Valley Southern Claims Commission Papers

Southern Claims Commission: Claim of David Wampler, 1871, Claim No. 2559

Summary: David Wampler filed this claim in 1871 for $350, claiming Union forces under General Sheridan took two horses and two cows in 1864. David was a 70 year old farmer. He helped his son furnish a substitute to avoid Confederate service. He was also threatened with arrest and imprisonment because of his Union sentiments. The commission allowed $275.

Items Claimed:

Item Claimed: Amount Claimed: Amount Allowed: Amount Disallowed:
One Bay Horse $150.00 $100.00 $50.00
One grey Horse $150.00 $125.00 $25.00
Two cows $50.00 $50.00 $0.00

Claims Summary:

Claimants loyalty is established by his own testimony and that of Daniel Long. He is 70 years of age. He talked a great deal against the Confederates, and took care of wounded soldiers of the Union Army, and was regarded as a Union man by all of his neighbors.

The property for which he claims compensation was taken in 1864, from Claimant farm, by soldiers of Sheridan's command.

We allow the sum of two hundred and seventy five dollars.

A.O. Aldis, JB HowellCommrs of Claims

Testimony: David Wampler

I am 70 years old reside in Augusta Co.Va. I am a farmer. I have lived where I now do for forty years.

Ques 3. Witness says: I never passed the military or Naval lines of the U.S. & entered the rebel lines

4. Witness says, I never took an oath of allegiance to the Confed States.

5. Witness says: I took the amnesty oath in 1865 at New Hope. Have not been pardoned

6. Witness says: I never was directly nor indirectly connected with the civil service of the Confederate service

7. Witness says, I never held any place of honor profit or trust under the Confed States

8. Witness says: I never held any clerkship agency or employment of any kind under the Confed States

9. Witness says, I never was in any capacity in the military or Naval service of the Confederate States

10. Witness says, I never was an officer soldier sailor or marine in either the army or navy of the Confed.Govt. never furnished a substitute for either. I helped my Son to furnish a substitute to keep out of the army. I never was in any way connected with any department of the Confed.Govt.

11. Witness says, I never was in any service employment or business of any Kind for the ConfedGovt. its army or navy

12. Witness says I never was in any manner engaged in the manufacture of munitions of war, clothing boots shoes or goods of any kind for the Confed.Govt.

13. Witness says, I never was directly nor indirectly employed in the collection or impressment of stores or supplies, or goods of any kind for the Confed. States, & had no interest therein

14. Witness says, I never was engaged in blockade running or illicit traffic between the lines

15. Witness says, I did not leave the Confed. States between the 19th of April 1861 & 19th of April 1865

16. Witness says, I never was the owner nor part owner of any vessel engaged in navigating to or from any part of the Confederacy.

17. Witness says: I never was arrested by the Confed.Govt. nor the U.S.Govt.

18. Witness says: I had horses & grain taken by the Confederates. Some paid & some did not it was taken for the use of the Confed Army.

19. Witness says: I was threatened with arrest & imprisonment on account of union sentiments

21. Witness says, I did nothing for the U.S. during the war. I fed the wounded union soldiers

23. Witness says, I had no near relatives in either the Union or Confed Armies

24. Witness says, I never owned any Confed. bonds, & never did anything to support Confed. credit

25. Witness says, I have never given aid or comfort to the rebellion

26. Witness says: I never engaged in making raids into the United States or in destroying its commerce.

27. Witness says, I never was engaged in holding in custody persons taken as prisoners of war by the ConfedGovt.

28. Witness says, I never was a member of any society for the persecution or imprisonment of persons on account of union sentiments

29. Witness says, I never was a paroled prisoner of the U.S.

30. Witness says: I never held any office in the Army or Navy of the U.S. was not educated either at West Point or the Naval Academy

31. Witness says, I never recd. any pass from any officer of the Confed States

32. Witness says, I am not & never have been under any disabilities imposed by the 14th amendment of the Constitution, have not held any office under the U.S. since the war

33. Witness says, At the beginning of the war I sympathised with the Union. I did not vote either for or against the ordinance of secession. After its adoption I adhered to the Union Cause & did not go with my State.

34. Witness says, I was ready at all times to do all I could for the Union & its cause & further this deponent sayeth not. Oct 4th 1871

David Wampler

Sworn to & subscribed before me this 21st day of September 1871

WG Riley United States Commissioner and Special Comr for State of Va

Testimony: Benjamin F. Wampler

Deposition of Benj. F. Wampler to prove taking of the property

Ques 1. Witness Says: I am 37 years old. I reside in Augusta CoVa. I am a farmer. I was present & saw the property mentioned in claimants petition taken.

4. Witness says, The property was taken in 1864 from the farm of the claimant, by officers & soldiers of the U.S. under the Comd. of Genl. Sheridan, it was in Sept. of Genl. Sheridan, it was in Sept.

6. Witness says, I suppose there were officers present. I saw some I took to be officers, did not know their name, regt. or rank, they said they had orders to take the property.

7. Witness says: The property was taken from the farm, the horses were taken from the stable, & the cattle were driven from the field, & all taken along with the Army. I think the horses were led.

9. Witness says, The army was on the march, & the cattle were taken along. The army encamped that night at Middle River

10. Witness says, The property was taken for the use of the US Army not for private use

11. Witness says: No complaint was made as I know, on account of such taking.

12. Witness says, No receipt was asked for & none given

13. Witness says, The property was taken in the day. It was not taken secretly

14. Witness says, When the property was taken the army was on the march, there had not been any battle or skirmish near

15. Witness says: Item #1. one bay horse in fine condition, he was 8 or 10 years old, he was worth $150.00 item #2 one fine grey horse, in good condition was six years old, worth $150.00 Item #3. 950 lbs beef was worth 14 cents per lb. I saw all the above property taken in 1864. I think I have put it at its fair market value at the time

19. Witness says: I believe the property was taken for the use of the U.S. Army, & not for private use.

22. Witness says: I think the property was taken for the necessary use of the Govt. & the Govt should pay for it

23. Witness says: Those who took the property said they had orders to take, & further this deponent sayeth not

Oct 4th 1871

Benjamin F Wampler

Sworn to & subscribed before me this 21st day of September 1871

WG Riley United States Commissioner and Special Comr for State of Va

Testimony: Daniel Long

Deposition of Daniel Long to prove loyalty

Ques 1. Witness says: I am 61 years old. I reside Rockingham Co.Va. I am a farmer. I have known the claimant 40 years. Lived near him during the war. Saw him pretty often during the War. I regarded him as loyal to the U.S. & he was so regarded by his neighbors. Never knew him to do anything for the U.S.Govt. Do not know that he did anything for the Confed.Govt. he talked a great deal against it. I do not know that he was ever threatened, molested or injured on account of his union sentiments. I think he was too loyal to the ConfedUSGovt to have made a loyal citizen to the Confed.Govt. had it succeeded, & further this deponent sayeth not.

Oct. 4th 1871 Daniel Long his mark

Sworn to & subscribed before me this 4th day of Oct. 1871

United States Commissioner and special Comr for State of Va

Testimony: Samuel Glick

Deposition of Samuel Glick to prove loyalty

Ques 1. Witness says, I am 47 years old. I reside in Augusta CoVa. I am a farmer. Have known the claimant all my life. Lived near him during the war. Saw him often. Talked with him about the war. I regarded him as loyal to the U.S.Govt & he was so regared by his neighbors. Never knew him to do anything for the U.S. except he fed soldiers of the Union Army. Never knew him to do anything for the Confederates except to feed soldiers. Do not know that he was ever molested threatend or injured on account of union sentiments. I think he was too loyal to the U.S.Govt. to have made a loyal citizen to the Confed.Govt. had it succeeded. Oct 4th 1871

Samuel Glick

Sworn to & subscribed before me this 4 day of Oct 1871

WG Riley United States Commissioner

Bibliographic Information : Southern Claims Commission: Claim of David Wampler, 1871, Claim No. 2559, Source copy consulted: National Archives, College Park, RG 217, claim #2559.

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