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Staunton Spectator: June 7, 1859

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Description of Page: Election cleanup: some vote tallies, postmortems on different races

The Virginia Elections
(Column 1)
Summary: Roundup of the elections. Blames Democratic victory on Whig's "lack of faith."
Town Council
(Column 2)
Summary: Report of Town Council. Appropriations for sidewalks. Appointment of Hoge and Fisher as Overseer of the Poor.
(Names in announcement: Judge Thompson, Mr. Slanker, P.B. Hoge, R.H. Fisher)
Circuit Court
(Column 2)
Summary: Trials of Criminal cases. Mooney will be tried for horse stealing. Parrott, a free black man, will be tried for killing the woman with whom he lived.
(Names in announcement: David Mooney, Harrison Parrott)
Full Text of Article:

The Circuit Court was engaged during last week in the trial of criminal cases. David Mooney, charged with horse-stealing, was found guilty, and the term of his imprisonment fixed at four years and six months. Harrison Parrott, a free negro, charged with the murder of a woman with whom he lived, was convicted of murder in the second degree, and the term of his imprisonment in the penitentiary fixed at eighteen years. In this case the demoralizing spectacle of a public execution has been avoided, and the criminal will "be of some service to the State."

Opinions of the Press
(Column 3)
Summary: Variety of excerpts from other papers about the Opposition's (relative) success in Virginia.
Origin of Article: Baltimore Clipper; National Intelligencer; New York Herald; Weldon Patriot; Savannah Republican; Knoxville Whig; New York Express; Baltimore American; St. Louis Democrat; Philadelphia Gazette
For The Spectator
(Column 4)
Summary: Satirical diatribe against those "Old Line Whigs" of Augusta who voted for Letcher.
Trailer: Your friend; Benjamin Bootlick
For the Spectator; Fourth of July
(Column 4)
Summary: Report of meeting, creation of a committee to plan Staunton's Fourth of July celebration.
(Names in announcement: Dr. Fuqus, Gen. Harman, N.K. Trout, Captain Baylor, Col. Baldwin, J.D. Imboden, William Burke, Jonathon Evans, H.M. Bell, Col. Baylor, D.C. McGuffin, M.G. Harman)
(Column 7)
Summary: Double wedding of Echard daughters on December 28, 1858.
(Names in announcement: Rev. William Pinkerton, Christian Echard, Margaret Echard, Emanuel Moyers, Mary Echard, William Echard, Frances Echard)
(Column 7)
Summary: Married on May 29.
(Names in announcement: Rev. J.H. Crawford, Samuel Buchanan, Catherine Bowers)
(Column 7)
Summary: John Walker, age 35, died in Cincinnati on May 20. He was the son of A. Walker.
(Names in announcement: John Walker, Alexander Walker)
Trailer: W. B.

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Description of Page: Markets in column 2

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