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Staunton Spectator: August 23, 1870

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Tournament and Ball
(Column 02)
Summary: A Grand Tournament and Fancy Ball was held at Stribling Springs on August 18th. The knights assembled in front of the hotel for an afternoon of riding. Judge H. W. Sheffey delivered the coronation address to the queen of the ball. The evening ended with a quadruple Virginia Reel at half past two in the morning.
(Names in announcement: S. Travers Phillips, Capt. John Opie, John Moorman, E. M. Parker, Dr. Gold, John McGuffin, Bettie Eskridge, Alex Harman, Lizzie Kinney, Judge H. W. Sheffey, Col. C. W. Carrington, Capt. Lyman)
Public Meeting
(Column 02)
Summary: Local Conservatives held a meeting to elect county, town, and ward superintendents. Passed a series of resolutions to that effect and printed the names of the men chosen as superintendents.
(Names in announcement: Col. George Baylor, Dr. George S. Walker, Col. John B. Baldwin, Jam. J. Marshall Hanger, Col. Bolivar Christian, Col. M. G. Harman, Jacob Baylor, William F. Smith, George A. Bruce, Capt. Charles S. Grata, J. G. Fulton, Jam. William M. Tate, William A. Burke, George Baylor, George S. Walker)
Full Text of Article:

In pursuance of the call of the County Superintendent published last week, a meeting for the purpose of electing County, Township, and Ward Superintendents was held in the Courthouse on Monday, the 22d inst. On motion Col. Ceo. Baylor was called to the Chair, and Dr. Ceo. S. Walker was elected Secretary.

On motion of Col. Jo. B. Baldwin, the following resolutions were adopted unanimously.

1. Resolved, That the Conservatives of Augusta county accept the plan of party organization recommended by the Conservative members of the Virginia Legislature, and recognize the State Central Committee appointed by them as the authorized representatives of the Conservative party of Virginia.

2. That in conformity to the plan of organization, and in pursuance of the notice published in the county newspapers this meeting will now proceed to select a Superintendent for the county, one for each Township, and one for each Ward of the town of Staunton to constitute together the county committee.

3. That the County Committee shall have the exclusive authority to call County, Township or Ward Conventions, and to prescribe in advance the mode of selecting delegates, and the scale of voting in such Convention.

On motion of Jam. J. Marshall Hanger, Col. Jo. B. Baldwin was unanimously re-elected Superintendent of the County.

The following Ward and Township Superintendents were then elected.

Staunton Ward No. 1. Col. Bolivar Christian.

Staunton Ward No. 2, Col. M. G. Harman.

Beverly Manor Township, Jacob Baylor, Esc.

River heads Township, Am. F. Smith, Esc.

South River Township, Ceo. A. Bruce, Esc.

Middle River Township, Capt. Chad. S. Grata.

North River Township, J. G. Fulton, Esc.

Pastures Township, Jam. Am. M. Tate.

On motion of Am. A. Burke, the meeting resolved to recommend that a District Convention be held in Harrisonburg on Wednesday, the 5th day of October, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Congress.

On motion, the meeting adjourned.

Ceo. BAYLOR, President.

Ceo. S. WALKER, Secretary.

Old Virginia
(Column 02)
Summary: Printed an article from a New York paper that reported on the efforts of a few southerners who tried to encourage investment in southern railroads.
(Names in announcement: Withrow, N. H. Hotchkiss)
Full Text of Article:

From a communication bearing the above caption, published in the Rochester (N. Y.) Union and Advertiser, we make the following extract:

"A gentleman by the name of Winthrow, from Waynesboro' -- a native Virginian, a merchant, and a man of intelligence and strength -- a good social, princely man, who was "cleaned out" by the war, has made large efforts and written much in our New York papers, and even in our own city papers, to induce "Yankee enterprise and capitol" to strike in Virginia, and with some success. But another gentleman, Mr. N. H. Hotchkiss, a native of this State, but long time a resident of Virginia, was in our city a few days since beating up recruits for the South and using such arguments as are almost irresistible. This Mr. Hotchkiss is now at Baltimore, Md., and has been persuaded to take the agency of the Richmond & York River and Chesapeake & Ohio railroads, and any one to hear Mr. Hotchkiss tell the story of what they want in that country and they can do for men that mean business will see that a great promising field is open for the true citizens of these United States in the Old Dominion.

But what I was particularly desirous to say in this communication, was about the Virginia Springs, and the interest Mr. Hotchkiss has in sending passengers to them; for of all the places of resort for pleasure and by invalids, these old Virginia Springs claim precedence. On going to Baltimore one should go to No. 90 Light st., where he can take choice of routes -- by rail with splendid cars, or by water to Richmond in magnificent steamers."

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[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: Miss Lizzie Kinney's school for children will re-open on September 14th.
(Names in announcement: Lizzie Kinney)
[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: Mr. H. Risk, census enumerator, estimated the population of Staunton at 5,120.
(Names in announcement: H. Risk)
[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: Madam B. Ruhl recently moved to Staunton and will take charge of the Wesleyan Female Institute's music department.
(Names in announcement: B. Ruhl)
Ladies Festival
(Column 01)
Summary: The ladies of Augusta are holding a festival on August 24th. They will serve refreshments and a "sumptuous dinner." The proceeds will cover the costs of renovating the "old church" and its grounds.
Judge Alexander B. Cochran
(Column 02)
Summary: The editor highly praised the work of Judge Alexander B. Chochran. Outlined his career thus far and predicted even greater future opportunities for him to serve the interests of the county.
Full Text of Article:

The gentleman whose name heads this article is one of the young men of Virginia who is just entering upon a career of public usefulness and distinction. He gave early indications of great promise, and won laurels at the University of Virginia. After his academic course was finished he retired to his home and engaged in the study and then the practice of the law; from the pursuit of which he was called by his countymen to represent them in the House of Delegates of Virginia. -- Few young men, untrumpeted, have so soon commanded the attention of the House and won its confidence, and fewer, under the circumstances which have surrounded the present Assembly, have continued to hold this attention and confidence. Judge Cochran at the close of the late session possessed, probably in a greater degree than any other member, the ear of the House, and though he rarely trespassed upon its time, he never addressed it without effect. His position, as chairman of the committee of finance, imposed upon him much labor and called for a great mental exertion. He proved fully equal to all the demands upon him.

As a clear, forcible and logical debater he had no superior in the House. He was one of the few who thought for himself, and rare indeed was it that he did not lead the House to his conclusion. When the General Assembly was called on to elect city Judges he was selected as eminently fit to wear the ermine, as well for his irreproachable moral character as for his native intellect and legal attainments. For many weeks he kept the question of acceptance under advisement, and finally concluded that he could better serve his constituents in the House of Delegates than on the Bench, and he allowed the period for qualification to pass by default.

We can but congratulate the State, and especially the people of Augusta, upon this determination of Judge Cochran, for if there ever was a time when Virginia needed in her legislative halls men of enlarged views, with learning sufficient to enforce them and character to give them weight, now is that time, and Judge Cochran is precisely one of that sort.

We feel satisfied that there is a brighter future yet in reserve for this gentleman, and we doubt not that his constituents will be quite ready to secure his abilities and retain his services until the State shall demand him for a yet more enlarged arena.

Judge Cochran has it in his power to win the highest honors, and for him we have not the fear that the glitter of present place will withdraw him from the earnest pursuit of those studies necessary to make the finished statesman. He has youth, strength, health and intellect, polished by a generous education, needing only the spur of ambition to meet the fullest hopes of his friends.

Proceedings of the County Court--In Vacation
(Column 02)
Summary: Reported on business at the county court, mainly named people appointed to different county offices.
(Names in announcement: John S. Guy, Benjamin O. Ferguson, Stuart M. Crawford, John Waldrop, Thomas H. Cross, James Henderson, Judge Hendren, Samuel A. East, J. Givens Fulton, John W. Crist, James T. Clarke, William H. Woddell, Nelson Andrew, John T. Litten, John C. Rusmisel, William Crawford, J. D. Craig, David Myers, Lucien M. Donaho, John Towberman)
Full Text of Article:

John S. Guy and Benj. O. Ferguson qualified as Justices of the Peace in Pastures Township.

Stuart M. Crawford qualified as Clerk in Middle River Township.

John Waldrop qualified as Clerk in Pastures township.

Thomas H. Cross qualified as Constable in Pastures township.

Jas. Henderson qualified as Com'r of Roads in Beverly Manor Township.

The following appointments have been made by Judge Hendren to fill the vacancies of officers who failed to qualify in the time prescribed by law.

Saml. A. East, Supervisor, North River Township, vice J. Givans Fultop.

Jo. W. Crist, Justice of Peace, North River Township, vice Jas. T. Clarke.

Am. H. Wooddell, Constable, North River Township, vice Nelson Andrew.

Jo. T. Litten, Overseer of Poor, North River Township, vice Jo. C. Rusmisel.

Am. Crawford, Supervisor, Middle River Township, vice J. D. Craig.

David Myers, Overseer of Poor, Middle River Township, re-appointed.

Lucien M. Donaho, appointed by the State Auditor, Commissioner of Revenue, 1st District, vice Jo. Towberman, resigned, qualified and entered upon the duties of his office. -- Vindicator.

Meeting of Conservative County Committee
(Column 02)
Summary: The Conservative County Committee met on August 22nd. The committee resolved to hold a convention to nominate county officers on September 26th.
(Column 03)
Summary: Mrs. Elizabeth Lacy, widow of the late Allen R. Lacy, died at her residence near Warm Springs on July 21st. She was 77 years old.
(Names in announcement: Elizabeth Lacy, Allen R. Lacy)
(Column 03)
Summary: William J. Humate died near Warm Springs at the residence of his father, James P. Humate, on July 31st. He was 23 years old.
(Names in announcement: William J. Humate, James P. Humate)
(Column 03)
Summary: Mrs. Catherine E. Bite, wife of J. F. Bite and daughter of Peter and M. M. Lucas, died in Newport on August 11th. She was 50 years old. "She was, from her youth, a member of the Christian church, and adorned her profession by a consistent walk and conversation till the time of her death." She left behind a husband and four children. Many community members attended her funeral, which symbolized her widespread popularity.
(Names in announcement: Catherine E. Bite, J. F. Bite)
(Column 03)
Summary: Conrad L. Hensley, son of Robert D. Hensley of Bethlehem, Augusta County, died on July 13th. He drowned while fishing in Blackwell's Mill Dam on South River. An account of the tragedy and the parents' sorrow accompanies the notice.
(Names in announcement: Conrad L. Hensley, Robert D. Hensley)

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