Valley Southern Claims Commission Papers

Southern Claims Commission: Claim of William Bull, August 22, 1871, Claim No. 2,586

Summary: William Bull filed this claim August 22, 1871, for $300, claiming that Union troops confiscated 2 mares (one with a saddle and bridle) and 1 horse from his farm near Mount Sidney, Augusta Co., Va. in 1864. The claim was disallowed (date of disallowment not given).

Items Claimed:

Item Claimed: Amount Claimed: Amount Allowed: Amount Disallowed:
1 Bay mare x 9 years old x saddle &
$120.00 0 $120.00
1 Bay Horse 3 year old $100.00 0 $100.00
1 sorrel mare 3 year old $80.00 0 $80.00

Claims Summary:

Claimant hired a substitute and put him in the Confederate Service in the stead of his Son. And he voted for the ordinance of Secession, but says he was forced to it.

The mere allegation of force to compel him to vote for the dissolution of the Union and the overthrow of the Government without showing the character of the Force or any of the circumstances, fails to satisfy us and the hiring a substitute in place of his son though an act of filial affection, was still rendering effectual aid to the enemy. And we regard the conduct of the Claimant as it appears in the Evidence without other explanation inconsistent with loyal adherance to the Cause of the Union and the Government of the United States.

Asa Owen Aldis, JB Howell
Commrs of Claims

Testimony: William Bull

Your petitioner William Bull, repsectfully represent that he is citizen and resident near Mt Sidney Augusta county State of Virginia, and at the time this claim accrued your Petitioner addres was the same as above.


June 9 1 Bay mare + 9 years old + saddle &

bridle . . . . . . 120.00

Sept. 29 1 Bay Horse 3 year old . . . . . . 100.00

1 sorrel mare 3 year old . . . . . . . 80.00

[Total:] $300.00

Testimony: William Bull

. . .that said supplies were Taken from your petitioners Home two miles East of Mt Sidney & the Bay mare was taken by Augusta County Va the supplies as follows onethe Bay mare of date June 9 1864 was taken from your Petitioner upon the Ground of the Port Republic Pied mont Fight, & thetaken by the united States troops under Command of Major General Hunter the rest being two horses where taken from your petitioners fields he being preasant at the time Major General Phillip Sheridan forces came along & taken then the above statement is from your petitioners own personal knowledge & no receipts or Voucher where given of any kind &

. . .that this claim has never been presented to any executing department of the government for Collection

William Bullhis x mark

Testimony: George Peters, Noah Peters, Malilon J. Evans, Susan A. Folds, Sarah A. Roberts

We the undersigned Loyal Citizens of Augusta County Virginia do certify on Oath that we have known Wm Bull for many and know him to have been Loyal to the Government of the United States before, and at the time and since the taking of the property and supplies in the claimants petition mentioned.

Sworn to & subscribed before me this 1st day of May 1871, H.G. MCausland N.P.

George Peters, New Hope

Noah Petershis x mark, Mt Sidney Va

Witnesses as to facts Malilon J. Evans Mt Sidney Va
Susan A. Folds
Sarah A. Roberts New Hope

Testimony: United States War Department Archives Office

That, as stated in the Petition referred to, the property in question was taken from or furnished by petitioner of Mt Sidney, in the State of Va, for the use of a portion of the army of the United States, known as ____, and commanded by Genls Hunter & Sheridan and that the person who took or received the property, or who authorized or directed it to be taken or furnished were the following:

That the property was removed to Camp and used for or by troops on or about the 9 of June & 29th day of September in the year 1864 as appears by the petition presented to the Commissioners.

That the Claimant is unable to produce the witnesses hereafter to be named before the Commissioners at the city of Washington for and because of the following reasons, to wit: the Smallness of claim

That the following are the names of the witnesses, their respective places of residence, the points most convenient for the taking of their testimony, and separate, full and detailed statements of what each particular witness is expected to prove; all matters of time, place and circumstance being set forth as explicitly as is possible:

By G & N. Peters, M J. Evans, Susan A Folds & Sarah A Roberts in the county of Mt Sidney and State of Va whose testimony should be taken at or near Mt Sidney in the State of Va the claimant expects to prove that he was always loyal to the U.S. Govt. and also that the facts alleged in the petition are true.

Testimony: William Bull

United States of America State of Virginia SS

I, W.G. Riley a commissioner selected and designated by the Commissioners of Claims appointed under the act of Congress of March 3rd 1871 to take and record testimony Do hereby certify that the reason for taking the following depositions is and the fact is the matter of claim of William Bull vs the United States of America and the witness herein named being first duly sworn answereth as follows.

Question 1st Witness says-I reside in the County of Augusta State of Virginia

margin note: 75 years old

Quest 2 Witness says-In the same place I have resided there for thirty years

3 Witness says-I never passed beyond the Military or Naval lines of the United States

4 Witness says-I never swore allegiance to the so called Confederate States

5 Witness says-I have never taken any amnesty oath. I have never been pardoned by the President & did nothing to be pardoned for

6 Witness says-I never was connected with the Confederate States

7 Witness says-I never had any office or place of trust or honor under the Confederate Government

8 Witness says-I never held any clerkship under the so called Confederate States

9 Witness says-I never was in any military capacity or Naval service of the so called Confederate States

10 Witness says-I hired a substitute to get my son out of the Confederate Service and sent him North I did nothing else for the Confederate Government whatever.

11 Witness says-I have never done anything for the Confederate Government either Army or Navy nor assisted them in nothing

12 Witness says-I rendered the Confederate Government no assistance whatever

13 Witness says-I never was engaged in the purchase or the sale of stores and supplies for the Confederate Government

14 Witness says-I never was engaged in Blockade running or illicit traffic

Witness says-I did not leave the Confederate States between the 19th of April 1861 and the 19th of April 1865

16 Witness says-I never was the owner or part owner or in anyway interested in any vessel navigating the Ocean or upon any waters in the Confederacy

17 Witness says-I never was arrested by the Confederate States Government I was arrested by the United States Government. I was brought to Staunton Virginia and released I told them I was glad to get with them as I wanted to see them

18 Witness says-They took all they could get meaning the Confederate Government

19 Witness says-I never was threatened that I know of with injury to my person family or property on account of my union sentiments I kept men hid on my place they slept in my barn until they could go to the North

20 Witness says-I never was injured or molested on account of my Union sentiments

21 Witness says-I did nothing for the United States Government or its Army I gave them as much as they wanted to eat

22 Witness says-Nothing except what I have stated

23 Witness says-I had no relatives in either the Union or Confederate Armies

24 Witness says-I never contributed anything to support the credit of the Confederate States

25 Witness says-I have never given aid and comfort to the Rebellion

26 Witness says-I never was engaged in making raids into the United States from Canada

27 Witness says-I never was engaged in holding in custody directly or indirectly any persons taken by the Confederate Government as prisoners of war

28 Witness says-I never was a member of any association for the purpose of persecuting any persons on account of their loyalty to the United States

29 Witness says-He never was a parolled prisoner of the United States

30 Witness says-I never held any office in the Army or Navy of the United States I was not educated at West Point or at the United States Naval Academy

31 Witness says-I never received any pass from any officers of the Confederate Government

32 Witness says-I never was under any disabilities imposed by the 14th Article of the Amendments to the Constitution of the United States. I have never held any office under the United States Government.

33 Witness says-I sympathized with the Union cause and not with the Rebellion. I voted for it they forced me to vote for it and I knew no better. After the ordinance of Secession I still adhered to the Union.

34 Witness says-I solemnly declare that from the beginning of hostilities against the united States my sympathies were constantly with the cause of the United States that I never did of my own free will offered or sought to do anything to retard it's success were at all times ready and willing to aid the cause of the Union so far as my means and power and the circumstances of the case permitted.

Questions by the Commissioner

Quest 1 How old are you where do you reside, and what is your occupation? Answer I am seventy five years old I reside in Augusta County by occupation a farmer.

Quest 2 What was the condition and value of the horse charged in the claimant's petition when taken by the Government of the United States Answer The property mentioned in the claimant's petition was in good condition when taken by the United States Government and worth all that he was charged the same

Further the witness saith not August the 14th 1871

Will Bull

Testimony: M. J. Evans

M.J. Evans a witness introduced by William Bull the Claimant being first duly sworn answereth as follows concerning the taking of the property

Question 1 Witness says-I was present when some of the articles were taken specified in the Claimant's petition

Quest 4 Witness says-I think the property was taken in 1864 it was taken from the farm of the claimant William Bull by soldiers or Officers of the United States Army I was present when they were taken.

Quest 6 Witness says-I dont know whether they were Officers or soldiers that were present at the taking.

7 Witness says-I heard nothing said the horses that I saw taken were drove off by soldiers or officers I am not prepared to say which

9 Wintess says-I dont know to what place the property was removed

10 Witness says-I do not know to what use the horses were put

11 Witness says-There was no complaint made to any officer on account of such taking

12 Witness says-There was no voucher or receipt asked for or given that I know of.

13 Witness says-The property was all taken in the day time just before sun down none of it was taken secretly

14 Witness says-When the property was taken I dont think any of the Army was encamped in that vicinity. I dont know that there had been any battle just before the property was taken.

15 Witness says-The horses when taken were in good condition they were three years old and worth all that the Claimant has charged the Government in his petition I have never talked to the claimant about their value

19 Witness says-I dont know for what use the horses were taken they would have made good Cavalry horses

20 Witness says-I suppose they were taken for the use of the Government

21 Witness says-I suppose they were taken for some use for the Government and by persons having authority to take them

22 Witness says-I suppose the Government ought to pay for them

23 Witness says-I cant tell whether they were taken by persons who had authority or not

Questions by the Commissioner

Quest 1 How old are you where do you reside and what is your occupation? Answer I am twenty six years old I reside in Augusta County Virginia by occupation a Blacksmith

Quest 2 How long have you known the Claimant Answer I have known the Claimant about eight years. I saw him often during the war, he was loyal to the United States Government all the time I knew him he was so regarded by his neighbors- and

Further this witness saith not August the 14th 1871

M.J. Evans

Testimony: Susan Folds

Susan Folds a witness introduced by William Bull the claimant for the proof as to the taking of the property being first duly sworn answereth as follows

Quest 1 Witness says-I saw two horses mentioned in the claimants petition taken

Quest 4 Witness says-The horses were taken in 1864 from the farm of the Claimants by Officers and soldiers under the Command of Genl Sheridan.

8 Witness says-The horses were drove off by soldiers or Officers

11 Witness says-There was no complaint made to any Officer on account of such taking

12 Witness says-There was no receipt given or asked for

13 Witness says-None of the property was taken in the night time

15 Witness says-They were in good condition when taken, I do not know how old they were but they were young. I think they were worth all the claimant has charged the Claimant in his petition

19 Witness says-I think the property was taken for the use of the Government and not for individual use.

22 Witness says-I think they were taken for some purpose so necessary that the Government would be justifyable in paying for them.

Quest How old are you where do you reside and what is your occupation? Answer I am twenty seven years old. I reside in Augusta County, by occupation a house keeper

Further this witness saith not August the 14th 1871

Susan Folds

Testimony: George Peters

George Peters a witness introduced by the claimant William Bull for proof as to his loyalty being first duly sworn answereth as follows

Quest 1 Witness says-I am going on forty four years old I reside in Augusta County Virginia by occupation a farmer

Quest 2 Witness says-I have known the claimant twenty years I saw him often during the war. I believe that he was loyal to the United States Government during the war, so far as I know he was so regarded by his neighbors I never knew him to aid the United States Cause nor the Confederate cause, so far as I know he was regarded by all who knew him as a Union man. I have heard him say often that this sympathies were with the Union Cause

Questions by the Commissioner

Quest 1 Do you know of any act done or language used by the Claimant that would have prevented him from establishing his loyalty to the Confederacy if it had been maintained as a separate Government if so state the same particularly.

Answer He was too loyal to the United States Government to have been considered loyal to the Confederacy if it had been maintained as a separate Government

Further this witness saith not August the 14th 1871

George Peters

Testimony: Noah Peters

Noah Peters a witness introduced by William Bull the claimant for proof as to his loyalty being first duly sworn answereth as follows

Quest 1st How old are you where do you reside and what is your occupation?

Answer I am fifty three years old I reside in Augusta County Virginia by occupation a farmer

Quest 2 How long have you known the Claimant mentioned in the petition?

Answer I have known him for forty years I saw him often during the war, he was loyal to the United States Government during the war and was so regarded by his neighbors

Quest 3 Do you know of any act done or language used by the Claimant which would have prevented him from establishing his loyalty to the Confederacy if it had been maintained as a separate Government if so state the same particularly

Answer He was too loyal to the United States Government to have been considered loyal to the Confederacy if it had been maintained as a separate Government and

Further the deponent saith not August the 14th 1871

Noah Peters his mark

Testimony: Sarah A. Roberts

Mrs Sarah Roberts a witness introduced by the Claimant to prove the taking of the property being first duly sworn answereth as follows-

Quest 1 Witness says-I am forty nine years old. I reside in Augusta County Va, by occupation a house keeper. I saw one horse taken in 1864 in June by United States soldiers, taken from Mr Roberts' house, the claimant saw the soldiers coming the hitched his horse and entered my house. The soldiers were under the command of Genl. Hunter. No receipt was given that I know of and none asked for.

13 Witness says-The property was taken in the day time. I think it was in the afternoon

14 Witness says-The horse was in tolerable condition. I know nothing of it's value or age and further the deponent saith not August the 22nd 1871

Sarah A. Roberts

Sworn to & subscribed before me this 22nd day of August 1871

WG Riley United States Commissioner and Special Com for State of Va.

Bibliographic Information : Southern Claims Commission: Claim of William Bull, August 22, 1871, Claim No. 2,586, Source copy consulted: National Archives, Washington, D. C., fiche # 14.

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