Augusta County: "JIM BRYAN WAS THERE," by Carter Berkely, 1904
Summary: Amusing description of a battlefield encounter.
Comrade Carter Berkeley, of Staunton, Va., states that James Bryan, an inmate of the Soldiers' Home at Richmond (who spent the summer with his friend Lieut.Gov. Echols), went out with Company I, Fifth Virginia Regiment, Stonewall Brigade. No finer soldier ever pulled a trigger than Jim, and he was badly wounded several times. At the bloody angle, Capt. Charles S. Arnall was acting adjutant of the Stonewall Brigade, and in passing the Fifth Regiment he heard a voice coming from the line of battle that was fighting desperately: "Hello, Captain!" He turned and saw Jim in the front rank loading his gun. He said: "Captain, you see me, don't you?" The next day the Captain saw Jim, and said: "Jim, what in the world did you stop me in that awful place yesterday for?" He replied: "Captain, wasn't that the hottest place you ever saw?" The Captain said it was. "Well," said Jim, "I only wanted a witness that I was there."
Bibliographic Information: Source copy consulted: Confederate Veteran, Vol. 12, 1904, p. 13