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Valley of the Shadow

Valley Spirit: March 22, 1865

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-Page 01-

Description of Page: Classified ads, columns 1-4, poetry and fiction, columns 5-6

Who Govern the Country?
(Column 5)
Summary: Lists the names and states of US Senators who serve as chairmen of Senate committees. Notes with disdain that the most important chairmanships are held by New Englanders, and suggests that Democrats are treated "most scurvily" when committee assignments are made.
Origin of Article: Patriot & Union
The Tax Bill
(Column 7)
Summary: Outlines the provisions of the tax bill agreed upon by both houses of the US Congress. Included in the bill is a five percent tax on incomes exceeding $600 and a ten percent tax on incomes over $5,000.

-Page 02-

Description of Page: Report on a new postal act, column 7

What Have We Gained?
(Column 1)
Summary: Suggests that Republicans are making a big deal over rumored military successes that may not be true. Notes with disgust that any Democrat who doubts these rumors is branded a traitor.
Full Text of Article:

The fanatical Abolitionists who are crazy to carry on this horrid war go off into ecstasies over every idle rumor of successes attained by our armies in the field. Their passions and their prejudices will never permit them to take a calm view of such reports--to ascertain, in the first place, if there is any truth in them, and if true, whether any permanent advantage is gained to our cause. They catch up with eagerness and believe the most improbable and ridiculous stories, and though deceived and cheated, time and again, by similar fabrications, they are just as ready to pin their faith to the next that comes along and cling to the belief as obstinately, thus verifying, in the most striking manner, the lines of the poet:

"Faith--fanatic faith--once wedded fast
To some dear falsehood, hugs it to the last."

Their past experience in bogus war news is of no avail; so thoroughly are they demented, by their chronic attack of negro-phobia, that they cannot even learn a lesson in the hard school in which fools are taught. They are to be pitied--their case is a deplorable one, and all that we can do for them is to

"Pray the powers to mend their mental flaw,
Or grant them kindest keepers and clean straw."

Another peculiarity of their madness is this: Should any staid Democrat venture to doubt their war rumors--expose their fallacy--or point out their mistakes and discrepancies, they forthwith raise a crazy howl over him and denounce him as a "traitor" and a dangerous person to be at large. You are required to believe the most enormous falsehoods--magnify all disasters into victories, and put the best face on things generally, or you will excite in them a paroxysm of madness terrible to behold! The rule with them is to believe all they hear, imagine more than is told, and exaggerate all they repeat, and you are expected to swallow it all as gospel or come under the ban of "disloyalty."

When the movements of our armies compelled the evacuation of Savannah it was a "big thing" for the Abolitionists to rejoice over, but when Charleston and Wilmington came tumbling after their exultation knew no bounds. The "back bone of the rebellion" had received a compound fracture beyond the skill of the most expert bone-setter to restore! They had preached up the doctrine that England supplied the rebels with all their war material, through these ports, and that the rebellion would have fizzled out long ago were it not for the aid it obtained from abroad. There was not an Abolitionist in the land who did not profess to believe this, and now that these ports were captured the rebellion was on its last legs--the last rebel had found the last ditch and there given up the ghost! Nothing remained to be done but to confiscate the property in the rebel States and parcel it out among negro soldiers and cotton speculators. Occasionally an imprudent Democrat could be found fool-hardy enough to cast a doubt over this pleasing aspect of affairs. He might be so bold as to venture to suggest that we have lost more than we have gained by the capture of these places--that their garrisons, and those at other points evacuated, have given the rebels an active army in the field of over seventy thousand veterans--enough to hold Sherman in check. The aforesaid incautious Democrat might also venture to throw out an intimation that Brother Jonathan is a better friend to the rebels than Jo[h]nny Bull--that he will furnish them with all the supplies needful to carry on the rebellion at less risk and on more accommodating terms than could be obtained from foreign blockade runners. Our Democratic friends would of course, not be so reckless as to hazard this assertion without being backed up by sound Abolition authority--the real simon pure, negro-loving, loyalty stripe! He would, therefore, respectfully refer them to the report on the bill to abolish the present system of trading with the rebellious States, and which Lincoln failed to sign. The report was prepared by the House Committee in Congress, of which that rank Abolitionist, Washburne, of Illinois, is chairman. The following extract is taken from the report:

"The rebel armies east and west of the Mississippi river have been mainly supplied for the last twelve months by the unlawful trade carried on on [sic] that river, and that the city of New Orleans, since its occupation by our forces, has contributed more to the support of the rebel armies and to the purchase and equipment of privateers that are preying upon our commerce, as well as to maintain the credit of the rebel government in Europe, than any port in the country."

This statement is undeniable and in the face of it well may we inquire what has been gained by the occupation by our forces of Savannah, Charleston and Wilmington, if these places are to be turned to no better account than New Orleans in subduing the rebellion? It must be remembered that all persons allowed licenses to trade with and supply the rebels are intensely loyal and pets of this administration, otherwise they would not obtain permits, and of this "numerous class" it is said, in the report already quoted, "they follow in the track of the army, traf[f]ic in its blood and barter the cause for which it is fighting with all the baseness of Judas Iscariot, but without his remorse." Vive la loyalty!

Peace and the Price of Gold
(Column 2)
Summary: Explains that government expenditures will not go down after the war because US troops will still be needed to keep watch over the South.
Origin of Article: New York World
Pennsylvania Not to be Reimbursed
(Column 2)
Summary: Reports that the claim reimbursing Pennsylvania for damages sustained in the war has been struck down by a committee in the US Congress.
Next Democratic State Convention
(Column 2)
Summary: Announces that the next Democratic State Convention will be held on June 21 in the Hall of Representatives in Harrisburg.
A Heavy Proposition
(Column 3)
Summary: Offers a plan whereby the US government could pull southern farmers away from the Confederacy by giving them payment for their cotton harvest in return for signing a loyalty oath to the Union.
Origin of Article: Nashville Press
The Fruits of Preaching Politics
(Column 3)
Summary: Calls attention to a report in the German Reformed Messenger, a Methodist newspaper published in Ohio. This report suggests that the decline in Methodist Church membership can be attributed to a disgust with ministers preaching politics.
(Column 4)
Summary: Suggests that the eighteen clergymen who are serving in the Vermont legislature are acting in ways inconsistent with their spiritual work.
Origin of Article: German Reformed Messenger
(Column 5)
Summary: Report on the Pennsylvania legislature in Harrisburg gives an overview of the debate over and subsequent defeat of a bill to adjudicate the claims of border county residents.
Trailer: Brutus
Garrison and Phillips in Antagonism -- The Whole Idea of 'Freedmen' a Hideous Joke
(Column 7)
Summary: Accuses William Lloyd Garrison of selling out to the Lincoln administration when he disbanded his anti-slavery society after it refused to stop criticizing the President. Opponents of the President had pointed to the freedmen of the South Carolina Sea Islands, currently living in conditions reportedly worse than on their former plantations, as evidence that the President's Emancipation Proclamation was a "sham."
Origin of Article: Boston Courier
Full Text of Article:

The notorious Anti-slavery Society, which has troubled the country for thirty-five years, is about to close its dishonorable career. Garrison, who has been the chief conspirator in its destructive work, has turned his back upon it, and is now laboring to terminate its existence. He has become interested in Abraham Lincoln, and has constituted himself Lincoln's apologist. His declarations before the Society, and in his paper, go to the extent "that the President can do no wrong." But many in the Society, and among them the most eloquent and influential members, true to their old instincts, indulge in severe criticism of the President and his administration. Garrison has in vain tried to stem the tide against his favorite, but failing in the attempt he has resorted to stratagem to break up the Society. He sold it out and all its influence to Mr. Lincoln's party, and he is angry that his former followers will not ratify the bargain.

These are the facts disclosed to impartial observers in the recent meetings of the society in the Melodeon. The Garrison and Phillips wings stood in battle array against each other. The Phillips faction proved the strongest, because consistent with their past history and declarations. The mantle has fallen from the anti-slavery leader. He is no longer recognized by them. He is shorn of his strength. They who worshiped him have had their eyes opened, and find that he is weak and like a very common man.

The discussions at the meeting yesterday afternoon and evening took a wide range. Mr. Stephenson, a man active in freedmen's aid societies, hoped all personalities would be laid aside. He contemplated the negro in his condition as a "freedman," as so much clear gain to New England manufacturers. The slaves are not good customers; the efreedman [sic] is a liberal purchaser.

Dr. Knox, who had been down South, at Beaufort, among the islands within Saxton's lines, and who said he spoke the literal truth, from actual experience, declared that the whole idea of "freedmen" was a hideous joke, the President's emancipation proclamation a sham. The so-called freedmen of the South were, to-day, as bad off as they were in slavery; worse off than before the war, for the Northern men who have gone down there and undertaken the charge of the "poor negro," in the name of philanthropy, were full as wicked, as oppressive, as tyrannical--yes, more wicked and avaricious than the original slaveholders. The day wages for a negro on the Sea Island cotton fields is worth $4 a day, at the present prices for cotton; but they who hold the plantations make the negro work for fifteen cents a day, and if he dares to complain, is treated with the foulest language, abused in various cruel ways, scourged, told he is not worthy of freedom if he complains, and threatened with immediate enlistment into the army. In this way they are forced to submit to the most galling servitude.

Dr. Knox then turned his attention to the Freedmen's Society. He characterized it as "The God Forsaken National Freemen's Aid Society!" It was a humbug, a cheat; obtained funds under false pretences to buy goods, which they sell to the negroes and then pocket the money. The society, united with new Northern slaveholders, were grinding the negroes to the dust, in the name of humanity, and growing rich out of the sufferings of the blackman and the miseries of the country. As for General Saxton, Dr. Knox declared in the most emphatic terms, and repeated the declaration; that "Gen. Saxton, who is a coward and a rascal, stands at the head of this oppression, and is, practically, the leader and the head of the slaveholders at Port Royal." [Cries of shame! shame! it's a lie! it's a lie! put him out!" hisses, groans, applause, &c.]

Geo Thompson in the course of some remarks offered by him, agreed with Mr. Philips that the liberties of America should not be entrusted in the hands of politicians and Generals in the army. If the people do not see to it that the negro has given to him the full measure of his liberties, then the American Republic cannot stand. The wrath of God will be upon them. He said that in the light of the Declaration of Independence, America has lived a lie from the 4th of July 1776, to the present time. Give the negro justice, full justice, and the American Republic will stand forever.

Mr. Philips wanted everything to be laid aside at present to make way for the great question before the American people at the present time, shall Louisiana be admitted into the Union with her present slavery? The duty of this meeting was to send out a strong and unanimous No. We must demand of Congress to repudiate the so called freedom but in reality the slavery of Louisiana, and refuse her entrance in her present state.

After other remarks, the resolutions of Mr. Philips were adopted and the meeting was dissolved.

-Page 03-

Description of Page: List of election results published in the Repository, column 1, classified ads, columns 3-7

The Draft: Guilford Township
(Column 1)
Summary: Lists the names of the 106 men drafted from Guilford Township in the most recent call for troops.
(Names in announcement: Geo. Bonebrake, William Harman, Simon C. Shetter, Charles Binkley, Simon Overcash, John S. Yankey, James A. Lowery, Samuel S. Cromer, Charles Thompson, Jacob Buchanan, Henry Burkholder, Daniel Bonebreak, Jacob Warner, John Glesinger, Jacob McFerren, George McKenzie, John Gelwicks, Jacob Y. Miller, Daniel Benitsderfer, Adam Cauffman, William Metz, George W. Immell, James Kennedy, George W. Wolff, Samuel Henrie, Jacob Heckman, Edward Towercol., Samuel Eter, J. C. Duffield, Jacob Snyder, David Sheffer, Jeremiah Shafer, Jeremiah Wildeson, Simon Rosenberry, Henry Ryder, Gabriel Ferner, Henry S. Weaver, James Cromelcol., Henry Alexander, John S. Crawford, John F. Zumbro, Benjamin F. Filson, Henry Stamey, Solomon Miller, Robert Greycol., George M. Hockersmith, James Reed, Armsted Wadecol., John Apple, John W. Metz, Matthias Phillippi, David Clugston, John Miller, William Darnfelt, John P. Stouffer, David Remley, Adam V. Small, Adam Hoffman, Thomas Jonescol., Harvey W. McKnight, Henry Kennedy, Christian B. Hege, Levi Lochbaum, Thomas Cookcol., George Allen, Thomas Calomel, Adam Johnston, J. C. Monn, Daniel Leisher, Jacob Baker, George Beeks, S. W. Sollenberger, J. S. P. Brown, Emanuel Fry, Jacob H. Wingerd, John S. Deardorff, Daniel Mull, Daniel Bittner, Benjamin Metz, John Gearhart, Peter McFerren, Henry Byers, Ephraim Rock, Andrew O. Hess, Jeremiah C. George, John S. Stull, David B. Stener, Jeremiah Manon, Harman Stine, John Wilkescol., George S. Wingert, David F. Shull, Joseph W. Bolten, Harmon Mosyer, Jeremiah Shraff, Peter Snider, Jno. Wilkison, Abraham Lehman, J. W. George, Alfred Jonescol., Henry Zumbro, Jerome Hepfer)
The Draft: St. Thomas Township
(Column 1)
Summary: Lists the names of the 60 men drafted from St. Thomas Township in the most recent call for troops.
(Names in announcement: David Gipe, Jere. D. Walk, Thomas Harrison, William C. Shields, William H. Strock, Philip Byers, Jeremiah Brendle, William Beam, Samuel Wallack, Jacob Eshelman, Alfred Bashore, Levi Crider, William Holden, John Walck, William T. Graham, Solomon Phreaner, George W. Betz, Jno. S. Johns, Peter Hissong, Michael Foutz, John Bermont, Henry Deafenderfer, Solomon B. Wentling, Isaac Allison, John M. Vantries, Abraham Huber, George Stump, Daniel Miller, Elias Shatzer, Levi Merritt, Adam Pheil, William H. H. Fohl, John C. Deatrick, Martin Miller, Thomas Hill, John C. Gilbert, John Moore, John Mealman, Jeremiah Guyer, Henry Bermeut, John Clock, Benjamin D. Martin, Ross Robisoncol., Adam Plum, William Archibald, John Christ, Samuel H. Holstay, Thomas G. Zarker, Francis Peckman, Daniel K. Stouffer, Hezekiah Miller, Joseph Phiel, Amos H. Deatrick, Jacob Coble, James Johnston, Benjamin F. Kohn, Jacob Shew, Simon Shatzer, Samuel Croft, Reuben Byers)
The Draft: Peters Township
(Column 1)
Summary: Lists the names of the 50 men drafted from Peters Township in the most recent call for troops.
(Names in announcement: Jackson D. Hassler, John Brindle, Martin S. Kunkleman, Jacob Sullenberger, John S. Ryder, Henry C. Thompson, David Smith, James Williamscol., Jeremiah Widder, Christian Houpt, James Williamscol., Henry Byers, William Gift, Conrad Stinger, William Trogler, Samuel Mortar, William E. McDowell, William Black, Jacob Pfoutz, Robert Deal, George Smith, David Hoover, John S. Burkholder, Ervine Mowen, Daniel Halman, William Ottenberger, Jacob Straliff, James Benedict, Theodore Weisner, Peter B. Allen, Emanuel Cramer, Joseph Mickley, Thomas Derberrer, William L. McClellan, Jacob Reisner, David Kinsey, Henry Metcalf, Jacob Snyder, Edward Wise, Peter Stinger, John Smith, George Hollins, George Mummert, Ferdinand Senseny, Jonas Gsell, James Cox, Henry Johnstoncol., William Holstan, Reuben Lewis, John Heys)
The Draft: Warren Township
(Column 1)
Summary: Lists the names of the 8 men drafted from Warren Township during the most recent call for troops.
(Names in announcement: James L. Williams, J. C. McCulloh, Henry Yeakle, Calvin Cook, Abraham Zimmerman, Jerome Peck, Eli Miller, George C. Martin)
Citizen Prisoners
(Column 2)
Summary: Reports that six men taken prisoner in Hagerstown immediately after the battle of Gettysburg have returned home under a prisoner exchange. They are: George S. Heck, Dr. James Hamilton, Thomas H. McDowell, John P. Culbertson, A. C. McGrath, and Charles Kinsler. Three men are still somewhere in the Confederacy, having escaped from prison and eluded the Confederate guard for three months. They are: J. Porter Brown, D. M. Eiker, and George Kaufman.
(Names in announcement: J. Porter Brown, D. M. Eiker, George Kaufman, George S. Heck, Dr. James Hamilton, Thomas H. McDowell, John P. Culbertson, A. C. McGrath, Charles Kinsler)
Exchanged Prisoners
(Column 2)
Summary: Reports that William N. Pearse has returned from a rebel prison under a prisoner exchange. Also notes that Captain Thomas Myers of the 107th Pennsylvania Volunteers has returned after being taken prisoner on the first day of the battle of Gettysburg.
(Names in announcement: William N. Pearse, Captain Thomas Myers)
About Quotas
(Column 3)
Summary: Suggests that the administration's response to Governor Curtin's protest over Pennsylvania's draft quotas is insufficient. Takes issue with its refusal to consider the length of time of Pennsylvania's men have already served when computing the numbers to be drafted.
The Massachusetts Virgins
(Column 3)
Summary: Reports that women in western states are protesting a plan to import virgins from Massachusetts, who have fewer men to choose from since the war broke out.
Origin of Article: Chicago Times
(Column 5)
Summary: Rev. P. S. Davis married Jacob Lightner and Christianna Seiple on March 14.
(Names in announcement: Rev. P. S. Davis, Jacob Lightner, Christianna Seiple)
(Column 5)
Summary: On March 20, Rev. S. H. C. Smith married Joshua McCamsey, of Lancaster City, and Jennie McFarren.
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. H. C. Smith, Joshua McCamsey, Jennie McFarren)
(Column 5)
Summary: Rebecca Caldwell, wife of J. B. Caldwell, died on March 8 at age 42.
(Names in announcement: Rebecca Caldwell, J. B. Caldwell)
(Column 5)
Summary: Mary Alice Shank, daughter of Jacob Shank, died on March 12 at age 14 years, 2 months and 3 days.
(Names in announcement: Mary Alice Shank, Jacob Shank)
(Column 5)
Summary: On March 9, Charles Augustus Stoner, son of John and Cecelia Stoner, died at age 4 months and 10 days.
(Names in announcement: Charles Augustus Stoner, John Stoner, Cecelia Stoner)

-Page 04-

Description of Page: Classified ads, columns 1-7