Augusta County: "Jacob Croft, Jr.," by Unknown, 1913
Summary: An obituary of Jacob Croft, Jr., a soldier in the 52nd Virginia Regiment.
Jacob Croft, Jr., seventy-two years of age, died recently at his residence, on the New Hope Road, near Staunton, Va. He was a native of Augusta County, and was the last male member of the old Croft family. He was a bachelor and is survived by one sister. He was a consistent Christian, and for many years had been an influential member of Laurel Hill Baptist Church.
Mr. Croft was a Confederate veteran, having served honorably in the 52d Virginia Regiment, of which he and his brother Samuel Croft, both of Company A, were gallant and faithful members. He was a member of the Stonewall Jackson Camp, Confederate Veterans. Since the war he made his home at the old family residence. He was known and respected throughout the county, where he was a prosperous farmer and an able business man. He leaves a large estate.
Bibliographic Information: Source copy consulted: Confederate Veteran, Vol. 21, 1913, p. 502