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Staunton Spectator: May 17, 1859

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Description of Page: Speech by William Cabell Rives in column 3

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Description of Page: Markets on this page. Articles on local politics, Buchanan's stand on slavery in the territories

[No Title]
(Column 4)
Summary: Obituary for Baldwin Stuart from Memphis paper. Died from injuries sustained during steamship explosion at age 23.
(Names in announcement: B. Baldwin Stuart, Alexander Stuart)
Origin of Article: Memphis Avalanche
Editorial Comment: Remains of B. Baldwin Stuart arrived in Staunton and were buried in the Cemetery.
Acquittal of Dr. Downey
(Column 4)
Summary: Downey's fourth trial acquits him for the killing of William Mullin. Article also includes a letter from Charlottesville commending Doyle's defense.
(Names in announcement: Dr. Daniel Downey, William Mullen, Robert Doyle)
Full Text of Article:

The fourth trial of Daniel Downey, of this place, for the killing of Wm. Mullins, was commenced in Charlottesville on Monday, the 9th inst., and terminated on Friday, the jury,after a brief consultation, returning a verdict of acquittal. We are satisfied that the evidence justified no other result, notwithstanding we have full confidence in the integrity of former juries who have tried the case. We learn that the verdict was applauded by the crows in the Court-House. The prosecution was conducted by Mr. Duke, Commonwealth's Attorney for Albemarle, and the defence by Robert L. Doyle, Esq., of Staunton.

After the above was put in type, we received the following letter from a highly respectable gentleman in Charlottesville:

Charlottesville, May 16, 1859.
Dear Sirs:--In noticing the acquittal of Dr. Downey, I think it due to both the accused and his counsel that your readers should know the impression made here; and without exaggeration, I can safely say that Mr. Doyle's defence was, without an exception, characterized by the members of our bar as one of the ablest and most effective delivered before a jury of this county for a long while. Our people generally, previous to the trial, had impressions made upon their minds by reports, &c., that Downey ought to have been punished; but a change in opinion was universally manifested as soon as the evidence for the defence had been hard, and especially after the able argument submitted by Mr. Doyle; and it was therefore not surprising that as soon as the verdict was announced the large audience exhibited its gratification by an outburst of applause. The jury was not out over half an hour, and had no difficulty in agreeing upon a verdict of acquittal. Our whole community is pleased with the verdict, and was taken by surprise that Mr. Doyle, of whom they had heard but little, acquitted himself with such decided ability.

Killed By Lightning
(Column 5)
Summary: Thomas Adams of Jarman's Gap was struck and killed by lightning.
(Names in announcement: Thomas Adams, David Adams)
Origin of Article: Rockingham Register
(Column 7)
Summary: Married on May 12.
(Names in announcement: Rev. J.H. Crawford, Jones Rosen, Miss Minerva Polmer)
(Column 7)
Summary: Married on April 25.
(Names in announcement: Rev. Jonathon Baker, Andrew Palmer, Rebecca Brown)
Died. A Tribute of Respect
(Column 7)
Summary: Meeting of the Staunton Lyceum paid tribute to Baldwin Stuart.
(Names in announcement: B. Baldwin Stuart, Howe Peyton, J. Marshall Hanger, William Guy, A.B. Cochran, F.M. Imboden)
Trailer: A. B. Cochran, Pres't; F. M. Imboden, Sect.
Tribute of Respect
(Column 7)
Summary: Augusta Bar resolutions of tribute for Stuart.
(Names in announcement: T.J. Michie, James BumgardnerJr., Gen. William Harman, B. Baldwin Stuart)
Trailer: T. J. Michie, Chairman; J. Bumgardner, Jr. Secretary

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For the Spectator; From our own Correspondent
(Column 1)
Summary: Report from the Spectator's travelling correspondent in New York, where he attended exhibition of students from Institute for the Blind as well as other meetings and exhibitions.
Trailer: Yours, Buffalo

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Description of Page: No Page Information Available