Valley Southern Claims Commission Papers

Southern Claims Commission: Claim of Christian Palmer, 1873, Claim No. 15854

Summary: Christian Palmer filed this claim in 1873 for $200, claiming Union troops under General Hunter took one horse in 1864. Christian was a 35 year old farmer who did not vote at all regarding the Ordinance of Secession but who failed to produce much evidence of his loyalty to the Union. The claim was disallowed.

Items Claimed:

Item Claimed: Amount Claimed: Amount Allowed: Amount Disallowed:
One Horse $200.00 $0.00 $200.00

Claims Summary:

The evidence in this Case is very meager and quite too thin to be at all Satisfactory. The Claimant is 35 years old and was subject to Conscription, and he fails entirely to answer questions numbered from 6 to 14 which are intended to elicit the material facts, as to Military service or employing subsitute in the Rebel Army. The omission to answer those questions is Conclusive as to Claimants own testimony and he calls but one witness to loyalty and his testimony is of no force or value whatever.

We reject the Claim for insufficiency of Evidence of Loyalty and suspicious indications of actual disloyalty of Claimant.

Testimony: Christian Palmer

1st. Witness says, I am 35 years old, I reside in Augusta Co.Va. I am a farmer by occupation. I have resided in Augusta Co. all my life.

3d.Witness says, I never passed beyond the Military or Naval line of the U.S. and enter the rebel lines.

4th.Witness says, I never took any oath to the Confederate States.

5th. Witness says, I have never taken the Amnesty oath, I never was pardoned.

6th. Witness says, I have never done anything for the Confederacy at all.

14th. Witness says, I never was engaged in blockade running.

15th. Witness says, I never left the Confederate States.

16th. Witness says, I had no interest in any vessel for any purpose or use.

17th. Witness says, I never was arrested by the Confederate or U.S. Government.

18th. Witness says, None of my property was ever taken by the Confederates.

19th. Witness says, I never was threatened or injured on account of my Union sentiments.

22d. Witness says, I did nothing for the U.S. Government during the War.

23d. Witness says, I had no relatives in either Army that I know of.

24th. Witness says, I never owned any Confederate Bonds.

25th. Witness says, I never done any thing for the rebellion.

26th. Witness says, I never made any raids into the United States from Canada.

29th. Witness says, I never was a paroled prisoner of the U.S.

30th. Witness says, I never held any office, nor educated at the West Point or Naval Academy.

31st. Witness says, I never received any pass from the Confederate Government.

32d. Witness says, I was under no disabilities I have held no office since the war.

33d. Witness says, at the beginning I was for the Union and against the rebellion. I did not vote at all. After the ordinance was adopted I went for the Union.

34th. Witness says, I was all the time a Union man, and willing at all times to aid the cause of the U.S. Government.

Further this deponent saith not,

Sept. 4th 1871.

Christian Palmer his mark

Testimony: Michael Palmer to prove taking of property

Michael Palmer, a witness introduced by claimant to prove the taking of the property charged in the petition, being duly sworn answers as follows,

Ques 1st. Witness says, I am 39 years old. I reside in Augusta Co.Va. by trade a blacksmith. I was present when the horse mentioned in claimants petition was taken.

2d. Witness says, I saw the horse taken.

4th. Witness says, The horse was taken from Claimants farm, in June 1864 by soldiers, of whom was named Gollady, under the command of Genl. Hunter.

7th. Witness says, The horse was taken by the soldiers.

8th. Witness says, The horse was led off to Staunton.

12th. Witness says, No receipt was given or asked for.

13th. Witness says, The horse was taken in the day time, at about 3 O'clock P.M.

14th. Witness says, When the horse was taken the Army was camped at Staunton and remained there several days.

15th. Witness says, The horse was fat and in good condition. He was 7 years old, and worth $150.00 or $200.

19th. Witness says, They took him for the use of the Army.

22d. Witness says, They took the horse for the use fo the Army and I think they ought to pay for him.

23d. Witness says, I suppose they had authority to take property.

Further this deponent saith not.

Sept. 4th 1871 Micheal Palmer

Testimony: David Thornton to prove loyalty

David Thornton, introduced by the Claimant to prove his loyalty to the United States, being duly sworn answers as follows.

1st. Witness says, I am 62 years old, I reside in Augusta Co. Va. I am a farmer. I have known the claimant about 20 years. I live near him I saw him frequently during the war and I believe that he was a Union man. I do not know how his neighbors regarded him.

I never knew him to do anything for the Confederacy. I think he was to loyal to the U.S. to be regarded as at all loyal to the Confederacy.

Further this deponent saith not.

Sept. 2d 1871 David Thornton

Sworn to & subscribed before me this 2nd day of Sept. 1871

WG Riley

United States Commissioner and special Com. for State of Va.

Bibliographic Information : Southern Claims Commission: Claim of Christian Palmer, 1873, Claim No. 15854, Source copy consulted: National Archives, Washington, D.C. RG 123, Congressional Jurisdiction #8772.

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