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Staunton Spectator: November 19, 1867

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Meeting on Monday Next
(Column 01)
Summary: Urges the "good citizens" of Augusta to attend a meeting at the Courthouse next Monday to appoint delegates to the upcoming Conservative Convention in Richmond. Asserts that it is their duty to help save Virginia "from the dire calamity of Radical rule and negro domination."
Full Text of Article:

We hope that the good citizens of this great and noble and patriotic and liberty-loving and Constitution loving county will turn out, en masse, on Monday next-Court day-to attend the meeting which will be held in the Court house on that day to appoint delegates to the Conservative Convention which will meet in Richmond on Wednesday, the 11th of December, for the purpose of organizing of the Conservative party of the State that this grand "Old Commonwealth" may be saved from the dire calamity of Radical rule and negro domination. This noble old State is on the verge of the abyss of ruin. None should fail to rush to her rescue. Our mother is threatened with a fate more to be dreaded than death. Can any of her sons refuse to fly to her relief? Liberty is threatened with violence and overthrow. Can any refuse to adopt the only means to preserve it? The son of Virginia who fails to do his duty in this hour of peril is undeserving of his parentage-he should have been the child of some other mother.

We hope that the citizens of this county will show by turning out next Monday that the appreciate the perils which threaten-that they know their duty, and are resolved to perform it. We wish to see the Court house crowded with intelligent and patriotic citizens-we wish to feel the strong, healthy pulsations of their hearts, and to witness their faces radiant with expressions of patriotic emotions. We wish them to demonstrate that they are the friends of liberty, and worthy sons of their good Old mother-Virginia.

We hope that the Court will allow the meeting to be held at an early hour-not later than 12 o'clock-that all from the country who may be present may be enabled to stay till the meeting be concluded.

We wish as many as possible to participate in its proceedings. We hope that the meeting will appoint the best men to be found in the various parts of the county, and that those who may be thus honored will feel it incumbent upon them to attend the Convention. To be appointed a delegate to that Convention will not be an empty honor. It is not necessary to appoint many, but they should be men of ability, character, wisdom, and reliability, and such as will attend.

[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: Reports that the Court has postponed the vote on a subscription for the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad until December 19 and urges those who support the subscription to submit their arguments to the Spectator.
Full Text of Article:

WE would remind our readers that the Court has postponed the day of election on the question of subscription of the sum of $300,000 to the stock of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad till the third Thursday in December, the 19th of that month. We would again request such as are able to argue the propriety of voting this subscription, to send their communications to us for publication in the Spectator. One side has been presented in these columns, and we would like for our readers to see the other side argued with the same degree of ability.

Hunnicuttism and Negroism
(Column 03)
Summary: Drawing on a speech delivered at the Constitutional Convention, and other rumors from throughout the state, the author contends that blacks are consumed by the desire for "vengeance against the whites--all whites, Southerners, Northerners and foreigners." As a result, the article suggests that "citizens" begin "devising means for the protection of their lives and homes."
Full Text of Article:

"Hunnicutt and his set" are terrified, not by their excesses, but by the discovery of them, and all sorts of disclaimers and explanations are being made. We should have heard no such disclaimers and explanations but for the publicity given by the press to the incendiary speeches of these white and black Jacobins.-Public sentiment was so shocked here, and will be so shocked at the North by the disclosure made that it becomes of the first importance to speak out of their dilemma as well as they can. To this end the effort is being made to produce the impression that Hunnicutt's negro associate on the Convention ticket, Lindsey, did not say what he is reported as saying, and that what he actually did say was disapproved of by the meeting. As some of our readers probably failed to see what he did say, we re-produce it-as follows: "That before any of his children should suffer for food, the streets of Richmond should run knee-deep in blood; and he thanked God the negroes had learned to use guns, pistols and ramrods." The reporter says this seditious language received "the smiling approval Hunnicutt and the cheers of the ignorant masses."

The disclaimers and explanations hypocritically and falsely made were thus met and refuted by our neighbor, the Dispatch, yesterday:

The report which appeared in the Dispatch on yesterday of the Radical meeting on Friday night last was made by a leading radical of this city, who was present on the occasion, and who says every word reported is true. The attempt now made by Lindsey and his friends to break the force of his language is altogether an afterthought. They did not know when his remarks were uttered that they would be published, nor did they know that the grand jury of the Hustings Court of this city would, on yesterday, take steps to bring these black conspirators against the peace of society to trial for their treasonable and bloodthirsty doctrines.-But, taking the alarm, they now seek to retreat from the position which they assumed in their secret conclave. The resolutions above adopted virtually admit the correctness of our report of the Friday night meeting.

A card, signed by John Oliver, Matthew Hopes, Fields Cooke, R. C. Hobson, R. W. Johnson (colored men,) which appeared yesterday in one of the city papers, admits that the speech was delivered as reported, and protests against "both Mr. Lindsey and his "speech." But in doing so, they use this very singular language: "That it was not sympathy "with Mr. Lindsey which caused the meeting "to applaud him on the above occasion, but the ludicrousness of his ideas!" Ludicrous-that "the streets of Richmond should run knee "deep in blood!" Very funny, this-a capital joke. The white people whose lives are thus threatened cannot be brought to view it in the light. They are deficient, perhaps, in that acute sense of the ludicrous which belongs to the sacred race.

"Hunnicutt and his set" cannot gloss over or back down from this affair. It will forever stand against them.

But it is not in Richmond alone that the fruits of their diabolical teachings are seen.-We hear of threats, plots and incendiary demonstrations from various parts of the State.-Almost simultaneously with this Richmond affair we hear of a meeting of fifty negroes in Campbell county, called to devise an effectual mode of shooting and hanging the different white people and the few black Conservatives in the neighborhood. We hear also, from King William county, of an attempt at the Court house on Court day by sixty or seventy negroes under the leadership of the white delegate elect to the convention, E. W. Massey, to mob Major Frank A. Butts, a former agent of the Freedmen's Bureau. A letter to the Enquirer says:

"Major Butts was quietly playing backgammon with a friend in the parlor of the hotel when he heard furious yells and shouts from the negroes, daring him to come out, threaten the negroes, daring him to come out, threatening to take his life-"we will have his heart's blood: we will kill the d-d rebel on sight," &c., they cried. The Major was only dissuaded from meeting them, pistol in hand, by the entreaties of his friends who did not wish to see him uselessly sacrifice himself. The negroes marched around awhile with drum and fife, and finally dispersed after this bravado.

"But now for the more serious and ugly part of this business: Major Butts went before a magistrate and sued out a warrant for the arrest of the ring leaders, but the officer who went to execute it was defied by the negroes, who were banded together, and refused to be arrested, as they said, "by a rebel officer, or tried before a rebel court."

The same letter says:

Under the administration of Major Butts, of New York, Lieutenant Choice of Pennsylvania, and their predecessors in the Bureau-all of whom have been conservative officers and gentlemen-the relations of the races in this county had been very harmonious. But ever since the advent of Lieutenant C. Goodyear, a Radical, as I learn, from Connecticut, as agent of the Bureau, trouble has been brewing. The negroes have been permitted to form military organizations, and to drill openly at public places, in defiance of the laws of Congress and the orders of General Schofield; and this was the case even after Lieutenant Colonel Ayres, a military commissioner, was sent down here to investigate and take testimony touching the facts I have detailed.

What do all these things mean? The same design pervades them all-vengeance against the whites-all whites, Southerners, Northerners and foreigners-and a few mean white monsters are at the bottom of them. Is there no remedy? We are under the exclusive control of the Federal Government and the remedy must be found by the authorities of the Government. There is much to exasperate us all in the state of things to which we refer, but we advise calmness and entire abstinence from all retaliatory measures, not only from violent acts, but from menaces and angry words. It will be time enough for our citizens to think of devising means for the protection of their lives and their homes and their firesides when the Government authorities show either inability or unwillingness to interpose in their behalf. Negroism is now culminating in Virginia, and its excesses and our moderation will stand out in such contrast as to make it hateful throughout the whole country.

Virginia Conservative Press Convention
(Column 04)
Summary: Articles from Lynchburg and Richmond papers praise the proposed Conservative Convention, which was originally suggested by the editors of Staunton's three newspapers.
(Names in announcement: R. Mauzy, W. H. H. Lynn, A. M. GarberJr.)
Origin of Article: Richmond Enquirer and Examiner; Richmond Whig; Lynchburg News
Full Text of Article:

We have received a circular from Messrs. R. Mauzy, W. H. H. Lynn and A. M. Garber, Jr., the editors, respectively of three papers published in Staunton, proposing a convention of the Conservative editors of the State, to assemble in this city on the 11th of December, for the purpose of adopting some hue of policy to be pursued by all in order to secure the rejection of the constitution which will be framed by the Mongrel Convention.

Most heartily do we concur in the measure, and thank our Staunton cotemporaries for making the proposition. The Conservative Convention to be composed by the ablest and wisest men in the State, will meet here at the same time, and the two bodies will be able, we doubt not, to effect such a work as will save this grand Old Commonwealth from Radical rule and negro domination.

The circular adds another important proposition in a modest postscript, suggesting that "any matter of general interest to the press might be considered at the same time."

The entire proposition has our cordial approbation, and we hope it will be agreed to by the entire press of Virginia. every editor in the State, who has the true interests of the Commonwealth at heart, should be present.-Enquirer and Examiner

CONVENTION OF EDITORS.-The editors of the three Staunton papers are out in a circular to their brethren of the Press, recommending and requisition them to meet in the city of Richmond, on the 11th of December proximo, for the purpose of adopting a uniform policy for their guidance in the coming contest on the question of adopting or rejecting the Constitution. They also propose to consider any other matters of general interest to the Press, which may be suggested at that time.

We heartily endorse the suggestion, and expecting to be present ourselves, hope to greet all our Conservative co-laborers at the time and place indicated-Lynchburg News.

THE CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION.-The suggestion that reaches us by circular from our Staunton contemporaries meets our entire and cordial approval. We shall be very happy to meet them and all our brethren of the press on the occasion referred to.-Rich. Whig.

[No Title]
(Column 04)
Summary: Junius Root disputes rumors that he deserted his company during the war. Root explains that he was in fact taken prisoner.
(Names in announcement: Junius F. Root)
Full Text of Article:

MT. SIDNEY, Nov. 12th, 1867.

MR EDITOR.-The impression exists. I am told, with many of my old company, (E of the 1st Va. Cavalry.) that I deserted our ranks and "refugeed" to the lines of the enemy. In justice to myself, I ask a space in your columns for a brief statement in defence of my honor. I was returning to my command in October, 1863, after the expiration of a furlough given to me for the purpose of enabling me to procure a fresh horse, when I unexpectedly ran into a raiding party of the enemy at Jack's Shop, Madison county, Va., and was made prisoner, and, as such, was detained at "Point Lookout" until February, 1865. I will add that I was on my way to rejoin my company when the surrender of our army reached my ears. For the truth of this statement, I can refer to my Captain, and also to many reliable gentlemen of the county who were incarcerated with me. My apology for taking this public method of refuting this slanders and disgraceful charge, is that a soldier's honor is sensitive, when assailed even by a suspicion.


Trailer: Junius F. Root

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Local News
(Column 01)
Summary: Reports that the circular issued by the Staunton editors has been warmly received by the conservative press of the state and hopes that the press will be able to get "the people" to do their duty.
Full Text of Article:

The circular issued by the Press of this place and addressed to the Conservative Editors of the State requisition them to meet in Richmond on the 11th of December to agree upon concerted action has been responded to in the proper spirit, and we doubt not that the Press will do its duty and hope that they will be the means of getting the people to do theirs.

Local News
(Column 01)
Summary: Praises the Town Council for the recent improvements in the streets and sidewalks of Staunton as evidence of their "energetic, practical and progressive" nature.
Local News
(Column 01)
Summary: M. W. D. Hogshead was thrown from his horse while on his way to report for jury duty. He is believed to have broken his leg.
(Names in announcement: M. W. D. Hogshead)
Staunton Lyceum
(Column 01)
Summary: The Staunton Lyceum met last Monday to discuss the question, "'Should the Government prohibit the transportation and distribution of the mails on Sunday?'" After debate, the question was decided in the affirmative by a vote of 16 to 6.
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. A. Latane, R. Mauzy, Y. Howe Peyton, Bolivar Christian, Rev. W. A. Harris, Rev. Geo. B. Taylor, Col. J. H. Skinner, Dr. C. R. Harris, Capt. James Bumgardner, Dr. Wm. S. McChesney, H. M. Bell, Dr. Atkinson)
Full Text of Article:

On Monday night, the 11th instant, the following question was discussed:

"Should the Government prohibit the transportation and distribution of the mails on Sunday?"

It was discussed in the affirmative by Rev. J. A. Latane, R. Mauzy, Y. Howe Peyton, Bolivar Christian, Rev. W. A. Harris and Rev. Geo. B. Taylor, and in the negative by Col. J. H. Skinner and Dr. C. R. Harris.

The question was decided in the affirmative by the vote of 16 to 6.

The question selected for discussion on next Monday night, the 25th instant, reads as follows:

"Is a lawyer justifiable in defending and laboring to acquit a man whom he believes guilty?"

The following were appointed to discuss the question In the affirmative, Capt. James Bumgardner, and Dr. Wm. W. McChesney, in the negative, H. M. Bell and Dr. Atkinson.

The hour of meeting has been changed from 7 ½ to 7 o'clock. The roll will be called at that hour, and members absent will be fined unless they assign satisfactory reasons for their failure to be present.

Local News
(Column 02)
Summary: Judge H. W. Sheffey recently sold his 440 acre farm to Mr. Haile, formerly of Alabama, for the sum of $25,000.
(Names in announcement: Echols, Bell, Catlett, Judge H. W. Sheffey, Haile)
(Column 04)
Summary: Dr. Thomas Opie, of Baltimore, and Sallie Harman, of Staunton, were married at Trinity Church on November 13 by Rev. Latane.
(Names in announcement: Rev. Latane, Dr. Thomas Opie, Sallie Harman, Col. M. G. Harman)
(Column 04)
Summary: Mary Arehart and Henry Clemmer were married near Middlebrook on November 7 by Rev. J. M. Schreckhise.
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. M. Schreckhise, Henry C. Clemmer, Mary M. Arehart)
(Column 04)
Summary: Mary Fall and David Masincup were married near Churchville on November 14 by A. A. P. Neel.
(Names in announcement: A. A. P. Neel, David V. Masincup, Mary M. Fall)
(Column 04)
Summary: P. H. Dice, of Rockingham, and R. A. Rivercomb, of Sangersville, were married at the home of the bride's father on October 14 by Rev. G. Stevenson.
(Names in announcement: Rev. G. Stevenson, P. H. Dice, R. A. Rivercomb, John C. Rivercomb)

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