Valley Memory Articles

Augusta: "Officers of the West Augusta Guard," by Unknown, 1913

Summary: This brief article discusses the officers of the West Augusta Guard and features a photograph of them.

In sending a sketch of Capt. L. H. Waters for the Veteran's "Last Roll" Col. James Bumgardner, of Staunton, Va., includes a group picture of the West Augusta Guard, of whom he is the only survivor, and writes: "Of the officers of the West Augusta Guard, which was organized just before the organization of the 3d Regiment of Virginia Volunteers (afterwards the 5th Regiment Virginia Infantry of the Stonewall Brigade), Capt. W. S. H. Baylor (afterwards Colonel Baylor, of the 5th Infantry) was killed in the second battle of Manassas, Lieut. Henry King Cochran was killed just after the burning of Chambersburg, Lieut. (afterwards Capt.) Thomas A. Burke died three years ago, and Captain Waters recently."

Colonel Bumgardner is mentioned in "War Records," Series I., Volume XII., Part I., page 393, by Colonel Harmon, who states: "It is due to my personal staff to mention Adjt. James Bumgardner in the very highest terms for his gallantry and intrepidity."

Bibliographic Information: Source copy consulted: "Officers of the West Augusta Guard," Confederate Veteran, Volume 21, 1913, p. 343.

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