attempted at Ruegher's store, near the post office. No damage done.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Ruegher)
An Ordinance to Establish and Regulate A Market
(Column 7)
Summary: Rules and regulations governeing the new market house. See article above.
(Names in announcement: James F. Patterson)

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(Column 2)
Summary: Bell to May, 8/18/57
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. I. Fetzer, James W. Bell, Mary F. May)
(Column 2)
Summary: Pullen, of Charlottesville, to Qualden, 8/18/57
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. I. Fetzer, William M. Pullen, Lavinia M. Qualden)
(Column 2)
Summary: Whitmore to Walker, 8/11/57
(Names in announcement: Rev. Wm. Brown, Samuel Whitmore, Sarah Ann Walker, Thomas Walker)
(Column 2)
Summary: Elizabeth, on 8/24/57.
(Names in announcement: Elizabeth Hudson, James W. Hudson)
(Column 2)
Summary: William, age 5, of flux, on 8/19/57.
(Names in announcement: William Stratton, Robert Stratton, Virginia Stratton)
(Column 2)
Summary: Gerscha, 11 mo. on 8/6/57
(Names in announcement: Gerscha Jane Davis, James F. Davis, Eveline Davis)
Trailer: B.
(Column 2)
Summary: Henry, "little boy" after a linger illness on 8/13/57. Long passage of flowery prose follows.
(Names in announcement: Henry D. Mitchell, Jos. T. Mitchell)

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