Valley Memory Articles

Augusta: "Confederate Memorial Day," by Local Department, June 6, 1887

Summary: This is a preview of the upcoming festivities for a Civil War veterans' reunion on Memorial Day, written with affection for the veterans, as well as for all the participants in the celebration.

Mounted Police.
Stonewall Band.
All Military Organizations.
City Council in Carriages.
Guests in Carriages.
Ex-officials and officials of Augusta Memorial Association
Odd Fellows.
Knights of Labor.
Sons of Confederate Veterans Mounted
" " " " on foot
under command of Serg't J. Alex Bumgardner.
Dunsmore's Business College.
Staunton Fire and Hook and Ladder Companies.
Trades Union.
Citizens on Horseback, in Carriages, and on foot.

The procession in command of Chief Marshal J. A. Patterson, Jr., will move promptly at ten o'clock. Line of march from corner of Main and New Streets, thence up Main to Thornrose cemetery, returning by Main to Green, up Green to Frederick, down Frederick to Augusta, down Augusta to New Court House, thence to New, up New to Main, thence to the Opera House.

Organizations will form in the following order:

Military on New street, south of Main, with right on Main.

City Council in carriages on South side of Main between Augusta and New.

Guests on North side of Main between New and Market.

Odd Fellows on New North of Main with right on Main.

Hibernians on Augusta North of Main, right on Main.

Knights of Labor on Augusta, South of Main right on Main.

Sons of Confederate Veterans on Augusta with right resting on left of Knights of Labor.

Dunsmere's Business College on Augusta with right on left of Hibernians.

Fire and Hook and Ladder Companies on New street, North of Main with left on Main.

Citizens on Market street, North and South of Main.

Returning to the Opera-House arrangements will be made for seating all organizations and guests.

Order of Exercises

Address of welcome by the President.

Prayer by Rev.Dr. Nelson.


Introduction of Gen. Averill by Gov. Fitzhugh Lee.

Address of Gen. Averill.


Introduction of Gen. Jackson, of Tennessee by Gen. J. D. Imboden.

Reply of Gen. Jackson.


Introduction of Private Carleton McCarthy by Col. J. C. Shields.

Reply of Private Carleton McCarthy.



Meeting of Augusta Memorial Association in Council Chamber at 3 P. M. Election of officers, &c.

Immediately after the close of the exercises at the Opera-House, all are invited to partake of dinner served by the ladies of the Association at the Skating Rink, the proceeds of which are for the benefit of the monument fund.

The day will close with a rendition of Paradise and the Peri in the Opera-House by native talent. The success attending this exhibition on a former occasion is sufficient warrant for its repetition.


Maj. Jed Hotchkiss, Hon. J. A. Cochran, H. St. Geo. Tucker, Esq., Hon. A.C. Gordon.


H.C. Tinsley, Esq., Hon. J. Yost and Col. J.C. Shields.

THE ROUTE OF TRAVEL BY THE GUESTS-Gov and Mrs. Lee and party will reach Waynesboro' junction from the southwest on the morning train on the Shenandoah Valley R. R. Henry St. Geo. Tucker, Esq., will meet them at the junction on behalf of the Memorial Association. A carriage, drawn by four black horses, will be in readiness for the trip to Staunton. Waynesboro' will be in full demonstration by the people and the street arched in decorative style. Upon the arch in blooming lines will be the inscription, "Welcome to our Fitz." The Waynesboro' escort will be headed by Sergeant E. G. Fishburne of Co. E., First Va. Cavalry, the command of the Governor in 1861.

On passing Fishersville, another demonstration will meet the Governor, the whole-souled veteran, Capt. O. Benton Coiner, in command. Their large waving banner will float the inscription, "Augusta Welcomes the Governor of Virginia."

General and Mrs. Averill and party will also arrive at Waynesboro' junction to-day at 2 P. M., and will reach this city by the West-bound train of the Newport News and Mississippi Valley Co. at 5.38 P. M.

Generals Imboden and Jones and Mr. Carleton McCarthy, the distinguished private and Secretary of the Association of the Army of Northern Virginia, will arrive to-day.

Gen. Imboden will be the guest of Judge Jno. Howard McCue.

THE MEMORIAL DINNER AND DECORATIONS.-The notice now made can only renew to a limited extent of the county the desires of the committees in charge of the Memorial Dinner and the decorations to-morrow.

Cooked meats and pickles are desired. Send these contributions early in the morning to the Skating Rink.

The flowers for decorating the graves should be sent to the City Hall. This service will be rendered early in the forenoon. Let the flowers come in, in large quantities, early in the morning.

BUSINESS HOUSES TO BE CLOSED AND DECORATED.-The committee to wait upon the merchants and tradesmen of the city received a cheerful compliance from all to the request that they would close their places of business and decorate their houses as far as it might be practicable. Doors will be closed at 10 A. M. and remain so till 1 1/2 P. M.

MEMORIAL ARCHES.-In front of the City Hall and above the Post-Office, spanning Main street, are arches twined in evergreen. Upon each will be the following inscriptions-"Our honored dead"-"Blue and Gray." Few words they are, but comprehensive, beautifully appropriate, and sacred in the affections of all hearts.

SONS OF THE CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS will be assigned a place in the column. They can appear mounted or on foot. An appropriate place will be assigned them by reporting to one of the marshals.

A. A. Spitzer, of Richmond, Grand Master of the I. O. O. F. of Virginia has accepted the invitation of the Staunton Lodge to be here on Memorial Day.

Bibliographic Information: Source copy consulted: Confederate Memorial Day, Staunton Spectator, June 8, 1887

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