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Staunton Spectator: September 2, 1857

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Description of Page: News about Sepoy rebellion

Condition of the Country
(Column 1)
Summary: SS takes exception to American tendency to complain about the United States. It is actually in fine shape; prosperous, lots of land, relative social peace, free from disease outbreaks, bountiful resources. People should look to the positive.
Telegraph Line Complete
(Column 2)
Summary: Telegraph line betweeen Richmond and Staunton has been completed. Text of first messages to and from the SS and Richmond Whig. Complains about interference from Waynesboro and Charlottesville
Kansas and the Vindicator
(Column 1)
Summary: Comments on Vindicator's coverage of Kansas. Refers to a Vinidcator article entitled "Kansas and the Spectator."
Railroad Excursion
(Column 3)
Summary: Four or five hundred Stauntonians took an excursion to the Central Railraod terminus in Oakland, Allegheny Co. Describes the speeches and festivities. Staunton Glee Club participated.
Presbyterian (New School) Convention
(Column 3)
Summary: Report on meeting of Southern Presbyterians in Richmond. The Synod split over slavery. Debate over the wisdom of organizing a sectional church.
(Column 3)
Summary: Urges readers to go to Rankin's gallery to see new photographs of a citizen of Staunton.
(Names in announcement: Rankin)
Coming In
(Column 3)
Summary: SS is looking forward to a promising harvest of "vegetable curiosities", like Chapmans multi-eared ear of corn.
(Names in announcement: Wm. Chapman)

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(Column 2)
Summary: Died in Monteray, on 8/24/57.
(Names in announcement: Ferdinand S. Heinkel)
(Column 2)
Summary: Fannie, died on 8/26/57, age 32.
(Names in announcement: Fannie S. Garber, Samuel Garber)
Trailer: D.

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Description of Page: No Page Information Available