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Augusta County: Benjamin Franklin Cochran to His Mother, June 23, 1861

B.F. Cochran tells about capturing two Union officers and about burning Confederate property to keep it out of Union hands.


June the 23 1861


Dear Mother

I am now writing on a bucket turned wrong side up. I sent a letter up to by Mr. [unclear: Garber] did you get it.

We caught two of the enemy last week. One of them a lieutenant Colonel and another officer we are encamped within eight miles of the enimy and expect a fight evry moment the other day when our troops were coming here they passed through Martinsburg by orders of the general they burned at least one hundred thousand dollars worth of cars for fear the enimy would get possession of them. I wish you would pack my gun up and send it down to Waynesboro and direct Mr. King to give it to Capt Patrick when he starts back to the army send my powder and flask with it you need not send the shot pouch. about twenty of our company

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are armed with [unclear: carbines] and we cannot get any more and I would like to have my gun you must direct your letters to Winchester if you wish to see what part of Va we are in look on the map of Va at the north-east part in Berkly County and you will see directly across the river a small town named Williamsport we are eight miles this side of there Federal troops are quartered there the number we know not.

When was the last time you heard from Johnie and how was he

I am well and hope to finde [added: you the same.] Give my respect to all.

B.F. Cochran

P.S. I wish you would send me a dispatch once in a while to read.

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