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Staunton Spectator: September 04, 1866

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Staunton in Old Times
(Column 04)
Summary: "Oldest Inhabitant" continues his tale of Staunton in the eighteenth century, begun in last week's Spectator.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Cowden, Dr. Waddell, James Hargrove, Mrs. Wood, William Bowyer, Michael Fackler, Jacob Fackler, John David Wilpert, Andrew McCord, Edward Boyle, Robert McClanahan, Anne Brown, James Brown, William Wilson, Jacob Coger, Gabriel Jones, Col. Bouquet, Charles Lewis, John McClanahan, George Mathews, Alexander McClanahan, Jno. Lewis, John Dickerson, Gen. Samuel Blackburn, Col. Sampson Mathews, Samuel Clarke)
Map of Augusta County
(Column 06)
Summary: "Observer" solicits subscriptions to fund Major J. Hotchkiss's map of Augusta county, explaining that the finished product "will be, not only very useful, but highly ornamental to our houses."
(Names in announcement: Major J. Hotchkiss, Robinson)
Trailer: Observer
A Few Words to the Respectable Colored People
(Column 06)
Summary: Argues that "sooner or later the orderly, well-behaved colored classes will have to draw the line between themselves and the disorderly classes" and act "individually and in aggregate, to put down the mischievous black men" who have been protesting and demonstrating in Richmond.
Origin of Article: Richmond Whig
Full Text of Article:

We understand, says the Richmond Whig, that the sober, staid, respectable colored residents of Richmond are much chagrined by the ambitious pretensions and disorderly and minatory proceedings of the organized bands were stopped by General Terry. They complain that these organizations are composed, for the most part, of colored persons who have neither homes nor permanent interests in that city; of idle, dissolute and dissipated vagrants, who have wandered to that city from distant quarters. Respectable colored people complain of the evil influences exerted by white emissaries from the North, and that they intend to adopt some satisfactory method of making their opinions known. They have found out also that the Freedmen's Bureau is, for the most part, administered in the interests of the Radical party, and not of the freedmen; that it is a political machine whose aim is to foment discord between the whites and blacks. Those colored people who are intelligent, who have property, or regular occupations, have no interest in common with the vagrants who, under the influence and direction of low white men and the paid agents of Radicalism, are threatening the whole South with disturbances. Sooner or later the orderly, well-behaved colored classes will have to draw the line between themselves and the disorderly classes. The sooner they publicly take their true position, separate themselves from the turbulent characters whose aim is to involve the whole colored population in trouble, and exert all their influence, privately and publicly, individually and in aggregate, to put down the mischievous black men, and infamous white men who stand at their backs, the better it will be for us all.

There is no reason why the two races, each maintaining its true and natural position in the scale of society, should not live together in harmony. The better classes of whites exert all their influence to these ends; why should not the better classes of colored people do the same? If they disapprove the turbulent conduct of the inferior classes of their own color, or of the mischievous interference of white Radical incendiaries from the North, and are satisfied that our courts and our citizens will do them justice -- respect their rights and protect them in their persons and property they ought, in some authentic form, so to declare, so as to silence the numberless calumnies invented by the Radicals.

-Page 02-

The "Spectator" Enlarged
(Column 01)
Summary: Announces that the Spectator will soon almost double in size but will not raise subscription rates.
The Times Present and Future
(Column 01)
Summary: Argues that the scarcity of money in Staunton will soon come to an end with the influx of money from the county's wheat crop and the return of students to the area.
The Desideratum of the Times
(Column 02)
Summary: Argues that in the National party formed at the Philadelphia Convention, "Northern and Southern Union men may shake and join hands" and predicts that "the people will rally everywhere to its standard."
[No Title]
(Column 03)
Summary: Reports that Gen. Andrews, from Massachusetts, has been working a cotton plantation in Louisiana since the end of the war. After a recent argument with a "refractory freedman" Andrews is reported to have declared that "'He had fought four years to make the nigger free, and now was willing to fight the remainder of his life time to put them back into slavery again.'"

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Local News
(Column 02)
Summary: Reports that last Saturday the street lights were illuminated in Staunton and citizens will no longer have to "grope their ways through our streets in darkness."
(Names in announcement: H. H. Peck)
Committees Appointed
(Column 02)
Summary: Lists the persons appointed in each magisterial district to solicit subscriptions for the Valley Railroad.
(Names in announcement: Gen. John Echols, Bolivar Christian, Col. M. G. Harman, Richard Mauzy, Col. George Baylor, C. C. Francisco, Wm. H. Peyton, J. Wayt Bell, David Fultz, Wm. A. Bell, Jno. B. Evans, John Towberman, William F. Smith, J. D. McGuffin, Dr. R. A. McChesney, David Kunkle, B. F. Hailman, Dr. R. S. Hamilton, A. K. Clayton, Dr. Samuel Hendren, John G. Fulton, Chesley Kinney, Wm. L. Blakemore, Wm. Crawford, Capt. Thomas J. Burke, Wm. H. Gamble, A. E. Pierce, Jos. D. Craig, James G. Patterson, George A. Bruce, Jacob Killian, James W. Patrick)

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