Augusta County: Thomas Garber to Albert Garber, April 15, 1863
Thomas Garber expresses his love for his sister and asks her to send him a new flag.

April 15th /63
Headquarters 12th Va. Cav Camp Near New Market
Dear Sister Addie
I received you letter last night by [unclear: Sours] and set you an example by
answering it this soon I wish you would tell Sam Thomas if he does not hurry down here that he
will be published as a deserter tell him he has been absent long enough, tell him when we were
down at Front Royal I saw his friend Miss Betsy White who sends her
love to him. You asked me if his wife was dead, she is not but is living and is likely to live for some time so there is no chance for any one who has
designs upon him. I am mighty glad to get in the Valley again; we
are at New Market now but I don't know how long we will stay here nor
do I know where we will go when we leave here. You said I made a curious request about the flag
why can'tyou get the stuff to make it, if you can I wish you would get
it and make it for the one I have got now is all torn up you said Ferd had gone home the Col is
going to give him the mischief when he gets here but you need not
say anything about it to him or anyone else. I have not sent
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that letter yet but will send it in a day or two, you asked me for
my confidence dear sister you have it already there is nothing I
keep from you, you said you would give anything in the world to know that your Brother loved
you Addie I do and believe all your other Brothers do, give my love
to Pa, Ma, Kate & Nelly and to sister Seal tell she must keep you straight give my love to Capt & Lieut Garber when you write to them write soon
to your Bro.
Thos. M. Garber
Color Sergt 12th Va