Search the 1860 or 1870 U.S. Census - Advanced Search
This page allows you to perform an advanced search on
the 1860 or 1870 U.S. Population Census in either Augusta County, VA or
Franklin County, PA. These searches are separate due to differences in the data
recorded by census-takers. For example, in 1860, census-takers
recorded information about peoples' occupations, their
birthplace, and whether they could read and write. Many of these
questions were asked again in 1870, along with new questions
about peoples' parents, their schooling, and if they were denied
their right to vote. As a result of these differences, two
separate Advanced Search forms have been provided to search the
specific fields for each year.
This page allows users
to search on all information found in the 1860 census (such as
the dwelling number, rank in household, school attendance,
etc.). If you would like to search only on basic fields found in
the Census (name, age, sex, color, occupation, wealth, and
birthplace) please use the Basic Search.
A basic
search of both years of the Census can be accessed by following
the link at the left.
Note: The wild card character is *. It can be
substituted for any number of characters at the middle,
or back of a word. Please see Tips for Searching for a
full explanation.