Valley Southern Claims Commission Papers

Southern Claims Commission: Claim of Joseph M. Cline, 1871, Claim No. 2578

Summary: Joseph M. Cline filed this claim in 1871 for $330, claiming the Union army took two horses and one cow in 1864. Joseph was a 34 year old minister of the Dunker church and a farmer. He was arrested by the Confederate Government attempting to reach Union lines. He also helped others reach Union lines and escape Confederate service. The commission allowed $275.

Items Claimed:

Item Claimed: Amount Claimed: Amount Allowed: Amount Disallowed:
Bay Mare $150.00 $125.00 $25.00
Iron Gray Mare $150.00 $125.00 $25.00
One Milk Cow $30.00 $25.00 $5.00

Claims Summary:

Claimant testifies that he was a Union Man, and was arrested by Rebels while attempting to escape into the Union lines in 1863, and was released on taking the Oath not to do anything against Confederate Government.

Christian Cline testifies that he knew Claimant well and had no doubt of his loyalty during the War. He was recognised as a loyal man by his neighbors and assisted persons to escape into the Union lines, and made an attempt to escape himself, but was caught by the Rebels.

The property was taken in 1864 by soldiers of Gen Hunter's Command except cow which was taken by soldiers of Gen Sheridan's Command.

We allow Two hundred and seventy five dollars.

A.O. AldisJB HowellCommrs of Claims

Testimony: Joseph M. Cline

I am 34 years, I reside in Augusta Co. Va. I am by occupation a farmer.

Deposition of Joseph M. Cline, claimant.

1st. Answer. Witness Says-I resided in Augusta Co.Va. prior to April 1 1861, and was there in person during the 6 months prior to that time.

2. Witness says-I resided in Augusta Co. from the 1st April 1861 to June 1865. I never changed my residence.

3. Witness says-I never passed beyond the Military or Naval lines of the United States and entered the rebel lines.

4. Witness Says-I took an oath at Harrisonburg, Va. in 1862 or 1863.

5. Witness says-I never took the Amnesty Oath.

6. Witness says-I never was directly or indirectly connected with the civil service of the So called Confederate States.

7. Witness says-I never held any office or place of trust profit or honor in the Confederate Government, State or territory.

8. Witness says-I held no clerkship, Agency or employment of any kind for the benefit of the So Called Confederate States.

9. Witness Says-I never was in any capacity in the Military or Naval service of the Confederate States.

10. Witness Says-I was never a Officer, soldier, sailor or Marine of the Confederate army or Navy. I never furnished a Substitute, or in any way connected with any department, bureau or branch of the Confederate Government. I never had charge of stores, supplies or trains, teams, wagons, vessels or munitions of war for the use of the Confederate States.

11. Witness Says-I was never in the employment of the So called Confederate States, nor furnished anything for the use of the Confederacy. I never give any information to any of the Confederate Authorities.

12. Witness Says-I never was employed in the Manufacture of anything whatsoever for the use of the Confederacy.

13. Witness Says-I never was employed in any way in the collection, impressment or purchase of any article for the use of the Confederate States. I had no interest of share in any contract whatever.

14. Witness Says-I never was enged in blockade running or illicit traffic or intercourse between the lines. I had no interest in any Goods, or Merchandise, brought into or exported from the Confederate States.

15. Witness Says-I did not leave the Confederate States between the 19th April 1861 and the 19th April 1865.

16. Witness Says-I was not the owner or part owner of any vessel used for navigation any where at all.

17. Witness Says I was arrested by the Confederate Government in 1862 or 1863. I was arrested while making an effort to get into the Union lines, by a Captain of the Confederate Army whose name I have forgotten. I took an Oath to get my release. The oath was that I was not to do any thing against the Confederacy. I never was arrested by the United States Government.

18. Witness Says-I had two horses taken. I was paid for them.

19. Witness Says-I never was threatened for my Union sentiments.

20. Witness Says, I never was molested except my arrest, when on my way to the Union lines.

21. Witness Says, I never contributed anything in aid of the United States Government or the Union cause except in aid of persons getting to the Union lines.

22. Witness says-I never had any oppertunity to do anything.

23. Witness says-I had a cousin in the Confederate Army, and several in the Union Army. I never made a contribution to any of them.

24. Witness Says I owned no Confederate Bonds, and did nothing to support the Credit of the Confederacy. I never give aid and comfort to the rebellion.

26. Witness Says-I never was engaged in making raids into the U.S. from Canada, nor in the destruction of the Commerce of the United States.

27. Witness Says I never aided in the holding of any person or persons taken from the Confederate Government as prisoners of War, or for political causes.

28. Witness Says-I never was a member of any society for the imprisonment or prosecution of any person on account of his union sentiments.

29. Witness Says, I never was a paroled prisoner of the United States.

30. Witness Says-I never held any office in the Army or Navy of the United States. Nor educated at any of its schools.

31. Witness Says, I received No pass from the Confederate Government or any of its officrs.

32. Witness Says, I was under no disabilities imposed by any amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I have held no office since the War.

33. Witness Says, At the beginning of the rebellion, I sympathisedwithe the Union. I did not vote at all, and after the Ordinance of Secession was adopted I still adhered to the Union and against the State.

34. Witness Says, I do declare that at the beginning of the hostilities against the United States to the end thereof, my sympathies were constantly in favor of the Union, and its causes and that I never did anything of my own free will and accord to injure said cause or retard its progress and success, and that I was ready and willing at all times, to do all in my power (except to bear arms, which my profession, a minister in the Dunkard Church, forbid me to do) to aid and assist the said Cause.

Further this deponent saith not.

Joseph M Cline
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 18th day of September 1871.

WG RileyU.S.Commr. and Special Commr. for the State of Va.

Testimony: Christian Cline

Deposition of Christian Cline, to prove the taking of property charged in claimants petition.

1. Witness Says, I am 62 years old, I reside in Augusta Co.Va. I am a farmer. I was present when all the articles named in the petition were take. I saw them taken-two Horses, and saw the Cow in their possession.

4. Witness says, The property was taken in 1864-the horses in June and the Cow in Sept. Taken from the Claimants farm. The horses were taken by Officers and soldiers belonging to Genl. Hunters Army, and the Cow by Genl. Sheridan's.

5. Witness Says-I suppose the family were present. The Claimant was I know.

6. Witness Says, When the Cow was taken there was a Captain present, but do not recollect about when the horses were taken. I do not know the regiment to which the Captain belonged, but it was Genl. Sheridan's command. I cant say whether the Captain ordered the taking or not.

7. Witness Says-The horses were taken from the premises of claimant. There was a conversation between the claimant and soldiers, but I do not know its nature or substance.

8. Witness Says-The horses were led off by the soldiers, and the Cow drove off.

9. Witness Says-The horses were taken to Piedmont, where the Army was encamped, and the Cow was drove with Sheridan's Army down the Valley. I did not follow the property or see it after it was taken.

10. Witness Says-I do not know, but suppose the horsees were taken for the use of the Army, and the Cow likelise. I saw none used.

11. Witness Says, I do not know that there was any complaint made.

12. Witness Says, I do not know that any receipt was asked or given.

13. Witness Says, The property was taken in the day time-afternoon. It was taken publicly.

14. Witness Says-The Army was encamped at Piedmont about one mile from Claimant. The Army was only there one day and night. The battle of Piedmont took place the same day the horses were taken, but had been no battle or skirmish when the Cow was. I knew no Quartermaster.

15. Witness Says, The horses were in serviceable order, so was the Cow. The horse, was about 9 or 10 years old and worth $150. The Mare was 4 or 5 years, and worth $150. The Cow worth $25 or $30. The property was all good. The property was taken in 1864.

19. Witness Says-I believe the property was taken for the use of the Army and not to gratify any one.

20. Witness Says, I suppose they had need of horses, and beef, and that there was a necessity for them.

22. Witness says, I think there was such a necessity, as to justify the Government in paying for it.

23. Witness Says, I think the property was taken by orders.

General Interrogatory

Do you know of other matter relative toof this claim? If so state it fully. Answer. I do not know of anything else. Further this deponent saith not.

Christian Kline

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 18 day of Sept. 1871.

W.G. RileyU.S.Commr. and Special Commr.

Testimony: Christian Kline

Deposition of Christian Kline, to prove the loyalty of claimant to the U.S. States.

1st Witness Says I am 62 years old. I reside in Augusta Co.Va. and am a farmer. I have known the claimant all his life. I live very near him, and knew him intimately during the rebellion. I have no doubt of his loyalty to the Union, and he was generally regarded so by his neighbors. He assisted persons in getting to the Union lines, and made the attempt to go himslf but was caught by the rebels. He never did anything voluntarily for the Confederacy. Nor for the United States except to aid persons to get through the Union lines. I do not think he could have had any claim of loyalty to the Confederacy had it succeeded. He would have had to leave.

Further this deponent saith not.

Christian Kline

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 18th day of September 1871.

WG RileyU.S.Commr. And Special Commissioner

I hereby cer

Bibliographic Information : Southern Claims Commission: Claim of Joseph M. Cline, 1871, Claim No. 2578, Source copy consulted: National Archives, College Park, RG 217, claim #2578.

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