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Augusta County: Lydia Hotchkiss to Jedediah Hotchkiss, December 18, 1859

Lydia Hotchkiss writes to her children about funerals in the neighborhood, the health of various family members, upcoming travel, and her views on slavery.



Dear Children

I am seated trying to write a few lines to Let you know how we get along this stormy Sabbath evening. I have Been to Church today. not many out. there was a funeral Sermon to Be preached on the Death of a Mrs Simons a tailor in the village. she went to Delhi on a visit and died there. it is somewhat sickly about Mr Copley has lost three Children with the Scarlet fever. We went over to kirkwood to Pamelia's funeral the same day Mrs Bird was buried. we Carried Davy and Jenna to Great Bend and then Came home. We had a hard day of it. was very muddy. Elisaann has Been very sick with the sore throat But is better. George says he thinks you ought to write to him. he thinks he cannot write. I tell him he can scratch off something you can read. I do not know as you can read this. my eyes are very bad. I have worked very hard this fall two or three weeks. I have done all my work alone. I am going to Scranton to take care of Little Sara. Jenna is going with Mrs Brisbane to New York to spend a few days. Maggie is Coming to keep house for me.

you speak of excitement and Commotion But I think you need have no fears from the North. we do not wish to interfere with you on slavery. I had rather work myself than have slaves. We know there is some that would like to stir up party spirit. But if you at the South feel approved of God to have slaves then all is well. I wish you to have the smiles and approbation of a holy God who does all things right and to whom we must all stand or fall for ourselves. Look at the matter Candidly and impartially. if we have peace within then the storm without will not disturb us. I am glad your prospects are growing better. I hope you may all do well. I should Be glad if you was all where we could see you often But it is not so. But we must soon part to meet no more on earth. you must all do the Best you can. all will Be well with you then. now my Dear Children and grandchildren I Love you all I hope you all will do well. I think of you often and wish you Could run in and see us.

your father's health is poor this winter. he does not get much rest nights and that seems to wear upon him. I think my health is pretty good but my eyes trouble me so much I am troubled to see to write. But I have no to write for me so you must make the Best of it and write as often as you Can to us. give our Love to nelson and his family and may the Blessing of god rest upon you all is the prayer of

of your affectionate mother

Lydia Hotchkiss

Write Soon

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