Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: Jedediah Hotchkiss to Sara A. Hotchkiss, November 17, 1863

Hotchkiss gives instructions to his wife concerning financial matters at home.

Sara A. Hotchkiss

Nov. 17 th 1863 --

Head Quarters 2nd Corps -- Morton Hall

My Dear One:

Capt. Carroll, one of Gen. Ewell's aides is going up to Staunton today and I avail myself of the opportunity to enclose you One Hundred Dollars, as you may need it for some purpose, and I may not soon have another opportunity as good. If you can you may take up the account of Dr. Butcher in James Bear's hands, one or both, just as suits you -- see that they are receipted to me as "Executor of Dr. O. Butcher deceased" and that they have been sworn to before a Magistrate, I will send more if you need it -- I shall be under the necessity of buying a horse, for I can hear nothing of mine, and that is terrible at such a time as this with horses at present prices, $600 to $1000, but there will be a way though I may not see it now -- I trust in a Providence that has always stood by me -- Do the best you can to spare and provide -- which I know you do & will, bless your sweet heart--: I do hope the days of rest & peace may come again when you will not have to be thus left alone to endure so much - - I hope you can succeed in getting Allen fixed up -- has Thomas made his shoes yet? &c &c -- It will require $200 to pay sent him at Christmas -- I now have $230.-- & shall have $280. more at Christmas - - & hope to lay $200 aside for helping to pay for a horse - We are still at the Morton house, but were started off

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day before yesterday, as the Yanks made a demonstration, but we came back -- I have not time to write more, as Carroll goes this moment --

God bless you all & love to all

Your loving husband

Jed. Hotchkiss

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