Augusta County: L. [Letitia?] R. Smiley to Smiley's
sister (Mary?), April 20, 1867
Smiley writes about her headache and tooth problems. She also provides updates
about friends, acquaintances, church, and school. And mentions visiting
"soldiers graves."
Apr 20th/67
Augusta [illeg.] Seminary
Staunton Virginia
My dear sister
As I didn't have time to write last Friday I will try
& do so this morning. I had the headache pretty bad this morning
& was beginning to think I'd have to go to bed, but when I was in class,
Nelie P. handed me a bottle & told me to smell it. I did so & it
pretty near knocked me down but it nearly cured me of my headache. I have
headache about half the time now. Carrie has headache this morning. The
Episcopal Convention met here last week. Kip Baldwin took the gals Friday
& Saturday night, some few went Saturday
morning at 8 O'clock. They [unclear: took]
[illeg.] yesterday morning. we all went I reckon. The people would be
surprised when they saw 40 school-girls on the street before 6 o'clock. [deleted: in]
[deleted: It] as you know from experience how hard it is to get them
out of bed, Howe Peyton wasn't confirmed (according to expectation). We had
Episcopal service in our church yesterday morning & evening. They got
along very well in the morning as there was a good many Episcopal ministers
scattered about over the church but last night there wasn't anyone to respond at all. We had [deleted: a] very good
sermons [deleted: -] the preachers were just carried away with the
singing..thought they had never heard any voices like Miss
[unclear: Arrow]'s & Miss Minnie Tupping's. Communion here next
Sunday week. Josie English is living in town now. she is just about the
prettiest young lady I have seen for a time. Our examination on
[unclear: Butler] came off last Saturday week
We had a holiday on Friday & all went to the decoration of the
[page 2]
soldier graves. that night went to "Cantata of Queen Esther' at the blind
Institution. 'Twas the grandest thing I've seen for a
time. I am happy to be able to tell you that Butler class all got through
safely. we had to have an oral examination on Haven again. Thanks
someone, I have the order for the end of the session [unclear: is]
speaking & [deleted: delivering] giving the diplomas on
Wednesday night: concert on Thursday night, But Miss B says she don't know
[unclear: all] she hears from D
Hoge, who is to deliver an address. The girls were saying at breakfast
this morning, wouldn't it be nice if Miss B would take the girls to Weyer's Cave, the next day after school is out. Laura H.
says ain't you coming down to see her, before she goes
away, never to
again. Nelie P says she's going to send photograph
this week. [unclear: Head] intended sending this with Mr.
[unclear: Turk] on Monday but I didn't see him.
Mary [deleted: h] my face is all swollen again. commenced last
Wednesday. & I reckon will keep on if I don't
have my teeth fixed. Please ask Pa if I can't have them
fixed, unless it will cost too much. You needn't tell anyone my face is sore again, as people will ask you more questions than a
few. Mary ain't you coming down to see me before the session closes. I was
asking Mary Turk when you were coming, but she said, that you said, I never said
anything about your coming & from that you reckoned I didn't want you,
Well now you know that isn't so, & that I would be glad to see you any
time you would come Are you all done "planting corn, Lucy went down ordered a
bonnet. I am anxious to see it. the price she is to give $7. What did you think
of their dresses; Lucy [illeg.] & she thinks my dress is
prettier than yours, but I don't think she has had a
[unclear: chance]
[unclear: to]
[unclear: inde][illeg.] [continued at top of first page] Excuse
this writing, which I reckon Tom will call hen-scratching, &
write soon to your sister
L. R. Smiley