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Augusta County: Jedediah Hotchkiss to Sara A. Hotchkiss, July 17, 1863

Hotchkiss lists items he is sending back to his wife, as the army is reducing the number of baggage wagons. He describes some fighting as the army crossed a river, without too much loss.

Sara A. Hotchkiss

July 17th 1863

Head Quarters 2 nd Corps

My Dear Wife:

I send back today the most of my baggage -- we have a general cutting down so as to reduce our wagons from 4000 to 2000, I send, let me see, here is the invoice:
1 Carpet Bag full of sundries, some fine cotton & Handkerchiefs & Gloves & Coffee & tea & soap &c for you & the Key enclosed, also 2 bunches of S.C. Soup of [deleted: ] is a fine seasoning for a pot of vegetables -- 2 striped tick you can use
1 Box, Key enclosed, containing books, papers &c, part public property & 3/4 of a ream 3 bundles of note paper, sell to Mr. Cowan 2 bundles, they are worth $20 each I suppose keep one, the broken one, for your own use, I owe Mr. Cowan some & wish to pay him & Dr. Young $10 -- that he paid for binding for me - pay him from the proceeds -- you can judge what is mine & what public -- have all cared for --
1 Long box of Maps and Drawing paper

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have it taken care of --
1 Mess Box and Contents -- One Comfort, in it, jars, tin &c &c
1 Stove Pipe
1 Tent Fly }Have them put away --
1 A Tent, new, }
2 Knapsacks which two of my friends wish to have stored --
1 Bundle of maps, wrapped up in my bed tick -- you can use the tick I do not want it -- My jacket's in my carpet bag, you can use it for Allen --
1 Shade & 1 pick --
If my bundle did not reach home before it will go by my wagon & you will get that the -- driver will get it in Winchester -- I also send a bottle of [unclear: Copperas] -- a fine article -- I write to you about the indigo -- You can send to Mrs. John Harman for it --. I have been so busy assorting & fixing that I have not much

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Writing humor in me -- If you make me some shirts make them "long tailed" Write how the goods suit & how much there is of them so I may know if it is necessary to buy more if opportunity offers -- We passed safely over the river, with but little loss -- less than we inflicted on the enemy that pursued -- and are now encamped near Darkesville & Bunker's Hill -- the enemy's cavalry making some demonstrations near the river, all else quiet -- Our wagon train is so large as to impede greatly the movements of the army & by reducing it we promote the efficiency of the army & we are all ready to do any thing to promote that -- I hope you are all getting along comfortably, pleasantly I cannot expect, in the gloom of the present -- the seemingly thick

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darkness that envelopes us -- but I do not despair in the least -- & only look upon it as the darkness before the dawn -- looking for the Republic to come brightly out of all its tribulations -- it is no time to think of coming home, else I would apply for permission & try & come -- Wait in patience my Love, for the days of peace must come -- write to me often & tell me if there is anything I can do to lighten the burden of your cares & add to the comfort of my loved ones at home -- " O! had I the wings of a dove, how soon would I fly away & come to you -- I have no news to write -- so be of good cheer -- heartily thank God for his many mercies & implore the continuance of his favor -- My kisses for my dear children -- and love & prayers for you all Write soon --

Your Affectionate husband

Jed. Hothckiss

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