Franklin County: "Honors to Penna. Regiments," by Unknown, March 13, 1914
Summary: In 1914, Kauffman's Progressive reprinted this article--which originally appeared in 1862--that records a general order giving honors to the 77th Pa. Volunteers and describing a "floating hospital" created in the state to deal with Union wounded.
The Pennsylvania Hospital at Yorktown
Harrisburg, April 30-The following order has just been issued:
General order No. 21. Head Quarters, Penna. Militia, Harrisburg, April 30, 1862.
In acknowledgment of the gallantry of the Seventy-seventh Regiment of Infantry Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel F. S. Stumbaugh commanding at Shiloh, Tennessee, and of the First Regiment of Cavalry, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel George D. Bayard commanding, at Falmouth, Virginia, it is ordered that "Shiloh, April 7th 1862", be inscribed on the flag of the First Regiment of Cavalry, and that this order be read at the head of all the regiments of Pennsylvania Volunteers.
By order of A. G. Curtin, Governor and Commander-in-chief,
(Signed) A. L.
Russel, Adj. Gen.
The Governor has received, through Adj. Gen. Russel, the most gratifying intelligence from Surgeon-General Smith, near Yorktown, in relation to the perfected arrangements for the care and prompt transportation of the killed and wounded Pennsylvania soldiers to points within the State. The floating hospital under his charge will accommodate over 300 patients, and reach Philadelphia via the Delaware and Chesapeake Canal, thus avoiding the roughness of a sea passage. He concludes by saying that Pennsylvania is the only state the peninsula fully prepared for every emergency, and that these preparations will undoubtedly be instrumental in saving the lives of hundreds of brave men that would otherwise be lost for want of care and proper accommodation.
Bibliographic Information: Source copy consulted: "Honors to Penna. Regiments," Kauffman's Progressive, March 13, 1914; originally publiushed in the "Greencastle Pilot" Volumne 3, No. 15, May 11, 1862; edited by James W. M'Crory