1840 U.S. Census

Occupation Variables

ID# Variable Augusta Franklin VA PA South North U.S.
59 # persons employed in mining 0 27 1995 4603 4809 9559 14359
60 # persons employed in agriculture 3117 4284 318771 207533 1966272 1746436 3712708
61 # persons employed in commerce 0 33 6361 15338 36677 80195 116872
62 # persons employed in manufacturing and trades 902 3563 54147 105883 181496 606049 787545
63 # persons employed in navigation of the ocean 0 1 582 1815 4460 51450 55910
64 # persons employed in navigation of canals lakes & rivers 0 0 2952 3951 10382 22401 32783
65 # persons employed in learned professions & engineers 60 109 3866 6706 19871 44921 64792