Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: P. Cleveland to [Thomas P. Jackson], May 6, 1867

Cleveland forwards the letter to him written by Poe about the marriage of Peggy Brown to a man named Ben. Cleveland relates Ben's complaint that Poe mistreated him and kept him from his wife.

May 6th 1867

Albemarle Va

To the Provo Marshal Stanton Va or to the Chief of the Freedmens Beaura at Stanton

The within note I recieved a few days since from Mr U. D. Poe of spring hill Augusta The woman Peggy Brown belonged to me She and Ben were married about 19 years ago in the way that servants were then married by consent of the owners of both. ben complains that Mr Poe has taken his wife from him and has treated him very rufly & shot at him [unclear: turie] Ben is [unclear: quite] as good as his wife I refered him to you

yours truly

P. Cleveland

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