The Valley of the Shadow

Robert Campbell's Family in the
Staunton Free Black Register

Campbell's original registration, with multiple renewals.

Campbell, Robert

July 17th 1814; August 31, 1819 Renewed; Nov. 1st. 1820 Rend. with Seal; Nov. 1st, 1822, do; June 1st. 1825, do; August 25th 1826 do,
Robert Campbell, No 37
A man of colour aged 20 years five feet three inches high, born free, as per certificate of Registry from Robert Smith Chew, Clerk of the Hustings Court for the town & Corporation of Fredericksburg, bearing date the 14th day of July 1812.

Teste Vincent Tapp CC Renewed June 6th 1848

Campbell's wife.

Ferguson, Jane

Sept. 11th 1819; Nov 1st 1820 Rend. with Seal; Nov 1st 1822 do; June 1st 1825 do; August 25th 1826 do
Jane Ferguson, No. 50
(Now the wife of Robert Campbell) "a black girl aged twenty years, four feet 11-3/4 inches high, who was born free" as appears by a certificate from Robert Smith Chew, Clerk of the Court of Hustings for the Corporation of Fredericksburg, bearing date the 16th day of February 1815, number 239.

Teste Vincent Tapp CC

The first two Campbell children.

Campbell, Mary Jane

June 21, 1823; Renewed June 10/48
Mary Jane Campbell, No. 65
(Daughter of Robert Campbell and Jane his wife) was born of free parents, the 15th day of September 1818, of yellow complexion with no visible scars or marks.

Teste Vincent Tapp CC

Campbell, John Lewis

June 21, 1823
James Lewis Campbell, No. 66
(Son of Robert Campbell and type=m>Jane his wife) was born (office has first) the 10th day of Novem. 1821, of yellow complexion, with no visible scars or marks.

Teste Vincent Tapp CC

Two of Campbell's apprentices.

Rollings, John

Augt. 21, 1823; Rend. Novr. 15th 1824
John Rollings, No.79
An apprentice to Robert Campbell barber, of black complexion, five feet 4 1/2 inches high, has five scars on his left arm occasioned by burns, one scar above the left eye crossing the eyebrow; about years of age, and free born

Teste Vincent Tapp CC

Lewis, James

No. 118
James Lewis, son of Matilda Green, aged 21 years the 27th of November 1830, a mulatto 5 feet 68 inches high, by profession a barber; was born free and served an apprenticeship with Robert Campbell, as appears by a certificate of the Hustings Court of Staunton, dated the 17th of January 1831 and now registered according to law.
August 20th 1831
Renewed by order of Court July 5th 1837.

Another of Campbell's sons: his initial registration and a later renewal. The renewal makes reference to Campbell's son Thomas, who has not registered in his own right.

Campbell, James Lewis

No. 135 James Lewis Campbell son of Robert & Jane Campbell aged 22 years 10 Novem 1843 & born free in this Corporation black colour, five feet three & one half inches high, well set, a scar on the back of the left hand above the thumb joint, a scar on the back of the right hand below the wrist joint. Registered in this office 20th January 1843 - See No. 66. The following Register of Robert Campbell is copied from the original on page 7 of this Book, vis: July 17th 1815.

Campbell, Robert

No. 37 Robert Campbell a man of colour aged twenty years - five feet three inches high - born free - as per certificate of Registry from Robert Smith Chew Clerk of the Hustings Court for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg bearing date this 14th day of July 1812. Teste, as to above copy. James F. Patterson, Clk.
Renewed Augt.16/49

Campbell, James L.

Novr. 8th 1850 - By virtue of an order of the Court of Hustings made on the 7th Novr- 1860 a duplicate made on the 8th of Novr- 1850, and delivered to Thos. C. Campbell. That James L. Campbell, son of Robert & Jane Campbell, free person of colour in the Corporation of Staunton, was born free; that he is of a black colour, five feet three inches high, well set, with a scar on the back of the left hand, above the thumb joint & a scar on the back of the right hand below the wrist joint & that he will be 22 (twenty two) years of age on the 10th day of November next & is duly registered 20 January 1843.
J. B. Watts, D.C.

Four more of Robert Campbell's children registered on 10 November 1847.

Campbell, Charlotte

No. 141 Charlotte Campbell, daughter of Robert Campbell, aged twenty four years on the 10th day of November 1847, - has a small scar on her forehead, and was free born - and now registered here by virtue of an order of the Hustings Court of Staunton made on the 8th day of June 1848. Teste, James F. Patterson, Clk. Copied June 10/48. Renewed Augt. 16/49. Renewed Octr.16/52

Campbell, Thomas Carey

No. 142 Thomas Carey Campbell, son of Robert Campbell, aged twenty years on the 1st day of September 1847, no scars or marks perceivable, was free order of the Hustings Court of Staunton made on the 8th day of June 1848.
Teste, James F. Patterson, Clk.
Copied June 10/48. Renewed Augt. 17/49.

Campbell, William

No. 143 William Campbell, son of Robert Campbell aged sixteen years on the 29th day of August 1847, has a scar on the knuckle of the forefinger on the right hand, also a scar on his forehead near the right temple, and was free born - now registered here by virtue of an order of the Hustings Court of Staunton made on the 8th day of June 1848.
Teste, James F. Patterson, Clk.
Copied June 10/48. Renewed Augt. 31/49

Campbell, Lewis

No. 144 Lewis Campbell, son of Robert Campbell, aged thirteen years on the 13th day of August 1847, has a scar on the right hand, on the outside of the wrist, from a burn - and was free born - now registered here by virtue of an order of the Hustings Court of Staunton made on the 8th day of June 1848.
Teste, James F. Patterson, Clk.
Copied June 10/48. Renewed Augt. 31/49. Re-registered October 4, 1860. See page 47.

Campbell's daughter registers a second time.

Campbell, Mary Jane

No. 164 Mary Jane Campbell, daughter of Robert Campbell, of a dark brown complexion, aged thirty one years on the 15th day of September 1849, four feet, nine and a half inches high - no scars or marks perceivable - and was born free.
See No. 65 page 14 of this book.
Copied and delivered Novr. 16th, 1849.

Robert Campbell's daughter-in-law registers as well.

Smith, Laura

No. 166 Laura Smith a free woman of colour (now the wife of Thomas Carey Campbell, a resident of this Corporation,) five feet, three and a half inches high, - about twenty years of age, of a bright complexion - has two small scars on the right side of her neck, one of them just under her right ear - straight hair, and was born free in the City of Petersburg - and that her Grandmother was free before the first day of May 1806. - Now registered here by virtue of an order of the Corporation Court of Staunton, made on the 6th day of March 1851.
Teste, James F. Patterson, Clk.
Copied & delivd March 7/51

Robert Campbell's second wife registers.

Campbell, Maria

No. 167 Maria Campbell, wife of Robert Campbell (late Maria West) a mulatto woman, aged (now) fifty three years has a scar near the corner of the right eyebrow, and was born free, as appears from a certificate of Robert Smith Chew, Clerk of the Court of Rustings for the Town and Corporation of Fredericksburg, under his seal of office, bearing date the 14th April 1826 - and now registered here by virtue of an order of the Corporation Court of Staunton, made on the 10th day of April 1851, and in the 75th year of the Commonwealth.
Teste, James F. Patterson, Clk.
Copied & delivered to R. C. Octr. 2/51.

Robert and Thomas vouch for Margaret Smith, who is probably Laura Smith's mother.

Smith, Margaret

No. 172 Margaret Smith - five feet one and a half inches high - about forty four years of age, - of a mulatto complexion, - has a large scar on her forehead, one in her right eyebrow - a mole under her left eye, and was born free in the Town of Petersburg. Now registered here by virtue of an order of the Hustings Court of Staunton, made on the 7th day of December 1853. The said Margaret Smith having complied with the requirement of the Court by giving bond in the sum of five hundred dollars, with Thomas C. Campbell and Robert Campbell as her securities - which bond is conditioned as the Court directed. Given under my hand this 28th day of December 1853.
Teste, James F. Patterson, Clk.
Copied Decr 28, 1853. Delivd. Jany. 13/54.

In 1857 the court ordered people to re-register. Campbell, his wife, and several children complied.

Campbell, Robert

No. 37 Robert Campbell, a man of colour, aged (now) about sixty five years, five feet three inches high, and was born free. Now re-registered here by virtue of an order of the Court of Hustings for the Town of Staunton, made and entered on the 5th day of August 1857, and in the 82nd. year of the Commonwealth.
Teste, James F. Patterson, Clk.

Campbell, Maria

No. 167 Maria Campbell, wife of Robert Campbell, a mulatto woman, aged (now) about fifty nine years, - has a scar near the corner of her right eye brow, and was born free. Now registered here by virtue of an order of the Court of Hustings for the Town of Staunton, made and entered on the 5th day of August 1857, and in the 82nd year of the Commonwealth.
Teste, James F. Patterson, Clk.
Copied and delivered to Robert Campbell Septr. 3rd 1857

Campbell, Thomas Carey

No. 142 Thomas Carey Campbell, aged twenty nine years on the first day of September 1856 - no scars or marks perceivable, and was born free. Now re-registered here by virtue of an order of the Court of Hustings for the Town of Staunton made on the 5th day of August 1857, and in the 82nd year of the Commonwealth.
Teste, James F. Patterson, Clk.
Copied and delivered to Thos. C. Campbell, Septr. 1, 1857.

Campbell, Laura

No. 166 Laura Campbell, wife of Thomas Carey Campbell a woman of colour, - five feet three and a half inches high, aged (now) about twenty six years, - of bright complexion, has two small scars on the right side of her neck, one of them just under right ear, - has straight hair, and was born free. Now re-registered here by virtue of an order of the Court of Hustings for the Town of Staunton, made on the 5th day of August 1857, and in the 82nd year of the Commonwealth.
Teste, James F. Patterson, Clk.
Copied and delivered to Thos C Campbell August 27 1857

Campbell, Mary Jane

No. 164 Mary Jane Campbell, daughter of Robert Campbell, aged thirty nine years on the 15th day of September last, of a dark brown complexion, four feet nine and a half inches high - has no scars or marks perceivable - and was born free. Now registered here by virtue of an order of the Court of Hustings for the Town of Staunton, made and entered on the 4th day of November 1857, and in the 82nd year of the Commonwealth.
Teste, James F. Patterson, Clk.
Copied & delivd Decr. 2nd, 1857.

Campbell, Charlotte

No. 141 Charlotte Campbell, a daughter of Robert Campbell, aged thirty three years on the 10th day of November last (1856,) of a brown complexion, four feet ten and one fourth inches high, - has a small scar on her forehead, - no other scars or marks perceivable, and was born free. Now registered here by virtue of an order of the Court of Hustings made and entered on the 4th day of November 1857, and in the 82nd year of the Commonwealth.
Teste, James F. Patterson, Clk.
Copied & Delivd Decr. 2, 1857.

Campbell, Lewis Alexander

No. 144 Lewis Alexander Campbell, son of Robert Campbell decd. of dark copper complexion, four feet eight and three fourths inches high- aged twenty six years on the 13th of August last, - has lost the forefinger of his lft hand, and has a scar from a burn on the outside of the wrist of his right hand, - no other scars or marks perceivable, and was born free. Now re-registered here by virtue of an order of the Court of Hustings made and entered on the 4th day of October 1860.
Teste, James F. Patterson, Clk.
Copied & delivd. Januy. 11, 1861.

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