Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: Sue P. Page to Cousin, August 9, 1868

Ms. Page writes to her family begging them to write to her and asking for news. She mentions that she will not ever see them again in person and craves contact with them.

Aug 9th 1868

Dear Cousin,

It has been a long time since I had the pleasure of writing you, but I hope you still think enough of me to answer my short note & if the Lord's willing I will write you a long letter when I hear from you. how is Cousin Sam & Annie oh I forgot they had a boy how is he, how I could enjoy myself if I were with you all as I once was but that is past forever until we meet in a better world. if you see any of your Uncle [unclear: Adams] people ask them why they did not answer my last letter to Father & Wilford mailed the Same day nearly 2 months ago if they are mad it would be more gratifying to me to know what it is about than to be treated with silent contempt if I wrote anything wrong

[page 2]
it was ignorance not intentional.

Dear Bob if I could only see you today how I would love to talk to you as in days past & gone, write & tell me all the news good & Bad So good boy until I hear from you & I hope that will only be a few days write the minute you get this. my love to all.

your affectionate Cousin

Sue P. Page

Bob do come to Mo I want to see you so bad. Sue.

do write soon. Sue,
do write soon. Sue,

if Bob is not about sam you or John answer it, please, Sue.

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