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Augusta County: Adam Wise Kersh to George P. Kersh, January 27, 1863

Kersh tells his brother that he has little hope of obtaining a substitute.

George P. Kersh

January 27th, 1863

Near Port Royal, Caroline County, VA

Dear Brother

I take this opportunity to drop you a few lines to let you know that I am well and hope that when these few lines come to hand they may find you all at home enjoying good health. We had some right rough weather here a few days back it snowed several snows the deepest of which was about six inches deep. It has turned warm now and the snow is all gone today is a beautiful day here we got our house done before it got set in cold we have as comfortable quarters as we had back on the Allegheny mountains now We were under Marching orders a week or so back the Yankees were advancing but when it Set in bad weather they went back again So we are still here Yet and I hope we may stay here a good while yet I like this place very well it is not so cold as in August a I am sorry to state that we lost one of our messmates the other day John S Myers as you have heard before now I suppose he died last Sunday Morning between one and two o clock he was sick about one week dyptheria was his compliant his body was sent home Ellis Myers his brother went along on ten days furlough the balance of the boys in our company are all well now It is no more case of dyptheria, in the Regiment as I know of now it appears to be more healthy here than on the Allegheny Mountains at least the health of this Regiment is better now Things are quiet in Camp now no signs of a fight General Hooker has command of the Yankee army here now got tired of old Burnsides again and pitched him out I received your letter mailed the 18th of Jan stating that you wished me to see the Captain and Colonel in regard to substituting I went to my Captain and he gave me such Poor satisfaction that I have given up the notion of having a substitute put in he talks Just contrary to what he did a month or so ago. He said then that he would take a good Virginian in now he would not take a man over forty five Years old that they cant stand service he said he would take a stout boy under eighteen of good Parentage if the boy pleased him when he sAdam Wise him and that I might have bring five or six before one would please him So I though the best Plan would be to give it up so you may give up trying for one I know you have done all you could for one and am much obliged to you for what you have done and intend to satisfy YOU for your trouble It is all my own fault that I did not get one in I would not have written in this letter in regard to substitute if I had known whiter you received the answer to your other letter or not.

We go on picket once in eight days we go ten miles our posts are in sight of Port Royal our whole regiment goes at a time and stays three days at a time. We have pickets fifteen or twenty miles along the Rappahanock river. We go on posts right on the riverbank sometimes and can see the Yankees riding or walking on the other side. Our reserve is left about one mile and a half in the rear. Jacob Harvery Craun and Frazier is still in yet.

It is six in our mess now A H Craun Ellis Myers Wm Vanfossen Samuel Argenbright Joseph Eddy and myself as I have no important news to write I will close

Yours respectfully

Adam W Kersh

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