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Search the U.S. Manufacturing Census for 1860 and 1870
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This page allows you to search the 1860 and 1870 U.S. Manufacturing Census in either Augusta County, VA or Franklin County, PA. This page only allows users to search on basic information found in the manufacturing census (name of owner, name of business, location of business, and type of product produced). If you would like to search on other fields found in the manufacturing census (such as capital investment, information on workers, quantity and value of prodects produced, and page number in the census record) please use the Advanced Search.

The advanced search can be accessed by following the appropriate link at the left.

Note: The wild card character is *. It can be substituted for any number of characters at the middle or back of a word. Please see Tips for Searching for a full explanation.

County: AugustaFranklin Year: 18601870 Sort results by:
Name of Business
(or Owner)
Type of Business:
Products: Location: