Augusta County: R. Buchanan to Buchanan's roommates,
February 12, 1867
Buchanan describes a recent party, delivers generally lighthearted news about
acquaintances, and accuses an African-American woman of careless treatment of a
Feb 12th/67
Home Lensdagene
My dear Roommates
I seat
myself this evening to hold a short conversation with
you all. How are you "one and all" getting along in the old
Maidens establishment, suppose Miss Baldwin is
pleasant as ever. Does she ever get Spotty on her back
now? I hope not. I suppose she looked very [unclear:
] after I left-I haven't a doubt but my
departure cast a gloom over the house. Well I must
stop this & tell you about the party, now Lucie Tish Annie and Mary all
get round the stove with you "little feet on it as to be comfortable and put a
[unclear: book] on the arm & then set" the lamp on it, and I
will begin about the party (all ready). Well we arrived at uncle James's about
five and intended coming on home that night but Charlie and Annie's Billie came
down to the road and said we should stay all night and go to the party. Father
at last consented, and we drove up and spent the night. In the first place we
had hardly stopped till Billie asked how his little Annie was getting
along, when I went in the house, there sat two or
three gentlemen, you may know I was considerably
frustrated but how some ever I stood the trial of being introduced to them After
sitting awhile another gentleman came in. I felt very much agitated at being
among so many (males). As the evening advanced, supper
was announced, need I tell an elegant one aunt R never has an[deleted: n]y other kind. And then about "7oclock" we started
to the party. I was mounted behind Billie__"
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Cousin Hannah behind Mr
Dunlap one of the Brownsburg students who came home with Charlie that evening.
You can fancy us riding across a cornfield with [unclear: cornstocks]
higher than your he[added: a]d. I forgot to tell you
how the rest of our party went. Charlie Mr Clemman ([unclear: Lew]) Mr
Martin went in an old sleigh to break the road, we went up the steepest hill you ever saw, [unclear: sow]
dreadful deep. I was afraid I would pull Billie's shirt, drawers, and everything
else off before we got up the hill. But we got up at
last, and arrived at the party without accidents happening. When we went in they
were sitting all around the room, I was completely surprised to see so many
there, when Cousin Hannah and me went in the parlor I got with Mary Smiley the
first person. We had not been in but a few [deleted: days] minutes
when they commenced playing some kind of a thing, that you seized the boys by
the arms and dragged them across the rooms. The boys
began to come around on our side, and asking the gals to promenade the floor wid-em. I told Mary I thought we had better
take a promenade on the porch (I told Mary out there about the cat fainting)
stayed a few minutes went in and sad
[unclear: stower], and lo! and behold! a feller asked me to take his
arms. I was terribly excited and if it had not been for the support of his arm I
don't know what I might have done. I tell you he was
a mighty nice little fellow. There was about 28 or 30 there - just enough to enjoy themselves they were
all very sociable. I tell you I never was at a party where I enjoyed myself like
I did there, (we had good things to eat too) We played all kinds of kissing
plays, I always got around the kissing part as quickly
as possible, managed to kiss my Cousins, I know you all are tired reading this awful
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- especially this description of the party. But please bear with me a little
longer. I want to tell you about little Thompson
Brower, Ok! Tish he [unclear: pintedly] cut around Marty that night, you
ought to have seen him jumping over the floor [deleted: he] cutting
some kind of a step. I had a mind to ask him if it was what they call the Grecian
bend I was dreadfully afraid he would slip and split
himself up from the center of gravity, you all know where that is, Annie does I know. I will tell
you one more incident of the party & close on the subject as I went to
get on when we started I mounted the [unclear: stile] a plank broke
which occassioned considerable laughter - I tried again and the abominable old plank broke again I will have you all
to comment on my misfortune; we got home [unclear: or] to uncle's half past 2 in the morning. The next morning
when we were ready to start (we were all in aunts' room) Cousin Hannah came to
the door & called me out, I went out and there stood aunt killing
herself laughing said one of the [unclear: oreges] women was going to
have a little one, said she had just taken sick, while we were talking (babie) [unclear: hollored]
recken it was hurtin / Uncle James, Father Mr Dunlap,
Billie & Charlie were in the room just over her. Cousin Hanna came and
called Uncle James to take them out of that room so they went out pretty quick,
cousin Hannah said the nigger woman had the thing
sitting on the floor, what do you think of that. I will try and stop on this
subject and write something else. I want you all to decide about an offer which
a gentleman sent me a few days ago. He sent me word in the first place he would
give me $10.00
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in Confederate money for a
composition told him [unclear: or] sent him word it would have to be greenbacks. He returned the answer he did not have the
change but would give himself for one, the
question is will [added: I] accept the offer I want
alls advice on the subject, of course I expect it to
be confidential. I have not been to meeting since I came home, weather has been too
inclement & I am so
about the house. [unclear: Mathi] said she was going to send the
wagon around to take Sue & me to preaching
wish she would if her
brother would drive. Well Lucie I might as well tell
you that I lost that note you gave me for your Ma it was in my cloak pocket
& I suppose it dropped out I looked everywhere for it. I am very sorry but I will cut a cuff out and take to your
Ma next Sunday I don't think you put anything in the note except that. I will tell your Ma
how you wanted it made. I hope you won't think hard of
it I could not help it. Lucie I know you will like to hear about Robert Morrison
& James Mcnutt, they are in Brownsburg studying
medicine, so it is no longer Jim Mcnutt & Bob Morrison but Doctor McNutt & Doctor Morrison;
wonder where they will practice? I am afraid Bob's health
won't stand it; you know he is delicate. Lucie you
remember I told you I would transfer my correspondents to you a gentleman
offered himself to write to you he asked me to let him write to you, He is the
one that I used to get letters from every Thursday, you don't know what pretty things he said about you
I told him I would transfer to you any correspondence. I must stop as it is
bedtime please all excuse this miserable letter write so I will get a letter
next Wednesday, my love to you all Mary, Annie, Tish, and Lucie don't let anyone but the girls
in your room [continued at top of first page] Give my best love to the girls in
Nelie's room and to Lucie & Ella. And last
but not least give my love to my dear Lizzie tell her I will write to her next
week, hope she passed her examination, If you all let anyone see this I never will write to you again
I remain your friend till death
R Buchanan