Augusta County: Thomas Garber to Albert Garber, October 20, 1862
Thomas Garber asks his father for help in obtaining a new pair of pants.

October 20th 1862
Camp Near Charlestown
Dear Father
Cousin Ash just told me that Claborn Mason was going home tomorrow
and I thought the best way I could occupy my time [deleted: was
to] would be to write you a few lines the sun is going down and camp is in quite a stir
about roll call and laughing about the men
who fell off their horses today on drill. When sent my horse home I
commenced riding a yankee horse I had captured in eastern virginia
which I traded Ash Garber & then [deleted: traded] traded with cousin Asher
& I have traded again with a man in (Co. I) for a large bay horse which was captured in
Pennsylvania so I am now well mounted. Tell ma that the pants I
have are all torn up and tell her to send me a pair by Mason if she can if you can't get any
cloth I can get some here for [illeg.] five dollars ($5)
[page 2]
Tell Sister Addie that I like the shirt very well she sent me by
Capt. Eskridge and tell her that if she wants to write to cousin Martha that if she sends it
down to me I think I can send it for her
You must excuse this short letter as I did not know it in time to write before dark give my love to Ma & the girls and ask sister Seal if she ever got my letter and if she did why don't she answer it write soon to your son
Thos M Garber