Valley Southern Claims Commission Papers

Southern Claims Commission: Claim of Adam Fix, May 18, 1871, Claim No. 7011

Summary: Adam Fix filed this claim May 18, 1871, for $180, claiming that Union troops confiscated 1 mare from his Augusta County farm. The claim was disallowed in 1872.

Items Claimed:

Item Claimed: Amount Claimed: Amount Allowed: Amount Disallowed:
One dun mare $180.00 0 $180.00

Claims Summary:

The Proofs in this case will not warrant in finding that the property was taken for the use of the Union Army. But one witness gives any evidence on this branch of the claim. He says he "did not see the horse taken from the field, but saw it led away" & further says it was taken from the farm of the claimant in June 1864 by soldiers of the Union army under Gen. Hunter - no officer present only soldiers - taken in the day time - The Army was not encamped near - no skirmish nor battle near - They told me they were ordered to take it - excepting the opinions & conclusions of the witness, such is the substance of all the testimony given by the witnesses - Soldiers pillaging or stealing if discovered always said they were ordered to do it.

If the property was taken legitimately & regularly for the use of the Army it is not proved & the claim must be disallowed.

Testimony: Adam Fix

Before the Commissioner of Claims, under Act of March 3, 1871

Adam Fix vs. The United States

On this fourteenth day of Sept. 1871, at Staunton in the County of Augusta and State of Virginia, personally came Adam Fix claimant and Jno. G. Troxall & Jno. Buchanan his witnesses, in a cause now pending before the commissioners of claims in the name of Adam Fix vs. The United States, before me as a United Commissioner and also special Commissioner appointed by the Commissioner of Claims.

Present Adam Fix claimant and Attorney for said Claimant

The said claimant & each of said witnesses were first, before any questions were put to them, properly and duly sworn to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, relative in the matter in which they were to testify and the testimony of the claimant and said witnesses were taken down by me, or in my presence, and I read over to said claimant and to each of said witnesses their respective depositions, and the said depositions were duly signed in my presence.

W.G. Riley

U.S. Commissioner
And Special Com.

Deposition of Adam Fix

Ques 1 Witness says: I am 37 years old. I reside in Augusta Co, I am a farmer. I resided where I live now.

2 Witness says I resided in Augusta Co.

3 Witness says I never passed the lines of US Army or Navy & entered the rebel lines. Never took any oath of allegiance to the Confed. States

5 Witness says I took an amnesty oath in 1865 in Staunton. It was required of all. Have never been pardoned.

6 Witness says I never was directly nor indirectly in any manner connected with the civil service of the Confed. States.

7 Witness says: I never held and position of honor profit or trust under the Confed. States.

8 Witness says: Never held any clerkship or office of any kind

9 Witness says: Never was in the military or naval service of the Confed. States.

10 Witness says. Never was an officer soldier sailor or marine, or in any way employed in any Department of the Confed. States. Never had charge of any stores supplies trains or teams, in or for the Confed. Govt at any time.

11 Witness says. I never was in any service or employment of any kind under the Confed. Govt. Never gave any information to any officer or soldier sailor or marine of the Confed. Govt.

12 Witness says: Never was in any way engaged, or employed, in the manufacture of munitions of war or goods of any kind, for the Confed. Govt.

13 Witness says. I never was directly nor indirectly employed in the collection or impressment of stores or supplies for the Confed. Govt.

14 I never was engaged in blockade running or illicit traffic between the lines.

15 Witness says: I did not leave the Confed. States between the 19 of April 1861 x the 19th of April 1865.

16 Witness says: I never was interested in any way, in any vessel, engaged in navigation to or from any part of the Confederacy.

17 Witness says: I never was arrested either by the U.S. or Confed. Govts

18 Witness says: I had some cattle grain & hay taken by the Confed Govt. They were taken in 1864, for Govt. use, Rec'd no pay for them.

19 Witness says: The Confederates threatened to imprison me & my property to be taken from me, if I did not send my brothers wife off. Almost every night crowds were about my house.

21 Witness says. I did nothing but to send my brother to the Union Army & supported his wife & children. I fed him & others in the mountains for several months.

23 Witness says: I had a brother in law in the Union Army, no near relative in the Confed. Army. did not supply him with either equipments or money

24 Witness says. Have never owned any Confed. bonds. Have never done anything to support the credit of the Confed. States

25 Witness says. I have never given aid or comfort to the Confed. Govt.

26 Witness says I never was engaged in making raids from Canada nor in the destruction of the commerce of the U.S.

27 Witness says: I never was engaged in holding in custody persons taken as prisoners of war by the Confederates.

28 Witness says: I never was a member of any society for the expulsion or persecution of any persons on account of Union sentiments.

29 Witness says: I never was a parolled prisoner of the United States.

30 Witness says: I never held any office in either the Army or Navy of the U.S. was not educated either at West Point or the Naval Academy

31 Witness says: I never recd any pass from any officer of the Confed. Govt.

32 Witness says: I am not & never was under any diabilities imposed by the fourteenth amendment of the Constitution of the U.S. Have not held any office under the U.S. Govt since the war.

33 Witness says: At the beginning of the war I was for the Union. Did not vote either for or against the ordinance of secession, would have voted against it but I was sick. After the adoption of the ordinance of secession I adhered to the Union & did not go with my state.

34 Witness says: I solemly declare that from the beginning to the end of the War my sympathies were constantly with the cause of the Union.

General Interrogatory:

Do you know of any other matter relative to the said claim if you do state it fully

Answer. I would only say further that during the whole war I harbored & fed men escaping from the Confederacy & going to the Union army; & further this deponent sayeth not.

September 14th 1871

Adam Fix

Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 14th day of Sept. 1871

W.G. Riley

U.S. Commissioner and Spec. Com. for the State of Va.

Testimony: John G. Troxall

Deposition of Jno. G. Troxall to prove taking & furnishing of property

Ques 1 Witness says: I am 27 years old. I reside in Augusta Co. I am a farmer. I was present when the property named was taken & saw it carried off.

Ques 2 Witness says: Did not see the horse taken from the field but saw it led away.

3 Witness says: Did not see any thing else taken

4 Witness says: The property was taken from farm of claimant in June 1864 soldiers of the Union Army under Genl. Hunter

5 Witness says: My Father & Brother were present.

6 Witness says: There was no officer present only soldiers.

7 Witness says: The property was taken from the field by the soldiers. The claimants people said it was the finest horse they had.

8 Witness says: The horse was led off by the Union soldiers.

9 Witness says: It was taken to the army. did not follow it did not see it again.

10 Witness says: The property was taken for the use of the Govt.

11 Witness says: No complaint was made on account of the taking

12 Witness says: No receipt was either given or asked for

13 Witness says: The property was taken in the day.

14 Witness says: When the property was taken the Army was not encamped near. No skirmish nor battle near. Did not know the Qr.Mr. of any of them.

15 Witness says: The horse in fine condition 4 years old worth one hundred sixty five dollars.

19 Witness says: I believe the property was taken for the army & not for private use.

22 Witness says: I believe it was taken for the necessary use of the Govt. & they ought to pay for it.

23 Witness says: They told me they were ordered to take it & further this deponent sayeth not.

Sept. 14th 1871

John G. Troxall

Sworn to & subscribed before me this 14th day of Sept. 1871

W.G. Riley

US Commissioner and Special Com. for State of Va.

Testimony: John Buchanan

Deposition of Jno. Buchanan to prove loyalty

Ques 1 Witness says I am 28 years old. I reside in Augusta Co. I am a farmer. Have known the claimant all my life live near him. Saw him often during the War. I talked with him often. He was loyal to the U.S. Govt. He was so regarded by his neighbors. Never knew him to do anything for the Confed. Govt. He aided men to go to the Union Army & supported his brother in laws family while he was in the Union army. He supplied deserters from the Confed. Army with food. He was often molested & disturbed on account of his Union sentiments. He was too loyal to the U.S. Govt. to have been loyal to the Confed. Govt. had it succeeded & further this deponent sayeth not

Sept 14th 1871

John Buchanan his mark

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of Sept. 1871

W.G. Riley

US Commissioner and Special Com. for the State of Va.

Testimony: W. G. Riley

I hereby certify that the foregoing eleven pages of Depositions (including this certificate) of the claimant & his witnesses, were taken by me at the time and place and in the manner before mentioned.

W.G. Riley

Special Com. for State of Va.

Testimony: United States War Department

Archive Office, WAR DEPARTMENT, Nov 30, 1878

Book 3, Letters Sent, page 353

Case of Adam Fix, Augusta Co. Va.

Bill & voucher for 50 bushels of Corn at $2.50 per bushel sold to the C. States amounting to $125.00. Paid at Staunton Va. Feb 25th 1864 by Maj. H.M. Bell Q.M. C.S. Army

Rejected 1872

Bibliographic Information : Southern Claims Commission: Claim of Adam Fix, May 18, 1871, Claim No. 7011, Source copy consulted: National Archives, Washington, D.C., fiche # 458.

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