Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: George B. Carse to Horace Neide, October 9, 1866

Carse, the Bureau Agent in Lexington, sends a telegram from Staunton to military authorities informing them of the murder of a black man by a white law student and alerting them to the suspect's escape.

The American Telegraph Co.
Connecting All the Principal Cities and Towns in the United States

Dated Staunton Oct. 9. 1866.

Received at Buhd " 9

To Brig. Genl Horace Neide
Hd Qrs Dept Potomac

A law student named J C Johnson shot a freedman named Patrick Thompson on Sunday P.M. - freedman died the day following. Johnson has made his escape six (6) feet high slender fair skin no beard black hair age about twenty (20) years

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Resides Greedwood Mississippi was here this A.M. will be apt to take Tenn RR at Lynchburg.

G.B. Carse
Bt Col.

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