Valley Southern Claims Commission Papers

Southern Claims Commission: Claim of Waller Odor, 1875, Claim No. 8999

Summary: Waller Odor filed this claim in 1875 for $175, claiming Union forces under General Sheridan took one horse in 1864. Waller was a 62 year old blacksmith in Mossy Creek. His son served in the Confederate Army. He was threatened for his Union sentiments during the war and served as a postmaster after the war's conclusion. The commission allowed $150.

Items Claimed:

Item Claimed: Amount Claimed: Amount Allowed: Amount Disallowed:
One Horse $175.00 $150.00 $25.00

Claims Summary:

The claimant is now about 65 years of age and a farmer. During the war he resided in Augusta Co., Va. The evidence shows that he was loyal to the Union cause. Did not vote on the ratification of the ordinance of secession. His son was in the Confederate army. Mr. Odor tried to keep him out. He was denounced by the Confederates on account of his Unionism. Since the war he has been postmaster and has taken the test oath. Inquiries have been made by our special agent. This report confirms the claimant, allegations of loyalty. We find him loyal.

In 1864 a fine horse was taken from the claimant by U. S. troops and for army use. No voucher was given & no claim has before been presented for payment.

We recmomend the payment of $150.00

A. O. Aldis, Orange Ferris, J. B. Howell

Commrs. of Claims

Testimony: Waller Odor

Answer to first Interrogatroy: I am 62 years old and reside in Rockingham Augusta Co. Va. I am a blacksmith, Have lived where I now am for 20 years.

Ques. 3. Witness says. I never passed the military or naval lines of the US & entered the rebel lines.

4. Witness says. I never took an oath of allegiance to the Confed. Govt.

5. Witness says. I took the amnesty oath in 1865 at Harrisonburg have not been pardoned.

Ques. 6. Witness says. I never was directly nor indirectly connected with the civil service of the Confed. States. never had any connection whatever with any department of the Confed. Govt. Never was in its Army or Navy & never furnished a substitute for either.

14. Witness says. I never was engaged in blockade running or illicit traffic between the lines.

15. Witness says. Did not leave the Confed. States at any time during the war.

17. Witness says. Never was arrested by either the US or Confed. Govts.

18. Witness says. Had no property taken by the Confed. Govt.

19. Witness says. I was told I ought to be shot on account of my Union sentiments.

22. Witness says. I did nothing for the US its army or Navy. I had no opportunity.

23. Witness says. I had a son and several nephews in the Confed. army. I did nothing to supply them with money or equipment they were in the Confederate army against my wish. My son went in against my protest. I wanted him to enter the Union lines.

24. Witness says. I never owned any Confed. bonds. Never did anything to support the credit of the Confed. States.

32. Witness says, I am not and never have been under any disabilites imposed by the 14th amendment to the constitution. I have been U. S. postmaster since the war, took the "iron clad" oath to qualify.

33. Witness says. At the beginning of the war I sympathized with the Union. I did not vote either for or against the ordinance of secession. After its adoption I adhered to the cause of the Union and did not go with my State.

34. Witness says, I have always and constantly sympathized with the cause of the Union. I have never done anything to injure its cause and was ready at all times to aid it to the extent of my ability & further this deponent saith not

Waller Odor

Oct. 26th 1871

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26th day of Oct. 1871

W. G. Riley, United States Commissioner and a special Com. for the State of Va.

Testimony: Isaac Miller

Deposition of Isaac Miller to prove property

Ques. 1. Witness says. I am 69 years old. I reside in Augusta Co.Va. I am a laborer. I saw the horse of the claimant in possession of the U.S. troops.

4. Witness says. The property was taken from the premises of the claimant in 1864 by officers and Soldiers of the U.S. army under the command of Genl. Sheridan.

6. Witness say. Officers were present when I saw the horse taken in the service of the U. S. Army and a United States soldier on him.

10. Witness says. I think the horse was taken for the use of the U. S. army.

15. Witness say. The horse was a very fine one in good condition he was about 5 years old. I think he was worth $200.

19. Witness says. I think the horse was taken for the necessary use of the Govt. and the Govt. should pay for it, and further this deponent saith not

Oct. 26th 1871

Isaac X his mark Miller

Sworn to & subscribed before me this 26th day of Oct 1871

WG Riley

United States Commissioner and special Com. for State of Va.

Testimony: George Craun

Deposition of George Craun to prove loyalty

Ques. 1. Witness says. I am 57 years old. I reside in Augusta Co.Va. I am a farmer. I have known the claimant 40 years. Lived near him. Saw him nearly every day and talked with him about the war. I regarded him as a truly loyal man and he was regarded by this neighbors. He did nothing for the U. S.Govt. He had no opportunity. he did not do anything for the Confed. States. Never knew him molested or threatened on account of him Union sentiments. I think he was too loyal to the U. S. Govt. to have remained in the South had the Confederates succeeded & further this deponent sayeth not

George Craun

Oct. 26th 1871

Sworn to & subscribed before me this 26th day of Oct 1871

WG Riley

United States Commissioner and Special Com. for State of Va.

Testimony: William Evers

Deposition of William Evers to prove loyalty

Ques 1. Witness says. I am 48 years old. I reside in Augusta Co. Va. I am a farmer. I have known the claimant 15 years. Lived near him. Saw him often and talked to him about the war. I regarded him as a loyal man to the U. S.Govt. & he was so regarded by his neighbors. Never knew him to do any thing for the U.S. Govt. & he never did anything for the Confederate Govt. Never knew him threatened or molested on account of his Union sentiments. I have heard him swear he did not want to live here if the South suceeded. he was too loyal to have stayed here & further this deponent sayeth not.

Oct. 26th 1871

William Evers

Sworn to & subscribed before me this 26th day of Oct. 1871

WG Riley

United States Commissioner and Special Com. for State of Va.

Testimony: S.E. Chamberlin

Harrisonburg, Va.Sept. 25th, 1874

Commissioners of Claims

Waller Odor claimant No. 8999 of Mossy Creek, Long Glade, Augusta Co., is a blacksmith by occupation and is now carrying on business there. After careful inquiry of those knowing him well I feel satisfied that he was a Union man during the war, he is a quiet man and as far as I am able to learn, he would not put in a claim against government unless he believed it just.

Very Respectfully Yours

S. E. Chamberlin

Special Agent

Bibliographic Information : Southern Claims Commission: Claim of Waller Odor, 1875, Claim No. 8999, Source copy consulted: National Archives, College Park, RG 217, Claim #8999.

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