Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: Adam Wise Kersh to George P. Kersh, January 29, 1862

Kersh talks about about provisions and supplies in camp and also mentions desertions.

George P. Kersh

January 29, 1862

Camp Allegheny, VA

Dear Brother

I received your letter on the 27th and was glad to hear from you all at home We had snow here on the 24th about 4 inches deep it stormed and blowed like the Dickens here it blowed the snow through our old clapboard roofs and sifted it over us some It is pleasant weather here now the snow is nearly all gone again and it is getting muddy again Since I commenced this letter it has commenced to rain you may Judge from this how uncertain the weather is here in these old mountains I wrote a letter home on the 23rd the roads were awful here then but in the evening turned cold and it froze the ground hard and the roads were getting good again but if it stays warm and rains much they will get bad again you stated in your letter that you and Plecker expect to come out in a few weeks I would be very glad to see you here If you come you may bring those two shirts and a bottle of Professor Woods hair restorative that I have on the shop loft in that old walnut chest I think I left it in there when I left home if it is not there it is locked up in my desk and you need not put yourself to any trouble to get any unless you should come through Staunton when you come out it can be got at Dr. Youngs Staunton it is none nearer than Staunton or Harrissonburg that is all I want I believe except a box of provisions Soldiers here do not have any objections to a box of provisions as they sometimes get tired of Bull Beef as to the affair between me and H Fry it is all right as far as I know I will just leave that note in Esq Fultons hands as he was agreed to take the note and collect it You stated in your letter that Samuel Whitmore wished to settle his yearly rent it will suit me first rate if you do attend to it for me It will oblige me and further more I am very much obliged to you for what you have done for me Jacob Crist arrived here yesterday with his son George Who had run the blockade they did not get to stay at home more than a day and half till his father brought him back he was put in the Guardhouse and court marshaled and the sentence pronounced upon him is ten days confinement in the guard house fined $ .50cts and reduced to ranks John Myers is elected in his place David Snell got back this evening the boy that Crist run off with we will take him to the guard house in the morning All is going on smoothly in Camp and as I have no news of importance to write I will close

Yours Respectfully

Adam W Kersh

P S I forgot to state that I am well all right

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